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News Item6/5/12 4:17 PM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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I think its good they refused to do this. But where do you draw the line?
Will i go photograph a wedding where I know that everyone is going to get right drunk after with all kinds of immorallity or do i stay away from photographing that one to?

Just a question

News Item6/4/12 6:11 PM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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Tennessee Wise wrote:
Why do we continue to hide behind the man John Calvin? All Calvin did was exposit the word of God. Calvin did not write the words election, predestination or foreknown in the Bible he did not form the verse in Jereimah that says God knew us in the womb. Any person who does not believe in the doctrine of election does not believe whole counsel of God. To believe other wise is dealing with people who want man at the center of their universe. Do you really believe God is waiting on you with your puny mind and frailities to make a decision concerning eternal life what a joke. Most of us on a good day choose 50% correct when we make decisions. So the omnipotent God is going to leave the universe in your hands. Boy do free willers think highly of themselves. Grow up and fall on your knees and ask God are you truly saved and give you the understanding and wisdom to rightly divide the word of GOD.
Because of Adam and Eves puny mind the whole earth is cursed and because of their decision Jesus had to die.

btw im a free willer and i beleive in election to

News Item6/4/12 4:32 PM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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thomas wrote:
The call to salvation is universal but most choose to die in their sin.

And, yes, God did love the world in such a way as to send His one and only Son. (paraphrased). The problem is that the world, by *nature* hates God.

I 100% agree! Most people will reject christ but some will accept him. That accepting him is what i think mans duty is. I no i cannot save myself but i must choose to accept him.

News Item6/4/12 4:14 PM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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thomas wrote:
Then according to John 6:44 those who are drawn will be raised up at the last day. This is where everyone being drawn ceases to make sense because all are not saved.
So you think some people will not even be able to get saved?
I thought God so loved the WORLD.

News Item6/4/12 4:02 PM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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John UK wrote:
1. God created them with freedom of choice to do right or wrong. Since the first sin, we have not had that freedom.
1. Can you show me this in scripture?
2. a question for you.
"Many are called but few are chosen" Why would anyone be called if he wasnt chosen?

That is correct! i just belive that all people will be drawn by God at some point in time.

News Item6/4/12 1:12 PM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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John UK wrote:
1. Of course it was their decision, made from a perfect mind which we don't have.
2. Have you tried choosing to believe you are not a man?
3. You can try to endure if you will, but it is better to cry unto God for grace to endure. This is the only safe way, because you will fail to endure. You will also fail to overcome. The reason I say this is because the salvation you espouse is a mixture of Christ's work and your own work. So you have accepted a false gospel and are not saved at all.
1.If they had a perfect mind why would they deliberitly disobey God?
2. Thats not the point, I dont mean i just believe in God. Even the devels believe. I believe that it is Jesus Christs actions that is enough for my salvation which can or cannot be believed in.
3. I know i cant earn my salvation by works of my own. But repenting and believing are not works. And i 100% agree it is by Gods grace that I will be able to endure. But first i must have faith.

So John please tell me then how i must be saved if you believe i am not.

News Item6/4/12 12:33 PM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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John UK wrote:
1. You'll get in a pickle trying to answer questions like that.
2. The problem with that statement is that if at some point you lose heart and lose YOUR faith, you will turn into an unbeliever, and therefore be lost.
3. It is saying that those who endure to the end shall be saved.
4. I haven't mentioned Judas.
1. You cant answer it because it might make you say that it was maybe thier decision to do it. point exactly, if i choose not to believe wont be saved.
3. Who endures? Me? Doesnt that mean i have to do something. Rev 3 5 "He that overcomes, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels"
I believe it is implied in this verse that he can and will blot out the names of people who do not endure till the end.
Now this is again is mans doing.
I have to endure.
4. sorry that was someone else then. my bad.
Btw thanks for putting this in point form, it makes it so much easier

News Item6/4/12 11:14 AM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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So John
Do you think that it was Gods will that adam and eve sinned. After creation God said " it is very good"
Can you tell me why God would ruin something that he called very good? By your comments you are telling me that it had nothing to do with mans decisions. Therefore adam and eve had no say in what happened. They were just destined to eat of the fruit. If there is nothing that man must do then what is the devils purpose? Why is he roaming around like a lion seeking whom he may devour. I will tell you one thing i am not a robot. I have the full right to believe or not to believe.
I CHOOSE to believe therefore i am saved!

