Great set of Bible lessonst This is a great debate and especially a great set of Bible lessons that Dr. Chastain spent so much time preparing. I have listened to him over and over again. He is a great speaker and I can see how Dr. Jim got a lot of his style and teaching from this great man. Thanks Dr. Jim of sharing these debate lessons with us.
Great Sermon! These classes were great. Bro Mike did a great job in presenting what the JW's believe and Dr. Jim gave us some great Scriptures to help us deal with the Witnesses. I used to lock the door when they came by on Saturday morning but now I look foreward to witnessing to them. I invite them in. I ask them if they want something to drink and I go to work on them with God's Word and follow them down the street witnessing to them. I think they skip my house now and run for cover when I try to get them to stop by my house. Thanks again guys for some great witnessing material. You changed my life.
Great Bible lesson Thanks Dr. Jim for giving all of these
Bible texts to help us deal with our friends that are Jehovah witnesses. This class was great. And Mike did a great job telling about how the services are held in the assembly halls and about the lessons that they teach there.
Great Bible Lesson The original scriptures have a lot of light to shed on the movies that we have seen from Holiwood. What a Great learning experience this class was.
Great Book! I loved these classes and they were a great learning tool for me. When I came to Jim's classes I didn't even know if I was saved. Now I go to bed each night rejoicing that I know for sure that I am saved and Jesus really loves me. Thanks Dr. Jim for all of your teaching over the last several years that I have studied in your classes. Ptaise God I know I'm saved.
Great Bible Study What a great Bible study. Just when you think you know what the Bible teaches on a very familiar subject Dr. Jim opens up brand knew things you never have heard or thought of before. What a very informative class. Thanks again Dr. Jim for another great class that took a lot of deep preparation to teach.
Great Sermon! What a great sermon. This class was fantastic. These few passages in scripture give the whoe history of the future of the world. Thanks Dr. Jim fpr another great Bible study.
Great Sermon! This class made my hair stand on end and my skin crawl with terror. I thank God that he saved me from this terrible place that is real. Thanks again Dr. Jim for a lesson that we need to hear preached much more often.
Great Sermon! It made me have the willies but I think that we need to study about this old guy the devil. Thanks Dr. Jim for a great lesson about the meanest person in the universe, the old devil.
Great Bible lesson What a great lesson on the trinity. I loved it. It really helped me to understand the Doctrine of the Trinity a lot better. Thanks Dr. Jim for another great lesson.
Great Sermon! I did not know all the wonderful details of Joseph's life and how he is a type of Christ in His first and second coming. What a great sermon and Bible lesson. Thanks again Dr. Jim.
Great set of Lessons This is one of the most interesting classes that Dr. Jim has ever taught. It ties all the loose ends of church history together and really helps you to understand the true epic servival of God's churches down through the last 2000 years. The evolution of doctrines and dogma was especially interesting.Thanks again Dr. Jim for another fantastic set of lessons.
Great Testimony I listened intently as I heard this mother tell of the love that her son had for people so poor that they could not help themselves. This was a great testimony and a great example to our families for the love of God. Thank you Elfrieda and Wally.
Great Testimony What a great testimony to the Grace of God these 2 great Christian people are in our class. Everyone was moved as this elderly mother who very seldom ever speaks in public to get up a say the words that she spoke to comfort and encourage all of our hearts. It was otherworldly. Thank you Wally and Elfrieda for being part of our lives and encouraging us in our Christian walk with God.
What Great testimony of Christian Character Everyones heart was touched as this mother who had raised her children in a God fearing manner got up and told the story of her dear son as he had tried to serve his God in his personal life. Peter Reimer died suddenly of a heart attack while in Africa on a mission trip. He was only 55 years old. Elfrieda told how Peter had read a book about David Livingstone when he was a young boy and had a great desire to follow in Dr. Livingsstone's footprints. Her desire to serve God all of her life shines through this great time of grief but resignation to God's ultimate purpose. What a great testimony these peoples lives are to the grace and mercy of God's will. Wally Peter's father them Got up and led the class as he does every Sunday morning in a Gospel song still worshipping and serving God in his hour of great testing. This is a great show of the power of the grace of God. God's grace is most powerful most beautiful when you need it the most. These people know how to live for God and they die well also. May God richly bless this family in their hour of grief.
Great Sermon! This is one of the greatest messages that I have ever heard in my life. If I was not saved and heard this message I would run down to the altar, not walk and cry out for God to save my soul and forgive my sins. Amen Amen Amen to this wonderful message. Thanks Dr. Jim