For I am the Lord, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed (Malachi 3:6)
It is hard for us to understand how God never changes since we change from moment to moment. The only thing that does not change about man is that we constantly sin. But thank God He never changes. The only reason God does not consume us in His holy wrath against sin is God does not change. If God was not faithful to His covenant of grace, He would have wiped out the human race a long time ago. Man is sinful and rebellious, but God has not consumed the human race because God elected a people to redeem and nothing will alter God’s gracious purpose in election to save those people through the sacrifice of His Son.
We read in the Old Testament of God harshly judging sin and wiping out whole towns because of sin. God still hates sin as much as He ever did. God has not softened His requirement of holy perfection just because man is not able to achieve it. God has promised condemnation for sin and He will not change that promise. But God has also promised salvation in Christ, and He will not change that promise either.
Sinners need a God who changes not. Our faith wavers, but He is always faithful and just. Our love ebbs and flows, but God loves His people with an everlasting, unchanging love. Our patience with and compassion for others is often weak, but God’s compassions fail not (Lam. 3:22). Weak, unstable sinners can have full faith and confidence in Christ our rock of ages who changes not.
How do I know Christ bore my sins? By the same authority which tells me I have sins to be borne: God’s Word.
Scott Richardson
Ezekiel 16:8 Now when I passed by thee, and looked upon thee, behold, thy time was the time of love; and I spread my skirt over thee, and covered thy nakedness: yea, I sware unto thee, and entered into a covenant with thee, saith the Lord GOD, and thou becamest mine.
His, whatever else I am, I am His. In this context, I am accurately depicted by God as a cursed, loathsome, forsaken, polluted dead baby lying in an open field, and so I was before He passed by me, but I was His dead baby. The Apostle Paul as a believer cried out, O wretched man that I am (Rom 7:24), and I must daily cry with him, but I’m His wretch. The Caananite woman cried to the Lord Jesus for mercy, but He dismissed her as an unworthy dog. Yet, she answered in effect, Truth Lord, but I’m your dog.
(Mt 15:21-28).
Since the Master called me, covered me, covenanted with me, cleansed me, clothed me and claimed me (vs 6-10), refer to me in whatever way that you will, I am His. My sin is covered by Christ’s work as my Representative, I am washed in His precious blood, clothed in His perfect righteousness and claimed as His own son. I am nothing, yea less than nothing and vile, but in Christ, I am very beautiful even in the sight of God Himself (vs 13).
Is there any man or devil who thinks to bring a charge against me? Should any wish to argue either the wretched vileness of my nature or any aspect of the incessant river of iniquity that has flowed from my mind, heart, lips and hands since my birth, you would have an infinite supply from which to choose. But being given to Christ by the Father, I am His, and He has pled my case upon His own exemplary merits (John 17). Therefore, malign me for the worm that I am and you’ll get no argument from me, but know that I am His worm, and through Christ’s comeliness (vs 14), I am precious and beautiful to Him, and someday I shall be like Him.
His forever, only His. Who the Lord and me shall part?
Ah, with what a rest of bliss Christ has filled this sinner’s heart
Pastor Chris Cunningham
To deny the absolute efficacy of Christ’s sin-atoning blood is to deny His very deity. If Jesus Christ died to redeem some whom He fails to save by His grace, His is not God.
Pastor Don Fortner
Please plan to stay after the service today for a time of fellowship while we celebrate Juanita Thompson’s 70th birthday.