Also when in the NT it talks about "he who endures to the end" what is that talking about? If i am part of the elect I have nothing to worry about right??
Some religious folks in my community will say that i am supposed to believe in Jesus to be saved and then they turn and say that I cant be 100% sure if I am going to heaven or not.
You are saying the exact same thing. And the reason i say that is because you tell me Judas was never part of the elect in the first place.

News Item6/4/12 9:39 AM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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John uk

I believe Gods will is based puny mans desicions and is not thwarted. It is according to foreknowledge.

News Item6/4/12 1:54 AM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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2 Peter 3

9The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

How can the Lord predestinate some people to hell and then say this?
If man has nothing to do with his salvation then according to this verse all will be saved because God is not willing that any should perish.

News Item6/3/12 10:55 AM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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If judas never was part of the elect how do I know I'm part of the elect?
If I have no idea if I'm part of the elect then I would be miserable because what then are my chances of getting to heaven.
1 John 5
13These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.

You want to know what I think...
I think that I believe and that through this I know I'm part of the elect. I don't have to worry about whether or not God chose me because I believe. And you said yourself God knew what would happen to judas just like he knows what I'm gonna be like. Therefore it would be quite easy for him to choose me in eternity past according to what I do.
Don't get me wrong, i still think its God who changes me when I'm born again but only after I make the choice to repent and believe.

News Item6/3/12 2:58 AM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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I have a few questions for the Calvinist.
1. What on earth happened to judas ascariot? P in the tulip is kind of violated here wouldnt you say?
2.what purpose is there for Jesus saying to the people "repent and believe" if the people are not able to respond?
3. revelations 3 verse 5 5He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life... This sounds like I have to do something myself "overcome" in order that my name stays in the book of life. Am I right?
4. Why is it not good enough for you that God chose those people whom he foreknew?
It makes this doctrin so simple yet you confuse it so much!

News Item6/3/12 2:48 AM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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I have a few questions for the Calvinist.
1. What on earth happened to judas ascariot

News Item5/24/12 1:52 AM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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Kjv only people are a little off the ditch but Jim Lincoln you should listen to yourself...your doing the exact same thing Kjv only people do.
They diss bibles other than Kjv and you diss the Kjv.
Do you think there is anything wrong with your bible??
Are you a NASB onlyist?

News Item5/19/12 2:28 AM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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I was born with an intense attraction to sin (drinking, fornication, you name it). Does that mean I can live in it?? Of course not! People are born sinners not homosexual. We need Christ so that the natural desires of the flesh can be put to death.

And the only time Jesus mentions this "save for the cause of fornication" is in Matthew which was written to the Jews and if anyone knows how the Jewish marriages worked this wouldn't be a debated topic!
Bottom line is this. If you are married and you have sex with someone other than your wife this is called adultery!!
Galatians says these people will not inherit the kingdoms of God!! Whether they say they are Christians or not!

News Item5/7/12 1:26 AM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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People sometimes tell me not to be an "escapist" and I have even been told to become completly depend on God and not on money or anything like that because they think we should get ready for the time when we can't buy or sell. And a lot of people that I talk to are terrified of the dreaded 666. Yet all these people think that Jesus can come for the church today!

How can this be seeing as I have yet to see the mark of the beast??

News Item5/5/12 12:41 AM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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* what

News Item5/5/12 12:41 AM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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What do you think the tribulation is about?
The rapture isn't about escaping hate. Part of the tribulation is God pouring out his wrath on mankind. As a Christian I don't see why God would pour out his wrath on me!
And yes I want to escape the tribulation because I never want to experience Gods wrath so that's why I focus on living right so that when that trumpet sounds I am outta here!!! Why a glorious day thT will be!

News Item4/11/12 11:39 AM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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I agree with you. Nobody would deny that Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean. We don't have to prove that Jesus existed because history proves it. People have to disprove it and they will never be able to!

News Item3/16/12 12:53 AM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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I have to agree with you. I was asking myself the same question? Do I leave all my convictions, doctrines etc aside just to welcome someone as a brother just because they have been persecuted?? I would say if it's a minor thing then maybe I would accept them as brothers but just because someone is persecuted does not give him the right to be way off on an important doctrine like the Catholics "miracle" of transunstanciation. Don't ask me how to spell that word lol
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