Great Sermon! A very hard-hitting sermon that really shocked my soul. Should we help anyone who "works the sign", meaning anyone holding up a sign emblazoned with the words "Will Work For Food"?
Great Sermon! Excellent sermon! The decency code was called the Television Code of the National Association of Broadcasters. People who grew up in the 1960s and 1970s may recall the N.A.B.'s Seal of Good Practice. The Code also prohibited displays of actress' navels, such as Mary Ann (from Gilligan's Island) wearing a bikini or Jeannie (from I Dream of Jeannie) wearing harem pants. Modesty is always in style.
Great Sermon! Excellent sermon. The need to avoid sin at all costs cannot be emphasized enough, even if it means taking extreme interventions to stop sin at its tracks.
I have to agree with everything you've said. My son a Christian used to go to AA meetings. He refused to say at the beginning up every meeting. Hello my name is Todd and I'm an alcoholic. He would also refer to his higher power as Jesus. This didn't make him very popular. I for a time attended Alanon. I would think boy if the Christian churc was a devoted to church as these folks are that woud be awesome. Loved your article.
AMEN AMEN AMEN! I was so blessed & convicted by this message. I pray that many, many people will listen. Thank you for your faithfulness in preaching and to the Word of God. I'd be hard-pressed not to be saying "AMEN" many times if I were in your congregation!
Encouraging and thought provoking What a blessing this message was to me. I pray that many people heard this timely sermon. I can't help but wonder if any have ever thought about this before.
Great Sermon! Thank you for this faithful message! There really is no safer place in all the universe than in the hand of such an almighty, sovereign, and holy God.
All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.
John 6:37
Rejoice in the LORD, ye righteous; and give thanks at the remembrance of his holiness.
Psalm 97:12
Excellent article! I think women in combat is just another link in the chain of events communists are using to bring America to it's knees. Thankfully God is in control!
... the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the basest of men. Daniel 4:17
He increaseth the nations, and destroyeth them: he enlargeth the nations, and straiteneth them again. Job 12:23
This is an excellent article and illustrates how our current government is regressing and labeling it “progressive”. I don't understand why our government leaders cannot see the simple logic and dangers that will likely occur in a combat zone. One of our government's main job is to protect its citizens but implementing this will put us and many of our soldiers at risk. I am afraid there will be a painful lesson learned from this down the road and a lesson that will be difficult to correct. Who will have the political guts to repeal this once it is implemented? The blame will never be directed at this new policy because it isn’t politically correct to do so. Our obsession to political correction is another good topic for later.
Great Sermon! This is THE most helpful and illuminating (by God's grace) sermon I've ever heard on Election specifically as it relates to evangelism and salvation, and it presents point after point of God's truth. There are some who say you can disbelieve, or "be wrong," on God's election, and still be a brother in Christ... "our Arminian brothers..." but they are wrong, and I see that now. I did not know God when I thought I chose Christ, rather than that He chose me. Listen to this sermon!
Great Sermon! That was a most comforting sermon!! Those of my generation have grown up in material prosperity and spiritual complacency. The trials hitting the country now, though judgments, will be for the good of God's people. Rom 8:28
Great Sermon! I love that sermon. I agree with you on this one. Just because you meet or exceed eligibility criteria for services or supports doesn't mean you should receive them. We live in a culture of entitlement, that's for sure.
Great Sermon! Quite appropriate and timely message.
D enemy has overtly and subtly infiltrated the media and governments to promote antiChrist
ideologies which, on the surface, appear progressive but anti- family n unbiblical.
Milton Job