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Harbor Reformed Baptist Church
Matthew I. Morgan  |  Holland, Michigan
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Harbor Reformed Baptist Church 269 Douglas Avenue Holland, Michigan 49424
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"Audio is very fast"
Dale from Ohio
The book is excellent but the audio reading of the book here is too fast to be able to follow and comprehend.
Jonathan Edwards | Book Narrations by T. Sullivan
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Sermon3/7/07 9:53 PM
~JM~ from Canada  Find all comments by ~JM~
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“ Great Sermon! ”
No one delivers grace filled sermons like Philpot! Thank you.

Sermon2/16/07 1:38 PM
J. Walsh from Pennsylvania, USA  Find all comments by J. Walsh
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A Few Sighs from Hell
John Bunyan
“ Blessed are those that fear the Lord. ”
God's truth says, 'The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom.' But it is exactly at this point where Satan began his lies. His first lie to Eve '...thou shalt not surely die...' demonstrated how this master deceiver even at the beginning knew that if he were able to remove the fear of God before their eyes, sin would be the result. At the basis of his deceit lies this fundamental principle. Concerning the fallen mass of humanity, he knows as the scripture says, 'There is no fear of God before their eyes.' And thus he labors to keep them in this condition. My dear friend, has the Evil one deceived you? Do you suppose that you can begin a true Christian course without first having the fear of God? Have you seen your wretched, sinful, doleful and helpless condition? Have you felt the wrath of Almighty God hovering over your soul, with the Divine sword of justice ready to strike you down into hell where you belong? Until you wake up to your miserable condition and that you have spent your life asleep in Satan's lap, in service to God's enemies, you will never be sensible to flee to refuge for salvation in Jesus Christ. Flee I say! Flee from the wrath to come. For He says, 'Him that cometh unto me, I will in no wise cast out.'

Sermon2/13/07 4:35 PM
Brian & Yvette Landreneau from Lacombe, Louisiana  Find all comments by Brian & Yvette Landreneau
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you for sharing this wonderful testimony with us! It's good to hear what the Lord has done for others,.. it's always cause for praise and it's so encouraging. I made copies for Brian to share with any of the Seabees who will listen. I know it will be a blessing! Mrs. Brian Landreneau

Sermon2/12/07 4:59 AM
Thomas M Sullivan from Jenison, MI  Find all comments by Thomas M Sullivan
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“ About the Narration ”
I felt an urgent need to narrate this for Sermon Audio after listening to a call in to The Way of the Master radio program. A desperate caller admitted he had fallen into serious sin and was going to forbidden places. The host assisted to answer the question about whether sin is in dominion in the life - the person is still ungenerate, or whether the sin was the indwelling sin that all believers deal with. No book answered this question as thoroughly as John Owen. He probes to the core of the human heart. It was published 5 years after Owen's death in 1688.

Sermon8/25/06 9:17 PM
Thomas M Sullivan  Contact via email
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“ Riveting and Gripping Discussion ”
This is an account from an intense, and mournful 48 hour period from eye witnesses who were gathered around the death bed of a youth just turned 16. It is the mother's agony of a "Lorenzo's Oil" movie drama times four. It is the sigh of a father agonizing with the question of the extenuation of a life or the prolonging of a death. But most beautifully, it is the house of mourning as an instrument to draw members of a church together in earnest prayer, one body, one hope. But the hope not realized, the prayers answered in God's mysterious unscrutable way, not as we will but as perfect Wisdom has seen fit.

Sermon5/8/06 8:28 AM
Benjamin Wilson from Vermont  
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“ Sabbath Issues ”
This is a tough topic for the church today, I am thankful Mark Chanski goes after it. I think addressing the 'dispensational' view has merit, but there are also many grace-oriented reformed churches that also are very loose with this 'Sabbath' doctrine. I have attended reformed churches that represent either side of this equation, and it has been a difficult subject to navigate. It simply is not so 'cut and dry' as either extreme would like to make it. Maybe a respectful debate between formidable representatives would be useful to guard against our tendencies toward disassociation on such an issue...maybe Piper & Sproul? Or MacArthur and A.N. Martin? Can someone work on that? ;)

Sermon4/21/06 5:34 AM
T M S from Grand Rapids, MI  
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Revelation Chapters 1-22
Thomas Sullivan
“ Audio Bible ”
This is my 21st year narrating books on cassettes but it is my first attempt at narrating the Scriptures. Since the King James Version has been read numerous times, I chose the American Standard Version 1901 since it also is in the public domain and is a very accurate text according to the former professors of Trinity Ministerial Academy. My influence for reading Revelation, especially chapter 8, is Alexander Scourby. His "Woe, Woe, Woe" had a great deal of pathos and conviction. It gave me a sense of Godly fear while listening to him read. I do not prefer background music when narrating Scriptures. Often the musical tone doesn't match the message being read.

Sermon4/18/06 8:10 AM
Markes Wilson from Vermont  
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“ Thank you ”
this was very good. It could have gone on forever...I am so disturbed by the evangelical embracing of Catholicism in America today. After attending graduate studies at the University of Notre Dame, I realized how terribly muddy the waters have become.

