Great Sermon! This is the most complete study of who the two witnesses of the book of Revelation are the I have ever heard. Everyone should listen to this sermon to just get the notes on these two prophets. Thanks for a great message on the two witnesses of the book of Revelation.
Great Sermon! What a great sermon with so much information on Jewish history. Dr. Jim read from the book of II Maccabbees and told the story of Jeremiah hiding the Ark of the Covenant and the Tabernacle in a mountain that is now in the nation of Jordan. A Great Sermon on the Calling of Jeremiah with so many extras.
Great Sermon! This is a fantastic message on Fallen Angels and Demons. These beings are real and we need to understand their traits and activities around us daily. A must to hear or watch on video. I have watched this message three times and will watch it several more times. This message is loaded with info about fallen angels and God's ministering angels.
Enlightening! When I was in seminary studying for my Master's, our class did a full-scale analysis of the creation story and also studied creation stories from other cultures such as the ancient Babylonian creation story. But when I heard Dr. Jim's teaching, I have to say that learned more from the original Hebrew text than I learned in my traditional seminary studies. Not to knock my seminary - my education was solid. But Dr. Jim zeroed in using his Hebrew language expertise and really brought out some things that the ancient Hebrew mind is trying to get across to the reader! You've got to listen to this!
Afraid and Happy! I have to say that when I heard this really wonderful teaching by Dr. Jim, I was really afraid because I don't ever want to be in the position that he was in. I was also happy because I have never been face to face with such a thing and I hope that I never will. But the story of the Nephilim is not the only good thing in this teaching! He covers a lot of other great teaching points. But if you are interested in the Nephilim, make sure you listen to this audio!
Deep Teaching! This sermon on John 8:43-9:1 is a teaching that any serious bible student should hear. When you listen to Dr. Phillips, make sure your bible is handy and opened to the text. Because you will look at the text in a way you've never seen it before. That is the gift that Dr. Phillips has. Don't miss this teaching, especially where it covers the deity of Jesus Christ so very well!
Great Sermon! This was a fantastic sermon on many subjects especially on the Deity of Christ Jesus. Dr. Jim covered a myriad of minor subjects even those born of Satan. After class our Missionary Lee Kootstra stated that it would have taken the average preacher 10 sermons to cover the amount of information That Dr. Jim did in one hour. Lee continued to say this was a message worthy of a Doctorate degree and at least three semester hours of credit in any seminary. great preaching on a great subject. By the way if anyone wants to lead a Jehovah witness to the Lord You need to Memorize this message.
Anyone for T-U-L-I-P Everyone should learn about John Calvin, one of the greatest Protestant theologians in world history. But many, many students really miss the point on Calvin and what he believed, what he preached, and what he stood for! And it is important for us to know, because believe it or not, your theology is probably moderate Calvinist!
But, it requires a great Bible teacher who ALSO knows Bible and Christian history to be able to teach his students WHY Calvin believed what he believed, and just how much Calvin's presence and work pushed the Reformation to succeed! Dr. James M. Phillips is the kind of expert Bible teacher that can engage his Bible class in Christian history so that it is NOT boring, but actually enjoyed, learned, and shared!
Goody Goody! Theology and History Side by Side! A lot of bible students don't understand that the Bible is as much a historical book as it is a spiritual book. Therefore, when theology is taught, Christian history is not far behind. And I like that because it lends credence to the text of the Scriptures when a great Bible teacher such as Dr. Jim weaves such an awesome portrait of God's working through history to accomplish his will, plan, and desire. Excellent!
Going DEEP, DEEP, DEEPER! I love the Holy Scriptures because they are multilayered. They are so rich in meaning and message. But also, thank God for Dr. Jim, who can actually take us there. When a person wants to go deep in the Bible, they have to be prepared to face the revelation that they will find. Dr. Jim get's all of us fully prepared so our Father God and Lord Jesus Christ can speak the mysteries of the faith to us and take us DEEP, DEEP, DEEPER!
Fantastic Message! Listen to it Over and Over! This is a wonderful message and really blessed me! I lost my brother when he was a young child and it has been hard to accept all my life. For whatever reason, a person who suffers a lost like that, just cannot sweep it away or hide it under a basket. And when it surfaces, it really hurts and takes a while to deal with. Dr. Jim's message helps me to understand what I have to look forward to, but also helps me to have PEACE in this life!
Great Sermon! This is a really great message on child security. I have many friends that this message will comfort. Thanks for the great message which few have covered in this depth.
Great Sermon! This is the greatest message on child security that I have ever heard. Dr. Jim uses many more scriptures than are usually used to expound on this subject. This message should give great comfort to many who have lost little ones in an early death. Thanks for this great message.
Great Sermon! This class was simply fantastic. If you are looking for information to help you convert Jehovah Witnesses, these are the classes that you need. Download the whole series from John 1:1-18 and John 8:12-through the 10th Chapter of John..
Dr. Phillips is a Fantastic Bible Teacher I have known Dr. James Phillips for 15 years. I have a M.A. in Theology from a leading conservative Baptist University. But when I listen to Dr. Phillips teach, I learn a wealth of information about the Bible that I did not learn in university. If one wants to really learn the Bible, there is no better way to do it than to listen to Dr. Phillips teachings. Listen as much as you can, takes notes, and learn to really utilize your Bible as God's Word to YOU!!
Great Sermon! This was a great class on the return of Christ in a logical non-sensational rational medium of basic scriptural knowledge. How different this sermon is from the average sensationalistic messages one useually hears on this subject. Great sermon.
Great Sermon! This was wonderful. I have a close friend of mine who is a JW. This message was very uplifting in spirit. When he said, "anybody can get out of a cult" i was reminded again by you when I started having doubts about my friend coming out. What a blessing to hear this story.