How Solemnly True!!! It is as you have preached it Mr Knapp and perhaps the evil that exists is worse then one could possibly conceive. I have been out of church for 15 years greiving at what passes for religion today I have often been in depression of spirit often mouring often crying to my God about this famine but the only reply the Lord gives me is, this is my judgement upon an apostate people and ministers alike.
Great Sermon! Luke 6:22-23
Blessed are you when men hate you, and when they cut you off, and will reproach you, and will cast out your name as evil, on account of the Son of Man;
rejoice in that day, and leap for joy; for, behold, your reward is much in Heaven! For their fathers did according to these things to the prophets.
Great Sermon! Excellent description of repentance - "throw down the weapons of your warfare against God". True, until God grants repentance there is no hope of real blessing in the land. An improved economy would no sign of blessing.
Great Sermon! The truth does not need to be defended nor does it need to be clarified for it lives forever. Another great sermon from a true man of GOD......
Very clear teaching ! Your message conveys clear biblical teaching to prove our total depravity and hence our urgent need of the Saviour. Thank you.
Great Sermon! Amen..! Thank you for this wonderful message! Praise God, our eternal salvation is of the Lord! May God richly bless your church and ministry!
Great Sermon! Thank you, I came to know the Lord at 19 and was raised in the gettos of Camden NJ transformed and I am going to be 53 soon, this sermon helps so much, I thought I was the only one who felt this kind of loneliness. This sermon blessed me, thank you Jesus.