Great Sermon! What a great fantastic and wonderful message on the person of Jesus. O how Dr. Jim glorified our Savior in this great message. And I do not want to leave out how Brandy blessed us with her wonderful angelic prayer at the beginning of this class.
A True Bible Scholor Dr. Phillips is one of the best bible teachers today, his translations and teachings bring God's Word to a complete understanding. Amazing!!!!
Great Sermon! This was another great class that this great preacher taught at a special set of classes on the book of Daniel while he was still a professor at CMBI. Brother Hubbard was my friend and mentor all of my adult life till his death in 1998.
Great Sermon! What a great message on Church History. May this message bless your heart and give you a greater appreciation for the freedom that you have to worship God without any fear in your local churches.
Great Sermon! I wanted to place this great sermon out here for all to hear even several years after this great man had gone on to his reward. Brother Madden was a great friend on mine and I loved him dearly for the great leader that he was and still is today. May God bless this message as it reaches to the ends of the earth.
Great Sermon! This was a great sermon and History lesson on theology and the evolution of theology. It was great to actually be in this class in person.
Great Sermon! Another Great Sermon, History lesson, and Bible Study all in one. I never get tired of Dr. Jim teaching Church History and all the Evolution of theology found there in.
Great Sermon! What a fantastic Sermon & message on the experience of Grace in a Child of God's life. This Sermon is a must for all to hear and experience.
Great Sermon! This was a Great Sermon and a terrific message on the different stages of heaven and hell and a study on this ancient monument the Sphinx. God bless you Dr. Jim for all the research and study that you do to get these wonderful messages to all the world.
Great Sermon! As usual Dr Jim Delivers spiritual truths from the text. I have been listening to full Gospel of John and found so many insights that often times get hidden in the translation and insights in the historical background.
Great Sermon! Dr. Reed was one of the greatest Baptist preachers who ever lived in the 20th century. This message shows insight far beyond others of his time. I hope all who hear this message enjoy the research that Dr. Roy did on this message 45 years ago before Google and the search engines that we all take for granted in our time.
Great Sermon! Brandy is one of my most brilliant students and she really shines as she gives her testimony. She is one of the leaders at Valley Baptist Church in the Ladies ministries. Her sincerity is unsurpassed in her prayers. We put this little testimony out here to encourage all who hear it.
Great Sermon! I think I will give just some of the comments of others that listened to this great sermon, Bible lesson, and seminary class etc. One lady said; You took me right to Nineveh in living color I saw everything in living color right before my eyes just like I was there. Another man said; Wow I had no idea of the information that can be had out of this little book. It was just like being in the greatest seminary class ever. Another lady said; This was the greatest sermon that I ever heard. Another man said; Wow what a great message. I loved it. One young man that was not here for all the message said; Man I missed the first part of this message what a loss. Man I wish I had gotten here earlier. I have to say all of this too and everyone that was in this church service was spiritually lite up. The whole church body was spiritually lifted up by this great message.
Great Sermon! This class was a grand finally of the book of Revelation. Dr. Jim did another great job bringing the story of Revelation to us in living color one more time.
Great Sermon! This is an Absolutely Great message on the end times. This is spooky but I think all people should know just how close the end could be.