Sunday Worship
Bible Study 10:00 A.M.
Morning Service 10:45 A.M.
Wednesday Worship 7:00 P.M.
Saturday Radio Broadcast WEMM Radio 107.9 FM 8:30 A.M.
Our messages can be heard on
It is requested that all children four and under stay in our nursery so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Chief of sinners though I be, Jesus shed His blood for me
Died that I might live on high, lived that I might never die
As the branch is to the vine I am His and He is mine.
Oh the heights of Jesus’ love! higher than the heav’ns above
Deeper than the depths of sea, lasting as eternity
Love that found me wondrous thought, found me when I sought Him not.
Jesus only can impart, balms to heal the smitten heart
Peace that flows from sin forgiv’n, joy that lifts the soul to heav’n
Faith and hope that walk with God in the way that Enoch trod.
Chief of sinners though I be, Christ is All in All to me
All my wants to Him are known, all my sorrows are His own
Safe with Him from earthy strife, He sustains the hidden life.
Oh, my Savior, help afford, by Thy Spirit and Thy Word!
When my wayward heart would stray, keep me in Thy narrow way
Grace in time of need supply, while I live and when I die.
(Tune: “Rock of Ages” p. 126)
4th Nova Baisden 10th Kyndon Keesee
10th Colleen McClay 10th Ron Meadows
11th Carol Cremeans 12th Clarah Floyd
18th Adam Simpson 21st Jackie Simpson
25th Christy Collins 29th Sandra Dennison
Nursery Schedule
Sunday School: Charity Collins, Kerry Simpson
Sunday Worship Service: Becky Tate, Christy Collins
Next Week: Stacie Tate, Colleen McClay, Janet Tate, Sandy Thornbury, Lilah Thornbury
Our ladies are invited to a bridal shower for Lucy Simpson on 11/18 at 10:00 am at Eric and Abby’s house.
The scriptures make one truth very evident: salvation is by grace. “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God.” (Eph. 2:8)
Salvation is by grace from start to finish and everywhere in between. God’s election of a people is by grace. “Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace.” (Rom. 11:5) God’s elect are redeemed by grace. “In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace.” (Eph. 1:7) God’s elect are called to Christ by grace. “Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began.” (II Tim. 1:9) It is grace that brings salvation to God’s elect. (Titus 2:11) It is grace that gives God’s elect a good hope. (II Thes. 2:16) It is God’s grace that establishes His people and will not let them go. (Heb. 13:9) It is God’s grace that is sufficient to hold God’s elect in every trial and tribulation that He sends. (II Cor 12:9) The Word of God concludes with this encouragement to God’s elect. “The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.” (Rev. 22:21) Let us never forget that salvation is found in the God of all grace (I Peter 5:10) and we should be begging Him for it.
God's people do not tithe—they give! I have found that there is something better than law, duty, and religious requirements—it is love for Christ! I have found a better motive for Christian giving than "Tithe and God will bless you"—it is to give because God HAS blessed you! If the love of Christ does not constrain us, motivate us, and encourage us to holiness, generosity, and compassion toward one another, all the pledge cards, threats, and rules set forth are just so much wasted effort. One-tenth of what I have does NOT belong to Christ—ALL that I have belongs to my Lord—for I am bought with the price of His blood. I AM NOT MY OWN!
Scott Richardson
I am not satisfied with anything that has my fingerprints on it. I can only find satisfaction in that which God finds satisfaction in. “He shall see the travail of His soul and be satisfied.” God is completely satisfied with the work of His Son. He is perfectly satisfied with all for whom Christ died! Christ is satisfied with what He did in their behalf. That is why He sat down at the right hand of God. He left nothing undone! The Spirit is satisfied with the work of the Son. “By one offering He hath perfected forever them that are sanctified, whereof also the Holy Ghost is a witness to us.” If the Father, Son, and Spirit are completely satisfied with what Christ did, I am too!
Pastor Todd Nibert
“For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.” – I Timothy 2:5
I must approach unto God by Christ Jesus because I am unholy. God must approach unto me by Christ Jesus because HE IS HOLY. In Christ Jesus, I, a poor sinner, and God, a Holy and Heavenly Father, have an honest and sincere communion one with another. His holiness is not violated and my sin is not imputed but all is washed away. Oh, sweet fellowship! Oh, holy union! Oh, easy walk! Oh, joyous friendship! Oh, happy me! (I John 1:7).
Pastor Bruce Crabtree