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News Item6/29/07 8:50 PM
Dwayne | Santa Fe,NM  Find all comments by Dwayne
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Race Runner,
Then we are in agreement. When exactly the Holy Spirit comes upon you was not really my point, only that "the Holy Spirit, God has given to those who obey him" (Acts 5:32) Provided the obedience is there we not disagree on the when and the wherefore.

As far as our prayers for revival, my belief is that there is not much time left on this planet. Humankind is worst today than they were in the days of Noah and Israel has been restored which had not been the case during the other apocalyptic doomsayings. This is a uniquie historical period we're in and I believe there is no further hope for this world.

I have reasoned from Scripture and experience that the man of sin is to be revealed very soon. All the elements are being put into place...a matriarchalized society, worldwide demonic possession through the binding of the entire human race through sexual union, the dumbing down of an entire generation who can barely read [forget about studying Scripture], mammon-worship, the constant incessant din of television, movies, and video games, internet pornography, pharmaceutical drugs, nuclear threatnings of "preemptive" war, the flooding of our insane asylums, the sodomization of society, the devolution of young humans into ape-like "thugs," or "hos," and especially...

Survey6/29/07 8:27 PM
Dwayne | Santa Fe,NM  Find all comments by Dwayne
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Nine Eleven,
I must also ask why should pressing "1 for English" disturb us? We have been granted a supernatural love that "is patient and kind...does not insist on its own not irritable or resentful...bears all things..endures all things. " (1 Cor 13:4-7) Such trivialities are of no bother to us who are merely passing through as "pilgrims and sojourners."

Native-born murderers, rapists, and other violent criminals are exonerated on a daily basis because they are "rich in the goods of this world," and can afford the best rhetoricians. What of it? We are not here to execute justice on the ungodly and to repay like for like but rather, we are commanded to love unconditionally with unlimited patience for the follies and foibles of perishing humanity.

That they wave a Mexican flag, claim to be the rightful possesors of the Southern States (they were stripped of their former habitations in our wars of annexation), why should we be concerned? We certaintly are no flag-waving patridiots nor do we take part in any of the accoutrements of civic religion. The Mexican patriots are no more contemptible than our own.

Let us take the worldview of Christ who saw this world as only a bridge to another nobler, purer, heavenly realm. Let us cross it without much anxiety for tran

Survey6/29/07 7:57 PM
Dwayne | Santa Fe,NM  Find all comments by Dwayne
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Nine Eleven, my friend I do love you!

Let us admit, for the sake of argument, that illegals are being used thus to destroy this country and usher in the NWO. What of it? That gives me even greater reason to support them, so that this thing will speed on towards the inevitable cataclysmic end. I loathe this present evil world and to see it all go down in flames when the wrath of God is poured upon it will give me great delight.

But secondly, and more to the point, what better way to subvert their insidious plans than through the power of Gospel love?? They did not count on the presence of saints taking in the violent criminal thugs and casting out the murderous, demonic spirits controlling them and then bringing these outcast under the rule of Christ through strigent, Spirit-filled discipleship. In this case surely the Scripture is confirmed, "that for those who love God all things work together for good," (Rom 8:28) or when the wicked "meant evil against me, God meant it for good." (Gen 8:20)

Why we need not worry about going to Mexico to witness when they're flocking right here into our grasp! The Illuminati will be very sorry when all is said and done. They don't mind Alex Jones talk, but we who are actively transforming their own tools?? That will be intolerable.

Survey6/29/07 7:00 PM
Dwayne | Santa Fe,NM  Find all comments by Dwayne
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Hello Abigal,
Just to finish the reasoning below...I am only concerned with the conduct of myself and my brothers and sisters, we must meet the high standard of the bar of Christ. All of our works and ways must reflect the selflessness, self-denial, faith, and purity of our Lord and Master. We are called to provide food for the needy, shelter for the stranger, consolation for the sick, and support for the orphans and widows.

