SCHEDULE OF SERVICES December 31, 2023
Sunday Worship
Bible Study 10:00 A.M.
Morning Service 10:45 A.M.
Wednesday Worship 7:00 P.M.
Saturday Radio Broadcast WEMM Radio 107.9 FM 8:30 A.M.
Our messages can be heard on
It is requested that all children four and under stay in our nursery so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Words by Don Fortner
With joy, our God, we've come to sing Your praises here,
To hear Your Word, and worship You, as we begin this year.
With grateful hearts we come, for Your mercies we share,
In hope of mercies yet unseen, to open this new year.
Our hearts to serve Your cause, Father, by grace prepare.
Let us Your lovingkindness know to keep us through the year.
Prepare us for Your will; And keep our hearts from fear;
Help us to trust Your providence throughout the coming year.
Forgive our sins, we pray, and fill our hearts with cheer.
Oh, may our precious Savior be our song through all the year.
Perhaps our Lord will come to call us home this year!
With such expectant, blessed hope, with joy, we start this year!
(Tune: “This Is My Father's World” p. 39)
31st Sabrina Keesee 31st Sharon Parker
2nd Chris Collins 2nd Ed Sparks
6th Frank Tate 8th Maggie Kinnel
9th Sailor Simpson 14th Lee Tate
17th Kynslee Keesee 19th Brinley Baisden
19th Sandy Holbrook 22nd Chip Holbrook
24th Janey Hollback 25th Bob Boyd
26th Lindy Herrell
Nursery Schedule
Sunday School: Debbie Davis, Abby Floyd
Sunday Worship Service: Michelle Simpson, Clarah Floyd
Next Week: Charity Collins, Kerry Simpson, Becky Tate, Christy Collins
Our New Year’s Eve Service will begin this evening at 6:00 p.m. We will observe the Lord’s Table and have a time of fellowship after the service.
Simply saying thank you doesn’t seem sufficient for your generosity to me. I thank God for each of you and your faithfulness all year long. I am looking forward to another year of worshipping our God together in 2024.
Made to Have a Need
“Your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him.” Matt. 6:8
In mercy God creates the need that only He can fix, He creates the void that he alone must fill, He reveals the Sin problem that He alone is the remedy for. He only creates this need in His people, He only shows this void to His own, and He only makes one of His elect the chief of sinners. Then by His grace, He points those, whom he loves, to the Lord Jesus Christ giving faith that believes He is the one they need! Pastor Caleb Hickman
In Matthew 11:19, the Lord Jesus was accused of being “a friend of publicans and sinners.” They thought that accusation would bring shame on the Savior, when in fact, it revealed His glory as the Savior of genuine sinners.
Sinners are thrilled to have such a friend as the Lord Jesus Christ. He is such a loving friend, He laid down His life for His friends. (John 15:13) He is such a wise friend that He makes the Father’s will of salvation known to His friends. (John 15:15) He is such a faithful friend that He never forsakes His friends. (Prov. 18:24) He is both the Beloved and the friend of His bride (Song 5:16)
No one but the Lord Jesus Christ could be a friend who is everything to sinners.
“It is expedient (profitable) for you that I go away.” John 16:7.
We might be tempted to think that those believers that walked and talked physically with the Lord Jesus Christ two thousand years ago had an advantage on us today. According to God’s Word, they did not. To the contrary, the eyes and ears of faith are much more reliable and discerning than those of the flesh. The written word of God is a “more sure word” than His audible voice. (II Pet. 1:19). Though the Lord Jesus Christ was the fulness of the Godhead bodily, He was made in the likeness of sinful flesh. (Col. 2:9, Rom. 8:3). Even the disciples, while beholding the physical form of the God/Man, often lost sight of His glory. The eyes and ears of faith always behold His glory, as the glory of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. (Jn. 1:14). There will come a day soon when our faith will be turned to sight and our hope to experience. In that day, our eyes and ears will be part of a sinless, glorified body. We shall see Him as He is and be made like Him. On this side of heaven, the eyes and ears of faith are better than those of the flesh.
Pastor Greg Elmquist
Someone once said, “Pharisees and Publicans both pour out their heart before God; the one is bragging, the other is begging,” Lord, make us to be beggars.