Theology and History Class This is written to clarify some things about the teachings & life of John Calvin. Calvin’s family planned for him to become a Catholic priest but because of financial advantages he was trained as a lawyer. Calvin was never an ordained Catholic priest but he did the work of an ordained priest & was paid as a priest for many years in Catholic & Dominican churches. Calvin was in trouble with the Catholic authorities much of his career because he did not administer Baptism, Marriage, & the Eucharist as Catholic dogma demanded. He believed that Baptism & the Eucharist were in some ways mystical vehicles of grace but not as Catholicism taught. Calvin did not believe in transubstantiation but a modified form of consubstantiation, but not as Luther taught. Calvin’s writings evolved over the years & many students of Calvin have problems with his early & later period writings. What Calvin believed when he was young he did not believe when he became older. Calvin never actually wanted to leave the Catholic Church but he wanted to reform her dogmas and purify her. John Calvin, like the Catholic Church & Augustine believed in the absolute marriage of the church & state. Calvin even tried to create Augustine’s idea of a Real "City of God" ruled by an Ecclesiastical state.
Great Sermon! I really thought that this message on Hell was a great message that all should hear. This sermon made Hell a vivid and terrible place that all should avoid. I am sure that I have many relatives and loved ones that are on their way to Hell, and I also have many relatives there wishing others would mend their ways and repent and believe before it is forever too late. Once you close your eyes in death your eternity is forever fixed and cannot be changed. Please listen to this wonderful message and if you are not saved by the grace of God and the work of the Holy Spirit get it done before it is forever too late.
Great Sermon! This is one of the greatest sermons that I have ever heard on the doctrine of Hell. We all have relatives that have gone to Hell and are wishing and hoping that we will believe and repent before we come to that terrible place. This is a message that everyone should hear.
Great Sermon! Thank you Dr. Jim for the best set of classes on Calvinism that I have ever heard explained. This is a very misunderstood subject in theological circles. Thank you again for the clarity on this subject.
Great Sermon! I have written two other comments on this message but I just listened to it again and I must say that this is the greatest message on the doctrine of hell that I have ever heard. Everyone should listen to this sermon at least once a year for the rest of their lives. What a fantastic message for the world today.
Great Sermon! This was a really great sermon about spiritual forces and the other dimensions that Christians face each and every day in their daily walk of life.
Great Sermon! What a great sermon. The assurance of the forgiveness of our sins past present and future is a wonderful blessing, and gives one great pleasure in understanding the full complete work of Christ in our lives.
Great Sermon! This is another masterpiece wrought from the original language from the Gospel of John. This message will build your faith and give you confidence in the Son of God as the real Jehovah God of the Bible. A great message from a great theologian.
Great Sermon! This was an exceptional sermon filled with the historical information behind the very census where Mary and Joseph had to travel to Bethlehem to be enrolled on the Roman census. Another great sermon from a master theologian.
Great Sermon! This is a great message from the Hebrew language. This is a reminder that God's pending judgment on man's rebellion is real and sure.
Great Sermon! This was a great class and a great Sermon from the original text of the Hebrew Old Testament. God is the Judge and at times judgement comes to those who will not listen to His Word.
Great Sermon! What a Great Sermon. This message is loaded great information right straight from the original languages. This sermon clears up a lot of Miss Information. Thanks for a great sermon.
Great Sermon! Absolutely Brilliant. This is one of the Greatest messages the I have ever heard Dr. Jim preach. Every minister and Bible teacher should memorize this message, You need it. Those with families in the Jehovah Witness cult need to memorize this message and try to win them to the Christ of the Bible. For Christ is without doubt the Jehovah of the Bible.