Missionary Cody Groover will be here to preach for us in a special service on Sunday night, September 4th at 6:00 p.m. REDEMPTION SENT
Thank God for this blessed truth: “He sent redemption unto his people” (Psalm 111:9). God’s elect are lost and cannot find the way to God, so God sent redemption to them. God’s elect have a rebellious nature that will not come to Christ (John 5:40), so God sent redemption to them. God’s elect are dead in Adam so they lack the ability to come to God, so God sent the Redeemer into their hearts to give them eternal life. There is no chance that any of God’s elect will be lost because God sent redemption to them.
Faith is not life giving, but proof of life. Faith is not a work for salvation, but a work of salvation. Faith is not what saves us, but is certain proof God has saved us. Faith is not a condition we meet, but the condition God’s Spirit puts in us to “Make us meet” (Col. 1:12). Is all this important? Do we split theological hairs here? NO! NO! For the Glory of God is at stake! The other (false) Gospel says faith is man’s work, man’s will. But no, faith is “Not of yourselves, but the gift of God” (Eph. 2:8). Faith is “According to the working of His mighty power” (Eph. 1:19). Therefore, it is “To the praise of the glory of His grace” (Eph. 1:6)….and not rather “to the praise of our faith.”
Pastor Paul Mahan
“There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God. For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his.” (Hebrews 4:9-10).
Man by nature is trying to earn our way back into God’s favor by doing as many religious activities as we can. Man tries to earn his own righteousness by keeping various laws and avoiding various pleasures of this life (touch not, taste not, handle not), but try as he might, man cannot find any peace for his soul by what he has done for God so he can never quit working to try to please God.
No son of Adam will ever quit trying to please God by his own works until God the Holy Spirit enables him to see Christ. As soon as a sinner sees Christ, he will quit trying to please God by his works and rest in Christ who is our righteousness.
A man will only quit working when he is too tired to continue or when the job is done. A sinner rests in Christ because Christ has already finished the work of righteousness for His people. God rested from His work of creation because the work was finished and it was very good. In the same way, a sinner will quit trying to please God by his works when he sees that Christ has already finished the work and the work of Christ is very good.
Mine Eyes Have Seen Thy Salvation! (Luke 2:29,30)
A man named Simeon saw the Lord Jesus Christ at the earthly age of eight days old in the temple. And the Holy Ghost revealed to this man that he was looking straight into the Face of God Almighty manifest in the flesh! The One who was The Light to lighten the Gentiles! The One who was the Glory of God’s chosen Israel! The One who was set for the fall and rising again of many! And upon seeing this PERSON, Simeon said: "Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word: For mine eyes have seen thy salvation!”
 Salvation is not a thing that must be done; salvation is a PERSON Who has already done it!
Pastor Gabe Stalnaker