Sunday Worship
Bible Study 10:00 A.M.
Morning Service 10:45 A.M.
Wednesday Worship 7:00 P.M.
Saturday Radio Broadcast WEMM Radio 107.9 FM 8:30 A.M.
Our messages can be heard on
It is requested that all children four and under stay in our nursery so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
We meet at Thy command, dear Lord
Relying on Thy faithful Word
Now send Thy Spirit from above
And fill our hearts with heavenly love.
O Bless Thy servant, dearest Lord
While he shall preach Thy Holy Word
May he declare delightful things
As touch the glorious King of kings.
Give us clear light and sincere love
Send down Thy blessings from above
O may we hear our Saviour’s voice
And in His precious Name rejoice!
Now let Thy Word engage our ear
And faith be mixed with what we hear
Thus, Lord, Thy waiting servants bless
And crown Thy Gospel with success.
(Tune: “Doxology”)
12th Ben Simpson 14th Ralph Brown
18th Charity Collins 24th Nancy Hogsten
25th Alexis Baldwin 26th Beckett Baisden
31st Sabrina Keesee 31st Sharon Parker
Nursery Schedule
Sunday School: Christy and Charity Collins
Sunday Worship Service: Lee Tate, Becky McClay
Wednesday Service: Abby Floyd
Next Week: Stacie Tate, Colleen McClay, Janet Tate, Alexis Baldwin, Abby Floyd
You are invited to a Christmas party at the Hollback’s house on Friday, December 9th at 6:00 p.m. The address is 107 Grandview Ave., South Webster, Ohio.
“And a man shall be as an hiding place from the wind, and a covert from the tempest; as rivers of water in a dry place, as the shadow of a great rock in a weary land.” (Isaiah 32:2)
Our God gives His people very simple instruction for every circumstance in all of their lives: Christ is all. We are to always, in every situation and circumstance, trust in Christ alone.
If you would be saved from God’s wrath against your sin, hide in Christ. The Lord Jesus Christ shields all of God’s elect from the fiery wrath of God by being made sin for His people and bearing all of the punishment for that sin so God’s elect would have eternal life. Just as the ark bore the flood waters for Noah so that Noah would live, Christ bore the wrath of the Father for the sins of His people so they would live.
When the Lord brings you into the time of trouble and trial, do the same thing that you did when you first came to Christ: hide in Christ. Hiding in Christ means depending on Christ to be everything you need. Hide in Christ as a shelter from the stormy blast. Hide in Christ because you are helpless without Him. Hide in Christ because you believe His grace will be sufficient for this trial, just as He promised. Hide in Christ and you will have peace for your soul.
I have observed many who professed to know Christ and believe the Gospel of His grace, and yet they are unhappy and generally speaking miserable people. How can that be? I believe I know why. These people walk around with a dark cloud over their head because they are so taken up with the things of this world. They are always in a strait between Christ and the world, and feel bad because they fear they are not giving Christ their first priority. That is the problem. If Christ is merely your first priority, you have missed Him altogether. He is All to those who know Him, not merely their first priority. I once heard someone say, “Most men have just enough religion to make them miserable.” That is the problem. Most people have religion but they do not have Christ.
Pastor Todd Nibert
The spirit of antichrist is not anti-religion; it promotes religion. It is not anti-morality nor anti-law; it promotes both! It is not anti-good works; it encourages good works done in the name of morality and religion. IT IS ANTICHRIST! It is opposed to giving Christ all the glory for our election, our redemption, our calling, our righteousness, our preservation and perseverance, our resurrection, and our eternal glory. The Spirit of God says, “JESUS PAID IT ALL.” The spirit of antichrist says:
Jesus did a part
And I a part, you know
Sin left a crimson stain
But we washed it white as snow.
Henry Mahan
Do yourself a favor... Do your soul a favor... Avail yourself to every opportunity of hearing the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. God speaks to man through his Word, he spoke to me; who knows, he may speak to you.
Scott Richardson