In short, we are called to in Wesley's poignant words, "do all the good we can, by all the means we can, in all the ways we can, in all the places we can, at all the times we can, to all the people we can, as long as ever we can." This is what Christ went around throughout all of Judea doing and what the Apostles perfectly imitated. No laws of man can hinder me from fufilling this gospel demand for selfless, impartial, disinterested service to all the suffering.

Whether one is American or migrant, my small home is open to one and all. Whether he be an "illegal" immigrant or a whitebred American, the angels rejoice "over every sinner who repents" (Luke 6:7)

Besides, for we who are citizens of that invisible kingdom, every homeland is a foreign country to us. I am native-born, and yet I am only a guest and alien here. We recognize no borders of men

Survey6/29/07 6:01 PM
Dwayne | Santa Fe,NM  Find all comments by Dwayne
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Sister Abigal,
We are walking in unity in the Spirit and are on one accord (indeed it is my deepest desire to one day fellowship face to face with you and your family and Freewiller And Sister Jessica Dawson for I find no greater joy than in the company of saints). However it appears that you disagree with me on a certain point.

I will do my utmost to resolve this, because I believe we must be of one mind on all matters concerning the faith. Wayne questioned me on this matter, asking "How do you justify deciding which laws you shall obey and which you shall break?"

I replied: "Those which hinder my profession of allegiance to the Sermon on the Mount I will trample underfoot as an unworthy obstacle. Those which do not (no matter how unjust they may be, or how enslaving, or exploiting, etc.) I will submit to in order to silence the foolish pagans "for the Lord's sake." (1 Peter 2:13-15)."

I don't care whether man's law contradicts God's law for almost all the laws of men transgress some higher law of Christ. I do not judge the State or its policies seeing as that they will be ruled by Satan and his closest followers until they are all obliterated by Christ at the "consummation of all things." I have more to say concerning this, but space does not permit.

News Item6/29/07 5:27 PM
Dwayne | Santa Fe,NM  Find all comments by Dwayne
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'In a spirit' inquires: "It shocks me that nobody reads that vs as baptized in the Holy Spirit."

Probably because instead of making up their own worthless opinion on the matter they decided to logically rely on apostolic tradition: "Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, AND you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit...So those who received his word were baptized." (Acts 2:38)

A mighty wind is indeed blowing across this world and it has obviously taken you up in its tempest for "the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience [has bound]...the whole world in the power of the evil one."
(1 John 5:19, Eph. 2:2)

Survey6/29/07 4:11 PM
Dwayne | Santa Fe,NM  Find all comments by Dwayne
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Yamil advises:"Dwayne to read this three part article by a Reformed Christian. ..He deals with the early church understanding and the Jewish context."

Are you joking?? You really think I care about anything from a "reformed" perspective? Do the google search as Lurker suggested and you will know what I think about those frauds. Now concering the universal witness of the early church on this issue:

"All who have been twice married by human law, are sinners in the eye of our Master" - Justin Martyr (c. 160)

"Christ prohibits divorce, saying, 'Whoever puts away his wife and marries another commits adultery. And whoever marries her who is put away from her husband commits adultery.' In order to forbid divorce, He makes it unlawful to marry a woman who has been put away." Tertullian (c. 207)

Tertullian makes a very powerful argument. Even if one is able to obtain a divorce on the single condition, that there be adultery commited, He expressly prohibits a SECOND marriage by declaring "Everyone who divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery, and he who marries a woman divorced from her husband commits adultery."(Luke 16:18)

So the early church was well aware that the one ground of divorce did not leave a door open to remarriage, even if the dissolution was law

News Item6/29/07 3:22 PM
Dwayne | Santa Fe,NM  Find all comments by Dwayne
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I've decided that instead of going back and forth with you I will provide you a reading list in the spirit of Ron Paul to educate you on history as it ACTUALLY occurred rather than your liberal, paganized revision of events.

1) You MUST retrieve a copy of the classic Adolf von Harnack's, 'The Mission and Expansion of Christianity in the First Three Centuries'. Here you'll find most of what I claim copper-fastened with unassailable scholarship. If you read nothing else you must throughly compass this classic. No man can consider himself educated on the subject until he has done so.

