Remember Daylight Savings Time ends next Sunday. Remember to turn your clocks back one hour. We welcome Brother Andy Davis from Todds Road Grace Church in Lexington, KY to preach both messages for us today. Andy is a gifted preacher of the gospel of God’s free and sovereign grace and we pray the Lord will bless him as he preaches. The Lord willing, Janet and I will be returning home today and I will bring the message during our mid-week worship service.
The gospel of Christ breaks us and removes all confidence in the flesh. The gospel of Christ strips us, humbles us and puts us in the dust before God. Yet at the same time, the gospel of Christ gives a sinner complete confidence to come to God in Christ (Heb 4:16). What a joy to know that God will accept a sinner like me if I come to Him with nothing of my own, but pleading Christ alone!
A certain man said he daily listened to a certain radio preacher even though the preacher occasionally said things diametrically opposed to the truth. The man defended listening to the preacher because “He says a lot of things that are true.” If a chef is renowned for preparing sumptuous meals, but also suspected of occasionally spitting on them, would you frequent his restaurant? Is not your soul more important than your body?
Missionary Daniel Parks
It is not true faith to trust Christ ONLY WHEN YOU FEEL YOU ARE SAVED. True faith is to trust Christ AT ALL TIMES; whether you feel like you are saved or not; when you have a deep consciousness of your sin and when you don't; when you have assurance of faith and when your faith is so weak you wonder if you have faith at all. A person is not saved because he feels saved nor because he is aware of his sinfulness. A person is saved when he trusts Christ...His blood for redemption and forgiveness of sin, His righteousness for acceptance with God; when he commits all to Him as the "Author and Finisher of our faith." Our feelings may change by the hour but our salvation is not dependent on our feelings; it is dependent solely on Him Who never changes..."Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever."
Pastor Charles Pennington
I can appreciate the ability of the learned botanist to give me the scientific name of a rose, the origin of it, the various types of roses, how and where they grow, and the number of petals, thorns, and leaves to expect on a genuine rose; but too often those who become overly tangled in these things somehow lose the most important things—the BEAUTY and FRAGRANCE of the rose! I hope in our teaching, preaching, and witnessing concerning the gospel of our dear Saviour we do not become more concerned with the system than the SWEETNESS, with the mechanics rather than the MERCY, with the right terminology rather than the right SPIRIT and ATTITUDE. You will very soon weary my head if you don’t warm my heart; and while I am eager to learn more of HOW, WHY, and WHEN I got in Christ, I would like to rejoice and enjoy my RELATIONSHIP with Christ! He is my Rose of Sharon which brightens my life and sends His sweet fragrance through my soul. One can preach about Christ and not preach Christ, just as one can know how God saves sinners and not be a saved sinner. “O the wonder of it all, just to think that CHRIST LOVES ME.”
Pastor Henry Mahan