The Lord blessed our conference last week in a special way. The Holy Spirit blessed each message and gave us an unusual time of worship. I would like to thank all of you for the work you put into our conference. A special thanks to our ladies who brought such good food that enabled us to enjoy a good time of fellowship. Thanks for all the ladies who kept the nursery. I know the sacrifice you made so the gospel could be preached. Thanks to our musicians who enabled us to worship in song and music. Thanks to those who helped clean and prepare the building so we could worship in comfort. And thanks to all those who gave so all the expenses for such a conference could be paid. Our Lord blessed all of these efforts and we are thankful! SALVATION

 Salvationis the most beautiful word that a lost condemned sinner could ever hear. It includes all the blessings of grace, and all the blessings of glory. It is the washing of our consciences from guilt, the redemption of our souls from the curse of the law, the renewing of our heart by the Spirit of God, and the freedom of our spirits from the power and dominion of sin. It is to be loved and chosen by God, justified in Christ, born again by the Holy Spirit, pardoned of all wrong doing, received into the family of God, accepted in the beloved. It is to be an heir of God, joint heir with Christ. If I am saved, I have all wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption in Christ.
Pastor Milton Howard
No man truly knows how horrible sin really is because all we are and all we have ever known is sin. If you would know how horrible sin really is, don’t look to your own heart. Your self-righteousness will deceive you just like Saul of Tarsus. If you would know how horrible sin really is, don’t look at your neighbor. That too will make you feel self-righteous just like the Pharisee in the temple who compared himself to the publican (Luke 18:9-14). If you would know how horrible sin really is, don’t even look to the heathen who commit acts of terrorism in the name of their god. That will make you feel self-righteous and holier than thou just like the Jews felt when they looked at the Gentiles.
If you would really see the exceeding sinfulness of sin, you must look to Christ crucified. At the cross we see how awful sin really is when we see how the Father treated His Son when the Son was made sin for His elect. At the cross we see how horrible sin really is by the suffering it took to put sin away. Only the blood of Christ, shed in His dying agony, could put sin away. The precious blood of Christ is the only payment the Father will accept for sin.
When a sinner is enabled by God’s grace to see Christ crucified for their sin, all self-righteousness will melt away because only then do they see what a great sinner they really are. Then they are left worshipping at the feet of Him who shed His blood to cleanse us from all sin.
Free grace no more makes a person want to sin than health makes a person want to get sick again. The notion of sovereign grace giving people a license to sin is the foolish excuse of Pharisees who are not willing to give up their own righteousness. God forbid such talk.
Pastor Paul Mahan
To disobey the Gospel is far worse than to break the law. For disobedience to the law there is a remedy in the Gospel, but for disobedience to the Gospel no remedy can be found!! “There remained no more sacrifice for sins.”
C. H. Spurgeon