2) I am quite familiar with the correspondence between Pliny and Trajan, the relevant passages in Tacitus, and have browsed through Suetonius' Lives. When I mentioned primary sources however, I was mostly referring to source documents from the blameless saints not the pagans and heretics. Like the Apostolic Fathers and the Ante-Nicene Fathers. As well, the numerous Acts of the Martyrs that were recorded during these dark and terrible centuries. You seem to only be acquainted with the heathens.

3) I highly recommend the fascinating article "Legislation against the Christians," in the Journal of Roman Studies (1968) You shold be able to access it through your college database(jstor

Survey6/29/07 2:37 PM
Dwayne | Santa Fe,NM  Find all comments by Dwayne
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Lurker wishing to silence the truth-tellers recommends: "email Steven Lee and petition your permanent removal (again)."

Ha, ha. Do you think I fear removal from this site??? I am here to bring a message and get back to my RL work of the ministry with those who are willing to live on a daily basis in absolute conformity to the laws of Christ and be sternly disciplined for failure. It is my belief that the vast majority here are religious reprobates or in Calvinist terms, "totally depraved."

But I can assure you of this, Lurker, that when it all goes down, and demonic power is unleased on mankind by the AntiChrist and his minions, the lost who find themselves weary with their vainities and entertainment, anxious over their financial devastation, in fear of the NWO, will come looking for our elite c

They will not turn to the religious hypocrites, the pewwarmers, the cemetary indoctrinated theologians, the twice-married, the wealthy "ministers", the worldly, mammon worshiping, blood profaning, patriotic, war-mongering "Christians." Nay, sinner, they will come running to us, inquiring as to how they may be granted this power of a divine, sinless life, how they also can obtain access to the powerful signs, miracles, and gifts of the Holy Spirit. We will be vindicated in that

News Item6/29/07 2:08 PM
Dwayne | Santa Fe,NM  Find all comments by Dwayne
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anonymous pretends: "It's to show that during the period in question, on average Christians were free much more of the time than they were under persecution."

Seems you've been reading to much of the anti-Christian infidel Gibbon and not enough actual scholarship, particularly the primary source documents. Consider the following, for example: 65 A.D. the chief of the Apostles, Peter was horribly executed by the Roman State. Paul is butchered by the same imperial government but a couple of years later. Clement, bishop of Rome (90 A.D.), writes in his letters to the churches about how Christians were being persecuted in droves, suffering unspeakable torments in holding fast to their confession.

Ignatius, not long after is fed to the beasts, sacrificing his life up as the "bread of God" and Polycarp, his contemporary is taken out by the selfsame Empire in 156 A.D. Origen's father, Leonidas, met the same fate as the others. The bloodthirsty "philosopher king" Aurelius, with demonic zeal, ordered mass persecution in 177 A.D. Not long after came the massive waves of extermination campaigns such as the world had never before seen under men like Diocletian. I'll agree that here were brief periods of respite, but right before Constantine it appeared that it would all end with extin

News Item6/29/07 1:22 PM
Dwayne | Santa Fe,NM  Find all comments by Dwayne
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Shawn proudly puts forth: "RC Sproul
Hank Hanegraff [the multi-millionaire who has greedily used his perversion of the gospel for gain]
Gary Demar"

This is your roster of saints? At least two of these men I know are false prophets and will be punished with the everlasting fire. Hank I know rejects even the gifts of the Holy Spirit, finding himself unworthy to recieve them, so I would suspect that he would be blind to the signs of these last and evil days.

The only way to understand Scripture is to be a LIVING epistle. God grants wisdom and knowledge to the obedient, to the saintly, not to the cemetery-trained sinners. Out with you and your blind leaders!

