Pastor Clay Curtis will bring the message Wednesday.
Missionary Cody Groover will be here to preach for us in a special service on Sunday night, September 4th at 6:00 p.m. We will have a time of fellowship following the service. A sign up sheet for food is in the vestibule.
“Lord, behold, he whom thou lovest is sick.” John 11:3
Everyone needs comfort when we, or a loved one, is grievously ill. Lazarus’ dear sisters show us where that comfort is found. It is found in the eternal love of God for His people. Martha and Mary needed comfort as they watched their brother suffer. They also desired to see their brother healed. Their plea was not their past hospitality to the Savior. Their plea was not their love for Christ. Their plea was CHRIST’S LOVE FOR LAZARUS. Since they knew that the Lord loved Lazarus, they didn’t have to offer the Lord any suggestions on what to do for them. They could simply leave their need in the loving power and wisdom of the Savior.
I creep under my Lord's wings in the great storms of life and the waters cannot reach me. Let fools laugh the laughter of fools. Let them mock me. Let them bid the weeping one to sing them one of the songs of Zion. We can sing; we can sing in the winter storm; we can sing in the day of falling leaves; we can sing in the summer's scorching sun.
We can sing for our victory is won; our victory is Christ. No created power on earth or in hell can mar our Lord's work so no invisible force can spoil our song. No trial within or trial without can destroy our union with Him.
"For I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus, our Lord” (Rom. 8:38-39).
Though our hearts be keenly aware of our sins; though our minds endure a conflict over natural evil; though our eyes be filled with tears of repentance; though dangers are within and without; "Thanks be unto God Who causeth us to always triumph in Christ, our Lord" (2 Cor. 3:14).
Pastor Henry Mahan
Is Vain Religion Worse than No Religion?
Is a sinner worse off being under the sound of a preacher if that preacher is not preaching the gospel? The Lord Jesus said he is. Christ said that the man who is falsely religious is two-fold more the child of hell because he is not only lost, but he thinks he is saved; the light he thinks he has is darkness. (Mt 6: 23; 23: 15) Also, Christ said the publicans and harlots would go into the kingdom before the vain religionists. (Mt 21: 31) According to Christ, who is the Truth, God-dishonoring, man-exalting religion is the worst enemy of souls. The message of salvation by the sinner contributing, even one work, is not only untrue it is damning.
Sinners should seek the message that gives the triune God in Christ all the glory for working all the works of saving whom he will and declares that the sinner contributes nothing, leaving the sinner no room to boast. God’s people are nothing but sinners saved by grace. Salvation is of the LORD beginning to end.
Pastor Clay Curtis