SCHEDULE OF SERVICES December 11, 2022
Sunday Worship
Bible Study 10:00 A.M.
Morning Service 10:45 A.M.
Wednesday Worship 7:00 P.M.
Saturday Radio Broadcast WEMM Radio 107.9 FM 8:30 A.M.
Our messages can be heard on
It is requested that all children four and under stay in our nursery so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Let ev'ry ransomed sinner sing, And praise the triune God.
With grateful hearts, your honors bring. Let us extol our God!
The Father gave His darling Son, To ransom His elect.
The Lamb was slain ere time begun, Or we incurred our debt.
In the fulness of time, Christ came, (God's Son in human flesh!)
That He might put away our sin, And bring in righteousness.
Praise God the Holy Spirit, too, For His almighty grace,
Who sprinkles Jesus' blood on you, And gives your conscience peace.
Behold the virgin's infant child, Was Jesus come to save!
He was, and ever will abide, The God-man who can save!
Immanuel, the God-man died, And rose again for us,
With His own blood appears on high, And claims heaven for us!
(Tune: “It Came Upon A Midnight Clear” p. 90)
12th Ben Simpson 14th Ralph Brown
18th Charity Collins 24th Nancy Hogsten
25th Alexis Baldwin 26th Beckett Baisden
31st Sabrina Keesee 31st Sharon Parker
Nursery Schedule
Sunday School: Stacie Tate, Colleen McClay
Sunday Worship Service: Janet Tate, Alexis Baldwin
Wednesday Service: Abby Floyd
Next Week: Heather Spence, Maddie Cook, Julie and Emmy Thornbury, Kerry Simpson
You are invited to a party to celebrate Danny and Lorelei Holschuh’s 50th wedding anniversary on Friday, December 23rdat 6:00 PM at the Ohio University Proctorville Branch. Please RSVP to Earlein Meadows.
We will only have one service on Christmas day at 10:45 AM.
We will have our New Years Eve service at 7:00 PM and only one service at 10:45 AM on New Year’s Day.
“If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them.” John 13:17
Everyone is always seeking ways to make themselves happy. For the believer the way to be happy is simple: humble yourself to serve others. The Savior had just humbled Himself to do the job of the lowest servant and wash the disciple’s feet. Our Lord taught by example that His people are to seek ways to serve one another.
For the believer the way to be happy is not to fuss and fight in order to get my way. For the believer the way of happiness is to give in so that there is peace and unity in the church. For the believer the way of happiness is not getting others to do for me and serve me. For the believer the way of happiness is to find ways to serve others.
This is the lesson our Savior teaches. It is a simple lesson that everyone understands. We do know these things and we will be happy if we do them.
Three Things Self-righteousness Can Never Do
There are three things that self-righteousness can never do:
1.) It can never honor the divine law
2.) It can never satisfy divine justice
3.) It can never quiet a guilty conscience
Jesus, Thy blood and righteousness
My beauty are, my glorious dress:
’Midst flaming worlds, in these arrayed,
With joy shall I lift up my head.
When from the dust of death I rise
To claim my mansion in the skies,
Even then, this shall be all my plea,
Jesus hath lived, hath died for me.
Henry Mahan
Terms Of Peace
Our message is not to propose terms of peace, nor to beg sinners to make peace, but rather to proclaim that peace has been made between God and His people. “Having made peace through the blood of His cross, by Him to reconcile all things unto Himself” (Colossians. 1:20).
Pastor Tom Harding
John 18: 11: Then said Jesus unto Peter, Put up thy sword into the sheath: the cup which my Father hath given me, shall I not drink it?
What a lesson Christ here teaches us. The Serpent was about to bruise His heel; the Gentiles were about to mock and scourge Him; the Jews cry, Away with Him. But the Savior looks beyond all secondary causes direct to Him of whom and through whom and to whom were all things (Ro 11:36). Peter’s eyes were upon the human adversaries; but no, He saith to Peter, there is a higher Hand in it. Moreover, He did not say, “which the Judge of all the earth giveth me,” but “my Father” — the One who dearly loveth Me! How this would sweeten our bitter cups if we would but receive them from the Father’s hand! It is not until we see His hand in all things that the heart is made to rest in perfect peace.
A. Pink