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Todd's Road Grace Church
Todd Nibert  |  Lexington, Kentucky
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Todd's Road Grace Church
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"Great Sermon!"
Pastor Bill Argiropoulos from Clearwater, Fl.
One of the best messages I’ve ever heard!
Todd Nibert | Romans 8:12
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Sermon7/6/18 8:44 PM
Gary and Janey Hollback from Wheelersburg church  Contact via emailFind all comments by Gary and Janey Hollback
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Todd Nibert
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you so much for that wonderful message

Sermon7/6/18 2:11 PM
Aliyah Berakah from US  Contact via emailFind all comments by Aliyah Berakah
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The Trinity
Todd Nibert
“ 3 In 1 - 1 In 3 ”
I wondered how Todd was going to approach this subject. He did quite well actually. He brought out some good points, made some clear statements & stayed focused on the subject matter. Well done, Todd. He began by pointing out that there are 3 separate entities in one. The Father, the Word (Son) & the Holy Ghost (Spirit). He also went on to note that nowhere in scripture are the terms "Trinity" or "Sovereign" used. Those are man made terms used in order to describe God. He also points out the definition of the word 'Transcendent' - giving the definition as being "beyond or above the range of normal or merely physical human experience". Lastly he spends some time on both the terms "omniscience" and "omnipotence" and what they are. If you are unclear on the subject of the Trinity, this sermon would go a long, long way into helping one understand it more clearly. Highly recommended. Scripture references - 1 John 5:7; John 1:1/2:24/3:13/6:29/15:26; Genesis 1:1, 26; Isaiah 6:8/9:6; Matthew 3:13/28:19; Proverbs 30:4; Acts 20:28; Hebrews 1:8/13:8

Sermon7/6/18 12:32 PM
Aliyah Berakah from US  Contact via emailFind all comments by Aliyah Berakah
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The Neutrality Of Gamaliel
Todd Nibert
“ Are You A Fence Sitter? ”
Todd starts out explaining that Peter had preached a sermon, made all the Jews mad & they were going to stone him or kill him if possible. That Peter! Always telling it like it is! Gotta love the Apostle Peter. Anyway, Gameliel, who taught Paul & was considered to be the authority among the Jewish elite, calmed them all down & said "Hold on a second, let's see where this is going before we go losing our heads". Inadvertently he saved Peter's life. After this, Todd moves on to point out that Gameliel didn't take sides. He remained neutral. He goes on to point out that humans in general tend to do the same thing. And it is in these examples that he gives during this sermon that is eye opening. This is a good sermon to determine if you are in fact a fence sitter, someone who doesn't choose sides, doesn't have any particular loyalties, is lukewarm (as it were). If you want to know where you stand with God, this is a good sermon to use in order to do a little self evaluation. I would like to see a little expansion on this subject myself, it was quite interesting. Maybe Todd will do a regular church sermon on it sometime.

Sermon7/6/18 11:01 AM
Aliyah Berakah from US  Contact via emailFind all comments by Aliyah Berakah
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What Friends Do
Todd Nibert
“ The Mystery of it All ”
Todd starts out mentioning that Abraham was the friend of God & that is mentioned 3 times in scripture. Then he takes a subtle turn & takes us on a journey through what a Mystery is. He does intertwine friendship with Mystery in that God chooses to reveal His mysteries to His friends, which are the elect. Included in the various mysteries of scripture are the mysteries of the Cross, the Gospel, Eternity, Eternal Union, the Trinity, His will & Godliness. He defines the meaning of "Mystery" as "the transcendental, glorious truth that is beyond comprehension". Toward the end of the sermon he reflects on the Great Whore of Babylon & points out that what she is representative of is in fact RELIGION. All of my life I had heard it was a country of some sort, never had I considered Religion - a true mystery revealed. Scripture references - Psalm 8:4/25:14/51; Ephesians 1:9-10/2/3:1/5:25-32; Genesis 18:17; John 5:20/15:15/17:20-23; Romans 8:31; Hebrews 2:11/10:10; 1 John 4:17; Colossians 1:26; Galatians 2:20; 1 Timothy 3:9, 16; Titus 1:1; Revelation 1:20/17:3-5

Sermon7/1/18 1:25 PM
Aliyah from US  Contact via emailFind all comments by Aliyah
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A Wrong Supposition
Todd Nibert
“ Is Christ REALLY With You? Really? ”
This is the 2nd time in several weeks that I have listened to this sermon. I have even recommended it to others. It's one of those sermons that when you listen to it again you hear something that you hadn't heard previously & I like that. Todd starts off talking about Mary & Joseph traveling home from the annual feast, thinking that 12 year old Jesus is with them. Finding that He wasn't, they had to go searching for Him. That's just like regular people. Many, many people think they are saved & they aren't even close. It's too late when we are standing before Christ & He says "depart from me you workers of iniquity". But, it's still the facts. Todd breaks off from that to talk about how people in the church see themselves in this world & that is applicable as well. Both topics go hand in hand. People in general have a lot to learn about where they stand with Jesus & this sermon would go a LONG WAY into helping them come into reality. Scripture references - Luke 2:44/3:23/12:49/13:1-18; Acts 7:24/16:22-30/27:9; Matthew 20:10-30; 2 Timothy 10-13; Hebrews 1:3

