SCHEDULE OF SERVICES September 15, 2024
Sunday Worship
Bible Study 10:00 A.M.
Morning Service 10:45 A.M.
Wednesday Worship 7:00 P.M.
Our messages can be heard on
O come, loud anthems let us sing,
Give thanks to our Almighty King;
For we our voices high should raise,
When Jesus Christ the Lord we praise.
Yea, let us stand before His face
To thank Him for His matchless grace;
To Him address, in joyful songs,
The praise that to His name belongs.
O let us to His courts repair,
And bow with adoration there;
Down on our knees devoutly all
Before the Lord, our Savior, fall.
(Tune: Doxology)
7th Brent Keesee 7th Julie Thornbury
9th Riley Cook 17th Carla Boyd
20th Gary Faulkner 20th Rosalie Tate
24th Cozetta Bond
Simeon had been waiting for the consolation of Israel for a long time. One day he finally saw Him. Simeon saw a baby, the eternal God made flesh, who had come to save His people from their sin. Simeon didn’t only see the Savior in the flesh, he saw the Savior by faith. By faith, Simeon trusted his soul to Christ. That is why Simeon could say, “Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word: for mine eyes have seen thy salvation.” (Luke 2:29-20) Any sinner who sees Christ by faith will trust their soul to Christ and has every right to confidently quote Simeon when the time comes for us to lie on our deathbed.
No one under the law could ever say their works of obedience were finished. The law always requires more of us than we are capable of doing. Man’s obedience to the law is never finished. The ceremonies were never finished. The animal sacrifices were never finished because those sacrifices could never take away sin. The law keeps a person under a constant burden to do more.
The Lord Jesus Christ is the only one who could ever say it is finished and it be true. When Christ cried from the cross, “It is finished”, everything required for the salvation of God’s elect was finished. There are no more sacrifices for sin because the blood of Christ atoned for all of the sin of His people. (Heb. 10:14) There are no more Passovers to observe “For Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us.” (II Cor. 5:7) There are no more Sabbath days to observe because Christ our rest has come. (Heb. 4:9-11) There are no more earthly priests because Christ our Great High Priest has come. (Heb. 4:14-16) What a joy it is to be enabled by God to rest in Christ because He has finished all things for us!
I find no assurance in what I am or in what I have experienced. All my assurance is in the crucified Christ. All the evidence of salvation that I have is that Christ died for sinners. And that is all I want or need. I do not very often feel much like a saint. If assurance depended on how holy I feel, then I would lose all hope of ever having it. But if assurance depends on God accepting sinners through the merits of Christ, then I can have assurance. I know that I am a sinner. I come to God daily, trusting the righteousness and shed blood of Christ. The more sinful I feel, the more reason I have to cling to Christ alone. This gives me assurance: As a sinful man, I trust Christ.
Assurance, like every other aspect of salvation, is a matter of faith, not of works. It does not come by keeping your eyes on yourself. It comes by keeping your eyes on Christ.
Don Fortner
“Out of the depths have I cried unto thee, O Lord.” Psalm 130:1
There is a difference between knowing that I need to cry out for mercy, and actually crying out for mercy.
There is a difference between knowing that Christ came to save sinners, and actually being a sinner who desperately needs and desires to be saved by the Lord Jesus Christ.
The difference is: the head and the heart! Knowing that I need to be saved is in the head, but the actual cry for mercy can only come from God giving a new heart that believes, loves, and sees its only hope to be in the Christ who purges sinners from all their sins!
Pastor Gabe Stalnaker
The first step toward the recovery or restoration of sight is the realization that one has a problem seeing. I never heard of anyone who sought out and called upon an optometrist before realizing that his sight was bad. Likewise, no sinner ever sought out and savingly called upon the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, until he realized that he could not see. Christ Jesus only saves the blind (John 9:39-41). But how full of grace He is to them!
Maurice Montgomery