Becky wrote:After watching my daughter repeatedly battered and beaten by the evil man she calls her husband, there is no doubt in my mind that divorce is NOT sin in some cases. For the sake of her and her children's mental and physical well-being, she cannot remain married to this person.
Of course your daughter cannot stay with an abusive husband. Separation is necessary. Even Scripture calls for a time of separation when there are problems in the marriage. 1 Cor. 7:5
During this time of separation she can pray for his salvation. Her faith will be proven as she trusts the Lord to intervene. This may mean reconciliation or the husband may choose divorce. God is Sovereign.
Paul says in 1 Cor. 7:10,11 "But to the married I give instructions, not I, but the Lord, that the wife should not leave her husband (but if she does leave, let her remain unmarried, or else be reconciled to her husband), and ...." Paul acknowledges that there are times for leaving, but also gives instruction concerning the time of separation.
I'll be praying for your family concerning this.
Rom 5:3 says, ". .tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope;"
LinkLater wrote:Of course divorce is Biblical.Just as all the other sins recorded in the Scriptures are "Biblical."
Just as all the other sins recorded in the Scriptures are "Biblical."
JD wrote:Testing, testing!For God so loved the world...For God so loved the elect...Which is it and is the same hermeneutic going to apply?
".. God peradventure will give them repentance to acknowledging of the truth.."
So what is to be, does God give repentance or not?
Are you going to apply your devilish hermeneutics to deny the teaching of the verse?
For God so loved the world...
For God so loved the elect...
Which is it and is the same hermeneutic going to apply?
Bible verse wrote:edit:JDIt is apparent to me that you will resort to any tactic to make void the word of God, and to deny its plain teaching. I think we are done!
The wise thing to do is brush off the dust.
2 Corinthians 3But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.
4For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him.
Bible verse wrote:It is apparent to me that you will resort to any tactic to make void the word of God, and to deny its plain teaching. I think we are done!
JD wrote:Ignoring the words of scripture is your problem now, friend. You are asking for a literal hermeneutic and I am going to hold you on track. Did I quote the verses literally or not? A yes or no will do, thank you!
Bible verse wrote:Irrespective of what one thinks on the issue of divorce, one should not do what JD does viz. cut up the Bible and allot it between Jews and Gentiles thereby re-erecting the middle wall which Christ's work pulled down once and for all. These Judaizers have never ceased to deny or make void the word of God. BEWARE!!
JD wrote:Whatever one thinks about divorce, God has dealt with the subject within the context of the gentile church.....the authority for our faith on the subject is in the epistles where there is an exception clause whether it is admitted or not.....
It is OK to go to the OT to find out what God has to say on the subject (Mal 2:16 For the LORD, the God of Israel, saith that he hateth putting away...), but let us be instructed out of the epistles because they are written to instruct the NT church.
Ro 15:16 That I should be the minister of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles, ministering the gospel of God, that the offering up of the Gentiles might be acceptable, being sanctified by the Holy Ghost.
Ro 15:18 For I will not dare to speak of any of those things which Christ hath not wrought by me, to make the Gentiles obedient, by word and deed,
This, of course, is my humble opinion!
And because that marital bond is dissolved in a lawful divorce, another marriage is permitted (as we shall see in the text of Matt.19:9, 1Cor.7:27-28, Jn.4:18 and Deut.22:19).
The Lord permits lawful divorce for the reason of fornication or sexual sin in Matt.19:9 and Paul does so for a second reason in 1Cor.7:15.
Fornication refers to all sexual sin whether one is married or single (1Cor.6:18, also cf. Hos.2:2, 4:12).
For those of you who have been involved in a lawful Divorce which Rome or some Baptist minister has refused to allow you into the visible church of Christ, please appeal to Scripture and not their traditions for a firm foundation.
It is like blindly following Abigail because people have learned how to paste Scripture, but ignore the proper meaning of the verses in context of God's total intended meaning. The exception clause ("except it be for fornication") is totally removed by these folks, but God rightly keeps it in the Scripture.
Linda wrote:Dr. Luciano--I agree with you, too!! I printed off your comments on this issue and my son Seth Hawkins is very encouraged by you, and so am I!! Keep standing steadfast; you are not alone. Neither was Daniel. Fight on.
Weapon of Mass Instruction wrote:Sir, you have just committed the unpardonable sin around here: agreeing with me.
Dr. Yamil Luciano wrote:Amen! Just got done listening to that sermon. It is so encouraging to hear other men of God shunning the culture and preaching the unadulterated principles of the Word of God.Some points of interest:1. Jesus makes a irrefutable distinction between fornication and adultery.2. God instituted marriage to be a picture of Christ and the church. Just like God does not divorce us when we go and commit adultery with other Gods, so he expects the victim of adultery to be.2. The issue of forgiveness. Now this is a point that I have not made but it is worth noting. Divorce is nothing more than a complete disregard of Jesus's command to forgive.
Some points of interest:1. Jesus makes a irrefutable distinction between fornication and adultery.2. God instituted marriage to be a picture of Christ and the church. Just like God does not divorce us when we go and commit adultery with other Gods, so he expects the victim of adultery to be.2. The issue of forgiveness. Now this is a point that I have not made but it is worth noting. Divorce is nothing more than a complete disregard of Jesus's command to forgive.
Dr. Yamil Luciano wrote:Oh. Ok. I apologize for the confusion. I shoild have read more carefully, Linda._____________________________________This is the depravity of the Calvinists. You do not have to agree with me to be a man of God, but the least you can do is to be honest.
This is the depravity of the Calvinists. You do not have to agree with me to be a man of God, but the least you can do is to be honest.
That kind of reminds me of hearing about a man (it mayh have been in sermon here on SA) who when the Jehovah's Witnesses came to his door and they told him they were Jehovah's Witnesses said, 'I'm a Jehovah's Witness too' and invited them in to talk with them and after they gave him there talk, he told them, "You lied to me you're really not Jehovah's witnesses at all because....."