Sunday Worship
Bible Study 10:00 A.M.
Morning Service 10:45 A.M.
Wednesday Worship 7:00 P.M.
Our messages can be heard on
Assemble yourselves and honor the King,
He sits on the throne, His triumphs we sing;
King Jesus who died to atone for our sin,
Came forth from the tomb and He liveth again.
The Lamb from above, the battle has won,
He died and arose, the work is all done!
He took on Himself all our debt to repay,
The sins of His people are all washed away.
He liveth again, we praise the great King!
O terrible death, where now is thy sting?
Enthroned in His glory, almighty to save,
Victorious His conquest o’er sin and the grave.
He conquered the tomb and liveth above,
All praise to His Name, all power and love;
Made righteous in Jesus we someday shall rise,
To dwell with our Savior above earth and skies.
(Tune: “O Worship the King” p. 1)
2nd Emmy Thornbury 4th Chris Cremeans
14th Dane Jones 23rd Bobby Lee Baisden
26th Joyce Brown
I am preaching today at Grace Baptist Church of Danville, KY. Jonathan Tate and Dan Morgan will be preaching the gospel here this morning. Please pray for us as we attempt to set forth the glorious riches of our Lord Jesus Christ.
“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”(II Cor. 5:17)
When a child of God is born again, the Holy Spirit births a brand new creation or nature in the heart that never existed before. It is this new creature who believes on and trusts in Christ.
This new creature is brand new in every way. He has a new name: Jehovah-Tsidkenu. “and this is the name wherewith she shall be called, The LORD our righteousness.” (Jer. 33:16) He has a new Master and a new way to serve God. “that we should serve in newness of spirit, and not in the oldness of the letter.” (Rom. 7:6) He has a new song in his mouth: Worthy Is The Lamb. He has a new heart, with new loves. He has new eyes that see Christ and that see his need of Christ. He has new hands to serve with and new feet that follow Christ. That new man will never sin and will never fall away from Christ. And when his body closes his eyes in death, it is that new man who will be taken straight into the presence of the Savior.
The new birth is not an option in salvation it is a must (John 3:3-7). The new birth is not something you do, it is something God does in you (Phil.1:6).
Pastor Tom Harding
I Corinthians 11:27-29 frightens many people away from the Lord’s table. Sadly, they choose to be absent when the Lord’s Supper is observed. The confession is: “I don’t feel worthy, I feel I’m so unworthy.” Such should certainly be the confession of us all. But the word Paul uses twice is not unworthy but unworthily, an adverb referring to the manner in which we partake, the warning given is against failure to discern the Lord’s body. Certainly, we are all unworthy, but in making Christ the focus of the ordinance, remembering His suffering and death, we do not have to observe unworthily.
Pastor Carrol Poole
ONE DAY SOON, whether willingly or unwillingly, whether through physical death or the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, we are all going to leave this world. At that time every mere earthly relationship and association will be severed and lost to us forever. Will this be the end of all your treasures and pleasures, joys and dreams? Dear soul, it will be unless you are NOW dying to this world and this world is NOW dying to you, and you are living on Christ and him crucified (Gal. 6:14).
To true believers, leaving this present, evil world is not looked upon as loss, but as a great, a precious, and an eternal gain (Phil. 1:21). It is that “deliverance” which they have longed for (Rom. 7:24). It will be the first time since they have known the Lord Jesus Christ, that One who washed them from their sins in His own blood (Rev. 1:5; 5:9), that they will be able to do that which they “would” (Rom. 7:15-25; Gal. 5:17), that which they desire. They shall see Him, and know Him, and love Him, and worship Him perfectly; that is, without sin. Now they shall dwell in that “better country,” that “heavenly country” (Heb. 11:8-16). Now their faith is swallowed up in glorious sight. Now they see Him as He is, and are made like Him (I John 3:1, 2). Now they are “SATISFIED” (Psalm 17:15). ALL OF GOD! ALL OF GRACE! ALL IN AND BY AND THROUGH THE LORD JESUS CHRIST!
Maurice Montgomery