“Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right.” (Gen. 18:25)
This is what Abraham said to the Lord when he found out the Lord was going to destroy Sodom. Abraham had prayed that Sodom might be preserved for the sake of ten righteous men. Abraham was sure of this…whatever the Lord does is right! He does not do it because it is right, it is right because He does it! There are so many questions that arise in our mind. “Why did the Lord let that happen?” “Why does it seem that so few are saved?” What happens to infants and mentally disabled people when they die?” We could go on and on with questions that arise in all of our minds. But there is no need to become stressed concerning any of them because we have this blessed assurance. “Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right.” Yes, He shall! Whatever He does is right. I may not understand what He is doing, but I do understand that whatever He does, and however He does it, is right.
Pastor Todd Nibert
All error in theology springs from two sources: Attempts to make Almighty God less than He is, or attempts to make puny man more than he is.
Pastor Henry Mahan
When I was on vacation last week, I spent quite a bit of time watching the ocean. The ocean was vast and powerful beyond my comprehension. The ocean was constantly moving. Its tides came in and went back out, directed by a power from above. Its waves never stopped crashing onto the beach. As I watched, it occurred to me nothing man made could ever stop that ocean from going wherever it wanted to go. Only the power of God can keep the ocean where it is. God said “Hitherto shalt thou come, but no further: and here shall thy proud waves be stayed” (Job 38:11) and there it has stayed ever since. No matter how much the ocean rose, it always fell back. No matter how much water crashed onto the sand, it always drained back into the ocean. What a Creator and what a Ruler God is!
God’s church is much like the ocean. It is vast and powerful beyond my comprehension. It goes forth directed by power from above. Nothing man made can ever stop it from going where God sends it. Even “the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Matt 16:18). And there is unity in God’s church just like the vast ocean. God’s elect are made up of people from every age, every generation, and every nationality. What holds them all together? What keeps them always coming back to one another? The power of our Savior from above. He will never let one of His sheep wander off or be plucked out of His Almighty hand, so we can never be lost. The love of Christ binds His people together with a force greater than any other force on earth. What a God and what a Savior!
The longer I live the more I bless God that we have not received a classical gospel, nor a mathematical gospel, nor a metaphysical gospel. It is not a gospel confined to scholars and men of genius, but a poor man’s gospel, a ploughman’s gospel; for that is the kind of gospel which we can live upon and die upon. It is to us not a luxury of refinement, but the staple food of life. We want no fine words when the heart is heavy, neither do we need problems when we are lying upon the verge of eternity, weak in body and tempted in mind. At such times we magnify the simplicity of the gospel. Jesus in the flesh, made manifest, becomes our soul’s bread. Jesus bleeding on the cross, a substitute for sinners, is our soul’s drink. This is the gospel for babes, and strong men want
C. H. Spurgeon