News Item6/29/07 1:13 PM
Dwayne | Santa Fe,NM  Find all comments by Dwayne
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anonymous the whitewaser, shamefully minimizes the thousands of martyrs of the Roman State with a casual: "It's a silly caricature that these times were nothing but persecution. Read Eusebius, a historian of the time. Even the Neronian persucution was not empire-wide, but confined to Christians in Rome. There were always localized persecutions here and there, but very few empire-wide persecutions--those of Domitian, Decius, and Diocletian, etc."

First, your citation of Eusebius as "proof" is disingenuous at best, considering that he was a well known apologist for the formation of the Constantinian Church. He reverenced the self-worshiping God-like Constantine and fully supported the great betrayal of the faith by answering the imperial summons to the Council of Nicea. Read his 'Life of Constantine.'

Rome did not mind your private religion as long as you accepted the imperial state religion and remained patriotic to the Empire. This iron-clad control over its citizens was intolerable to the citizens of Christ's kingdom and the Empire was determined to wipe these subversives off the face of the map. Anyone who opposed them and worshiped another King, they regarded as an extremely dangerous threat and dealt with these enemies of the State accordingly.

News Item6/29/07 12:40 PM
Dwayne | Santa Fe,NM  Find all comments by Dwayne
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John aptly remarks: "idolizing "Western civilization" rather than worshipping
God. (Matthew 5:13)"

This is a particular vile tendency I find in many of the old-fashioned, intellectual European and American conservatives. The European type, completely threw out the Sermon on the Mount and its emphasis on love and charity and replaced it with "Christendom" turning Christianity into a religious institution that would be a buttress for the "West" and "Western civilization," the civilization that thought like the Greeks, and governed as the Romans, pagans through and through.

The American type, attempted to blend certain "biblical" precepts in with their racialist, tribalist beliefs (descendants of the Anglo-Saxons) create a warped religion that became the "manifest destiny" of the pioneers and Puritans, and in the 19th century the "captains of industry." This being entirely contrary to the gospel teachings of Christ, they went on as the "elect" to dominate, subjugate and exterminate the "savage" conquered races.

This is why I depsise this world, ESPECIALLY Western Civilization [for all the false religions in the world no other peoples perverted the religion of Christ as these have], and cannot wait to see it all go down in flames. I have no interest in preserving any of it.

Survey6/29/07 12:09 PM
Dwayne | Santa Fe,NM  Find all comments by Dwayne
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Book of Matthew proclaims apriori: "Whilst most pastor's are innocent one wonders how many folk consider heart adultery as SIN."

How wrong you are "guilty sinner"! The vast majority of pastors in this country are guilty of far more than "heart adultery!" Many are open sodomites, others closet sodomites in that they sodomize their wives and mistresses, and self-defiling pornographers. I know because growing up in my teens, I worked behind the scenes serving the church (I thought I was doing God's work) and saw with my own eyes as I traveled across this country many instances of such unspeakable filth as is not even named among the Gentiles.

Those of us who are not 'guilty sinners' but redeemed saints have always known that even a lustful glance will rob us of eternal life. This is why we are careful to keep our eyes stayed on Him, our beloved, and on his Word. This is why our ears are continually filled with holy, non-commercial, otherworldly hymns night and day. This is why our thoughts are engaged in unceasing prayer always and everywhere. And this is why we follow the apostolic dictate to "touch not the unclean thing," so scrupulously.

Yea, because we seek a heavenly city, even in our imagination we must "love not the world," lest we be at "enmity with God" and damned

Survey6/29/07 11:43 AM
Dwayne | Santa Fe,NM  Find all comments by Dwayne
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"Christianity should be a way of life, not something to do to fill the hours with meaningless discussion which makes people feel important and pious, but produces absolutely no fruit (but boredom and disgust)." -Abolish indoctrination mills

Amen, amen!! Christianity is more than words and a name. It reminds me of Benjamin Whichcote who said, "men have an itch rather to make religion than to practice it."

