Great Sermon! This was a great message on the early life of Jesus and a great message on the high calling of God and a challenge in our responsibilities as real Christian men and women to live our lives for God and not just for ourselves.
Great Sermon! This is one of Brother Tim's Great messages on the Word of God. We Hope that all will enjoy this great message from and about the Word of God.
Great Sermon! I loved this message. It is a great challenge to Bible teachers and pastors today. I hope that many enjoy this great lecture about and from the Word of God.
Great Sermon! This is a fantastic lecture on the History of the Greek language. I hope that all of you on SermonAudio enjoy this message as much as I did. This Lecture is a must for all Bible teachers.
Great Sermon! This is one of the Greatest messages that I have yet to hear on the true qualifications of a Biblical spirit filled husband. This original message was 2 hours long and not a person left during the service. Several men dedicated their lives after this message and several non-believers that attended were save at the altar call at the end of this message. Enjoy this great message from God's Word from a wonderful man of God Pastor John E McClung 1937-2000.
Great Sermon! This is one of the Greatest messages that I have yet to hear on the true qualifications of a Biblical spirit filled husband. This original message was 2 hours long and not a person left during the service. Several men dedicated their lives after this message and several non-believers that attended were save at the altar call at the end of this message. Enjoy this great message from God's Word from a wonderful man of God Pastor John E McClung 1937-2000.
Great Sermon! I wanted all those out there in the different places in the world to be able to attend and old time seminary class. Many of the classes and sermons on and are seminary classes or seminary type teaching. Brother McClung was one of our greatest and most humble teachers ever to attend or teach at CMBI. I Hope that you enjoy these classes. I know that they will enrich your spiritual walk and also hold your nose to the grindstone when rightfully dividing God's Word if you divide God's Word according to the principles set down in these classes..
Great Sermon! This sermon is another of Dr. Jim's greatest messages on the Sabbath and the origin of modern day Sunday Worship. Thanks Dr. Jim for all the research that you do to get these wonderful messages to all of us.
Great Sermon! What a great sermon. One of the greatest that I ever heard Dr. Jim preach. It is loaded with historical records about Jesus. This ought to help convince the unbelievers and agnostics of who Jesus really is.
Great Sermon! This is one of Dr. Jim's greatest messages of all time. Jim is a real Bible detective. He studies history and the Bible and brings out some of the most fascinating facts. Like Brother Bill said near the end of the class Every pastor ought to hear this message and get this info out for all to hear. Great work for building this fantastic historical and Biblical message.
Great Sermon! What a fantastic sermon on the extra-Biblical and historical proofs and evidence of the birth, life, miracles, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Everyone ought to listen to this message to help their agnostic and atheist friends come to the reality of Christ's life and His sacrifice for the sins of man.