There is only one difference between Peter and Judas: the Lord did not pray for Judas, but the Lord did pray for Peter when He prayed that Peter’s faith would not fail (Luke 22:32). Peter proved how weak the flesh is when he denied the Lord because he was afraid for his life. The flesh will always fail, but Peter’s faith did not fail for one reason: the Lord prayed for Peter that his faith fail not. We know Peter’s faith did not fail because all it took to break Peter’s heart was for the Lord to look upon him (Luke 22:61). Our flesh is just as weak and full of fear as Peter’s was. Our constant prayer is to be delivered from Satan because every believer knows that if Satan gets a hold on us, our flesh will fail just as quickly as Peter’s flesh failed. The believer’s confidence is not in any strength of our own, not even in the strength of our faith. The believer’s confidence is in Christ alone, in His strength and His faithfulness. I am thankful that true faith which looks to Christ will never fail because Christ, the object of saving faith, will never fail.
Proofs of the existence of God are altogether superfluous to those of us who are in the habit of conversing with the Eternal One. If anybody were to write an essay to prove the existence of my wife, or son, I certainly should not read it, except for the amusement of the thing; and proofs of the existence of God to the man who communes with God are much the same.
Charles Spurgeon
Someone asked me recently what my goals were for our church. I told them, to remain faithful to the gospel. I don't think they understood, but I trust you will. Our Lord said, it is required of a steward that he be found 'faithful'. It is not up to the servant to decide or try to determine what the Master will be pleased to do with his faithful service. Now, you know that the hope of our salvation rests wholly on the faithfulness of Christ. He is the only One that pleased the Father with perfect faithfulness. Oh, but what a high calling it is, for a follower of Christ to be found faithful. Not only is it all we CAN do, it is all we should set our goals TO do. And, it will require all we can find in our Lord's merciful grace to achieve. There is no greater success to set our ambitions toward. I challenge you to make it your goal. Be the most faithful member of your church you can be. Be faithful in worship services. Be faithful in prayer. Be faithful to encourage your brethren. Be faithful to bear one another’s burdens. Be faithful in giving. Be faithful in witnessing. I pray it could be said of us what Paul said of the house of Stephenos, they have addicted themselves to the ministry of the saints'. (I Cor.16:15) What greater reward is there, than to hear Christ say, "well done good and faithful servant"?
Pastor Greg Elmquist
He shall not fail nor be discouraged, till he have set judgment in the earth: and the isles wait for his law. Isaiah 42:4
He Shall Not Fail:
- To establish righteousness for His people by His obedience.
- To put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself.
- To take away the sting out of death and victory away from the grave.
- To subdue all things to Himself.
- To deliver His people from the curse of the law and the power of sin.
- To deliver up the kingdom of God fully intact.
- To raise His people from the grave to full glory and present them faultless before the presence of His glory.
God’s servant shall not fail, cannot fail, did not fail, and will not fail.
John Chapman
We will have a time of fellowship after the service on Sunday, January 19th to celebrate Juanita Thompson’s 70th birthday.
If you need a statement of your giving for your 2013 taxes, please see Tara Kinnel.