Survey6/29/07 11:25 AM
Dwayne | Santa Fe,NM  Find all comments by Dwayne
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It is very displeasing to see gross immorality condoned, indeed even encouraged by all of the vain professors of piety on this forum, with the obvious exception of my two fellow haters of antinomianism. Your attempts to matriarchalize the Holy and Just Father of spirits into some indiscriminately merciful "Mother Mary" type deity who welcomes with open arms adulterers and fornicators back into the sheepfold has been marked by those of us possessing discernment as blasphemy.

He shows mercy in certain circumstances consistent with his justice, in many others he witholds it with the selfsame consistency, and all the tears, sentimental consolations, vain imaginings of a weak non-judging deity, or twistings of Scripture will not force Him to pardon the iniquity of those who have already obtained "remission for sins" when they were initially baptized. He will be like the unholy Esau who found him self "rejected, for he found no chance to repent, though he sought it with tears." (Heb. 12:17)

Hearken to this ominous warning I give as a man of the Spirit, "the wicked will not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous; for the LORD knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish." (Ps. 1:5-6)

Survey6/29/07 4:43 AM
Dwayne | Santa Fe,NM  Find all comments by Dwayne
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Lurker mistakenly slips: "Figures you would get the meaning of this verse upside down as well."

Of course the passage is in complete agreement with Gospel precepts. These "rebellious people," who "walketh in a way that is not good," a "people who provoketh me[God] to anger," and then hypocritically tell their fellow sinners "Stand by thyself..." are a stench in God's nostrils. The twice-married Christians are certainly among such filth and must stand far from me and my holy companions.

Indeed we must think so much of our holy and special calling that the inferior will be made to feel their moral unfitness to associate with us until their own lives, actions, and thoughts shall become as chaste, holy, pure and self-denying as our own. We will not contaminate our unblemished Gospel witness by offering the hand of fellowship to the unworthy and profane. There is a fire ever-burning for those who have stained themselves with such evil company for "a little leaven leavens the whole lump." (1 Cor 5:6)

News Item6/29/07 4:24 AM
Dwayne | Santa Fe,NM  Find all comments by Dwayne
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Abigal rightly observes: "It takes no genius to recognize that the politicians of this country are working toward the destruction of the USA. NAFTA, CFR, the Bilderbergers, the UN, the Trilateral Commission, the World Council of Churches, and the many secret societies of Freemasonry, including The Club of Rome, The Bohemian Grove, et at, are coordinated in concert to usher in the Satanic plot to dominate and control humanity. The signs of the time all declare that we are in the final stages of fulfillment of the Word of God."

Freewiller, do you not see my friend, that all these things MUST take place? Why resist the fulfillment of prohecy, buck your head against the inevitable? Do not you and I both, await the Second Coming and are we not aware that "that day will not come, unless the rebellion comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, who opposes and exalts himself against every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God?" (2 Thess. 2:3-4)

Now is not the time for righteous indignation (Alex Jones) but calm preparation for the coming wrath of the Antichrist against the witnesses (Greek: martus) of Christ as they preach the Gospel with powerful signs and gifts of the Spi

Survey6/29/07 4:11 AM
Dwayne | Santa Fe,NM  Find all comments by Dwayne
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Lurker wisely interprets: "Stand by thyself, come not near to me; for I am holier than thou...."

You have expressed the apostolic sentiment quite well in this statement and I give my full assent, for indeed "what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness? What accord has Christ with Belial?Or what portion does a believer share with an unbeliever? What agreement has the temple of God with idols? For we are the temple of the living God." (2 Cor 6:14-16)

We, who are of saintly character heed the voice from heaven saying, "Come out of her, my people, lest you take part in her sins, lest you share in her plagues." Wisest of all men are we who mark the apostolic admonition to spiritual elders to not "take part in the sins of others; keep yourselves pure." (1 Tim. 5:22)

"Touch not the unclean thing," saith the Holy Spirit, and being led by the Spirit I adhere to this command without any accomodation to sinners who have "profaned the blood of the covenant." My hands, by the grace of God, are pure and unstained.

Survey6/29/07 3:26 AM
Dwayne | Santa Fe,NM  Find all comments by Dwayne
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