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News Item11/20/12 1:20 AM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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Cain when he was a baby was innocent...

News Item7/24/12 1:55 AM
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Lady virtue
Why are u surprised?
Sad as it is this kind of stuff happens in the church all over today. People getting divorced and dating agen! Someday God will pour out his wrath!!
I thank God for his grace and that he pours it out willingly to anyone who seeks it!

News Item7/17/12 11:04 AM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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Muslims teach that America is big Satan, they have terrist attacks, and the quaran clearly teaches to convert or die! These aren't radical Muslims or extremist! They are just true Muslims. And then you have a guy like kamal Saleem that was a terrorist wanting to warn America and he get accused by the new York times of promoting hate speech!! I don't feel sorry for America. Most American leaders are willingly ignorant of this threat in my opinion.

News Item7/2/12 3:05 PM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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11Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief.

Doesn't it sound like in the passages the you can harden your heart?
That's how I would interpret this.
How bout you?

News Item7/2/12 3:00 PM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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John Uk
Hebrews 4

1Let us therefore fear, lest, a promise being left us of entering into his rest, any of you should seem to come short of it.
2For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them: but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it.
3For we which have believed do enter into rest, as he said, As I have sworn in my wrath, if they shall enter into my rest: although the works were finished from the foundation of the world.
4For he spake in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise, And God did rest the seventh day from all his works.
5And in this place again, If they shall enter into my rest.
6Seeing therefore it remaineth that some must enter therein, and they to whom it was first preached entered not in because of unbelief:
7Again, he limiteth a certain day, saying in David, To day, after so long a time; as it is said, To day if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts.
8For if Jesus had given them rest, then would he not afterward have spoken of another day.
9There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God.
10For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his.
11Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the sa

News Item7/2/12 2:35 PM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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When I became saved I was being drawn by the Father. But I could have resisted the Holy spirit! I am very happy that I didn't but iv heard many stories where people have resisted the Holy Spirit and have died knowing they will not inherit heaven. Thats what I think about free will. I don't believe I can initiate salvation but I can choose to accept or reject when I am being drawn by the Father.

News Item6/26/12 12:55 AM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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When you read through the gospels and acts coonsistently the message thAt Jesus and the apostles preach to the people required some kind of action (repent, conversion, believe).
Lets just get out there, preach the gospel to every creature and let people resond!

Btw how do Calvinist evangelize?
Do they avoid saying anything that might require a response on mans part?
I'm just curious...

News Item6/21/12 11:49 PM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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Dopey said "John for Jesus, or anyone who may currently "understand", "that God saves by grace through faith." do you really want to end up in "hell" then later "the lake of fire"

I don't dopey! What do u suggest I should do?

News Item6/20/12 5:28 PM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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What about judas. I don't know wat you think but some think he was never a believer in the first place. Yet he was one of the twelve. Therefore how can I be assured that God has givin me faith.

Tell me what would you say to someone who is troubled by the assurance of his salvation?

News Item6/20/12 3:56 PM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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If faith is then a gift from God, how will I know I have received it?

News Item6/18/12 5:39 PM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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So I have a question...if God only chose to give some people faith, on what basis did he choose these people?

News Item6/18/12 2:31 AM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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Paster Phil Schlamp on SA had an interesting story that paralleled that verse in epheshians that talked about faith. His conclusion was that salvation was the gift. Any way this was a news article he found an went something like this, " one day a pilot went way of the grid and crashed somewhere and noone could find him. He was still alive. So he decided he would send out smoke signals every time he heard a plane. So he heard a plane after a while and lit his smoke signal. Well some lookout tower saw the smoke and sent a helicopter to rescue the man.
So in the article it said that this man was saved by a helicopter(grace which is Gods doing) through smoke signals(faith which the man must do)

I'm a free willer and so I choose to have faith that Jesus is enough for the salvation of my soul. So I have faith that God saves me through Jesus Christs death. My faith is not a meritorious work but rather I choose to give God all the glory through my faith in his indescribable gift to me.

News Item6/17/12 2:24 AM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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Where do people get the idea that faith is a gift from God?

News Item6/15/12 1:21 AM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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Good comment mark. Love the sinner and hate the sin!

News Item6/7/12 5:47 PM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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thomas wrote:
Thank you. That was helpful.

Charles Spurgeon has said it this way:
Our Savior has bid us preach the Gospel to every creature. He has not said, “Preach it only to the elect.” And though that might seem to be the most logical thing for us to do, yet, since He has not been pleased to stamp the elect on their foreheads, or to put any distinctive mark upon them, it would be an impossible task for us to perform! Therefore when we preach the Gospel to every creature, the Gospel makes its own division and Christ’s sheep hear His voice and follow Him.
God ordained both the end and the means to that end.

So are you telling me that God is leaving the universe in our hands.
For example he is then relying on us to preach the gospel to every creature.
Or does God make me go preach the gospel and i have know say in it?

News Item6/7/12 4:34 PM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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John can you tell me what the point is of evangelism if God saves whom he wills?

News Item6/7/12 12:44 PM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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John UK wrote:
On the contrary, if they were whole-Bible men, they would cease to be fatalists and hypermen.

Correct! And the fact that you "praised God" for the jailor "choosing to believe", means that God brought him to believe, even against his "natural man" nature.

How did God bring him to believe?

News Item6/7/12 12:20 PM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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When Paul is talking to the phillipian jailer the jailer asks him, "What must I do to be saved." Notice that he asks what must "I do" Then paul answers and says "Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ" He could have said, " Well ah just wait for God to save you because you cant do anything to be saved because you are just unable to make a good choice if your life depended on it." But no he gave him an answer to what HE MUST DO!
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ!
And he chose to believe praise God!

News Item6/7/12 12:08 PM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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Russ wrote:
I think he points out Christian issues because he is a Christian. We aren't called to judge the world for they act like their nature compelled them to. We are called to judge the church and yes there are still problems in the church.
Ya I guess thats true. We sure need grace from God to keep our marraiges pure and intact.

News Item6/7/12 1:59 AM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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Why does he attack Christians in this article. Islam is the religion that teaches the male dominance that he is talking about. Domestic violence is not a result of a misunderstood biblical doctrine.
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