Sermon4/18/06 6:16 AM
T M S from Grand Rapids, MI  
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Thoughts on Religious Experience #2
Archibald Alexander
“ Newer Narration ”
There are two narrations of this book on Sermon Audio. This is the newer one. The other narration I did about 20 years ago for the Chapel Library back when I had my old Montana accent and words with "ing" endings were pronounced "en." I don't possess those original cassettes, but somehow those old narrations and a number of Spurgeon narrations I did have been dug up and are being placed on Sermon Audio from another broadcaster. Since my recording equipment has improved, I am attempting to furnish a better narration. All narrations that we have added here are new - since November 2004 - except Treatise on the Religious Affections, by Jonathan Edwards, Conviction of Sin by Charnock as well as an Alarm to the Unconverted by Joseph Alleine. - TMS

Sermon4/16/06 3:43 PM
Arthur from Scotland  
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Alive or Dead
J. C. Ryle
“ Great Teacher! ”
Through his writing Ryle has been a friend for years. His writing and expositions reveal a wonderfully pragmatic teacher. Ryle teaches all around us are dead. You must be born again to be brought to life. We all need the same change to be saved. How many are churchmen but not saved.? We cannot work this mighty change ourselves.(Jer.13:23) Are you alive - or dead.?

Sermon3/23/06 8:36 AM
Thomas Sullivan from Jenison, MI  Contact via email
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“ Narration Comments ”
The motivation for narrating these prayers was after I listened to Max MClean, the well known Bible narrator, narrate the book, Valley of Vision, a collection of Puritan prayers. I was very satisfied with MClean's narrations and decided that I should improve my own. Unfortunately one of my Shure Microphones, I use two mics, went out on the second cassette and the recording quality was not as good on it. It will probably get renarrated, the old mic now replaced. I have been aware of the heights and breadths of Spurgeon's prayers for years first coming across them in an old Best of Spurgeon paperback put out by Baker Books that I came across way back in 1983. There is so much in them that are God glorifying, and self withering. TMS

Sermon3/19/06 5:01 PM
T M S  
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“ Thomas Chalmers Comment ”
From the Sermon, Fury Not in God. It makes one shudder seriously to think that there may be some here present whom this devouring torrent of wrath shall sweep away; some here present who will be drawn into the whirl of destruction, and forced to take their descending way through the mouth of that pit where the worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched; some here present who so far from experiencing in their own persons that there is no fury in God, will find that throughout the dreary extent of one hopeless and endless and unmitigated eternity, it is the only attribute of His they have to do with. But hear me, hear me ere you have taken your bed in hell; hear me, ere that prison door be shut upon you which is never, never again to be opened? Hear me, hear me, ere the great day of the revelation of God’s wrath comes round, and there shall be a total breaking up of that system of things which looks at present so stable and so unalterable? On that awful day I might not be able to take up the text and say there is no fury in God.

Sermon3/16/06 7:40 AM
stanley mcqeen from kentucky mountains  Contact via email
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The Christian in Romans 7
A. W. Pink
“ Great Sermon! ”
wonderful message it brings to light the two natures of man.. seeing this we see struggles of the natural man and the inter -man which is only common, and the conflict last as long as man lives in the flesh, Paul decribes himself as a wreched man but delivered through the power of God to have helped him excape through the inter man whom is of God .we are to walk in the spirit OF God not in the old nature, and to follow the commands of God instead of the flesh, note as long as saved man lives he will have conflicts of the flesh man and the inter -man

Sermon2/20/06 12:56 PM
Matt from Zeeland, Mich.  
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“ Great Lesson! ”
Interesting related post... "You might be emergent if..." http://purgatorio1.com/?p=105

Sermon2/7/06 1:35 PM
Angie Wooden from Grand Rapids  
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“ Great Sermon! ”
This sermon was very helpful to me and others. I now understand the views about Revalation which I needed to know for school and life. Thank you!:)

Sermon2/1/06 1:15 PM
Greg M. from Louisville, Kentucky  Contact via email
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“ Motivating and sobering sermon! ”
As a former Naval officer, this sermon was an incredible encouragement to my own sould with regards to friends that have died in the fight. I am very thankful that this sermon was brought to my attention and I wish every citizen of our country could listen to it. I know I will be making copies of it to send to some of my friends who are headed overseas or who have recently returned. Thank you for your labors, Pastor Chanski. I am already looking forward to listening to this sermon again.

Sermon1/3/06 3:59 AM
Thomas M Sullivan  
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“ This is two narrations ”
This file consists of two narrations. The first is from A W Pink's exposition of Hebrews - an amplification of Hebrews 6:4-6 "partakers of the Spirit" "once enlightened" "Tasted of the heavenly gift"... how can that be consistent with falling away? The second narration that fills out the tape is like to it, the work of the Holy Spirit in the temporary believer, by Thomas Goodwin from his collected works, volume 6, explaining how far in appearance a temporary believer may be to a believer by the work of the common influences of the Spirit that are short of His saving work.

Sermon12/25/05 4:47 PM
Thomas M Sullivan from Jenison, MI  
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“ Amazing Grace of God in a Life ”
When sharing this story with a workmate, he said it is absolutely impossible. A soldier cannot go from E-4 Corporal (NCO) to Captain in less than 5 years. But nothing is impossible with God and with lives God is working through. One of the more moving testimonies I have heard in sometime. To see a wreck of a life going from nowhere in West VA. to soon being in charge of 800 Iraq soldiers, show is sufficient for these things but for the grace of God. Glad to have gotten to know this dear man personally.

Sermon11/28/05 8:21 PM
Thomas M Sullivan  
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Examining Ourselves
Jonathan Edwards
“ Explanation from the Narrator ”
This sermon was just narrated for Sermon Audio (Finished) November 27th 2005. The original one already on Sermon Audio was only the first part of the sermon. It was 60 minutes long and is already two years old. This one is more complete but I still could not fit the whole sermon on a 90 minute cassette but had to summarize the application. At this time I have moved on to narrate Edward's famous work, Distinguishing Marks of a Work of the Spirit of God. There is one Edwards' work I narrated for the Chapel Library in the past but don't have the original tapes, and that is Thoughts on the Present Revival of Religion, and thus may choose this title to read in the near future. Part of that work is available here as "Undiscerned Spiritual Pride."

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