Sermon6/27/18 12:31 AM
Aliyah from US  Contact via emailFind all comments by Aliyah
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Blood and Water
Todd Nibert
“ 2 Types of Baptism ”
I wasn't sure what to expect from this sermon. I didn't know how Todd was going to approach it. Based on the comment posted earlier this month I was curious to say the least. Todd struggled with this sermon in short. He was all over scripture pointing out the "Blood & Water" passages. But, he never really could get a solid handle on how to approach the subject & he said the commentaries were of no real help. To me, it would have been simple. We, as elect were covered by the blood of Christ at the point that he was pierced by the sword. The blood & water represent to me, the two types of baptism the elect have. It's not complicated. The sermon was tough to listen to because of it being as disjointed as it was. When Todd has that much scripture in his sermon, things tend to get bogged down a bit. I won't take the time to list the scripture references here, because I wanted room to explain my take on what I watched & listened to. I was hoping to take away something new & I didn't; which was disappointing. But, on the other hand, it reminded me of some things that I hadn't thought about in awhile. Todd may be better served to fall back to researching Henry Mahan on things like this to see what he preached (if anything) on them.

Sermon6/26/18 5:20 PM
Aliyah from US  Contact via emailFind all comments by Aliyah
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The Circumcision
Todd Nibert
“ 2 Types of Circumcision ”
I watched this sermon this morning & was impressed with the information that it contained. The essence of this sermon was the fact that there are 2 types of circumcision. One for the flesh (Jewish - 8 day) and one for the spirit (salvation by Grace). The only one we, as elect need to be concerned about is the spiritual circumcision. Too bad more preachers don't have the GUTS (or should I say BACKBONE) to preach the true word of God. Todd Nibert sets an example for others to follow.

Sermon6/26/18 12:35 PM
Aliyah from US  Contact via emailFind all comments by Aliyah
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Todd Nibert
“ Only With Regard To God ”
I wasn't going to watch this sermon initially but, I read a comment on it that made me wonder a little. Todd explains that he wanted to look at all the places scripture where the word ONLY appears. He starts off stating that he had FOUR points of ONLY in regard to: 1) Man (State of Man) - Genesis 6:5; Ecclesiastes 7:29; Psalm 62:4; John 5:44 2) God - John 6:38-40/17:3; Matthew 4:10/8:5/15:4; Galatians 1:6; 1 Timothy 6:15-16; Luke 5:23; Genesis 22:2 3) Do - Matthew 17:1-6; 2 Corinthians 11:3; Luke 8:49 4) Say - Psalm 4:8/51:4/62:2/71:16 Todd never really structures his points very well. He gets scattered & it's hard to follow sometimes. I would like a little more examination & less quoting. That's me though. During the sermon he explains what Antinomianism is - "To think that Grace is an excuse to sin." He also mentions that Faith has absolutely nothing to do with what you think about yourself. He goes on to point out that in order to truly repent, one must take sides with God against themselves. I like that. I had never looked at it that way before. NOTE: If you are trying to watch the video from SermonAudio there is a glitch at the 42:04 min mark where the video locks up. I had to download it in order to finish watching it.

Sermon6/26/18 10:34 AM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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The Circumcision
Todd Nibert
“ A beautiful type of the work of redemption ”
It is always enriching to ponder about the divers types Scripture describes the work of redemption with, for instance as a new birth, a circumcision, a purchase for the slave market, a new man, adoption, marriage, a crucified self, etc ..., each one bringing a different shine, or a different layer of enrichment to our personal awareness of what God's gift of salvation brings, entitles and represents.

Sermon6/26/18 2:20 AM
Bob Dishman  Find all comments by Bob Dishman
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Todd Nibert
“ Great Sermon! ”

Sermon6/25/18 10:06 PM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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Todd Nibert
“ Trust or obey? ”
This is a beneficial study of significant blessing from a Calvinist approach of passages where the word 'only' appears in the AV. It is advisable, however, to observe how obedience and trust are not mutually excluding terms in Scripture, but they are often interchangeable terms standing for the same concept. For instance, this can be seen in passages as these: "what shall the end be of them that *obey* not the gospel of God?", or "Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through sanctification of the Spirit, unto *obedience* and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ". The polarization of passages to the point of segregation of concepts often ends affronting truth by exclusion. Obedience glides the air space of belief. See e.g., " ... shall we sin, because we are not under the law, but under grace? ... ye were the servants of sin, but *ye have obeyed* from the heart that form of doctrine which was delivered you." Significantly throughout the epistles the believer after conversion is constantly exhorted into obedience, e.g. "... bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ", because obedience, though never meritotial, proves genuine faith. It is rather the conspicuous and tangible virtue of authentic belief.

Sermon6/25/18 10:31 AM
MS  Find all comments by MS
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Todd Nibert
“ Great Sermon! ”
Excellent. Won’t be well received by the religionists of today...who hate the words Christ alone and only. They always come along with their filthy rags to add to the SPOTLESS SACRIFICE.

Sermon6/24/18 1:30 PM
Aliyah from US  Contact via emailFind all comments by Aliyah
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Who Is Israel?
Todd Nibert
“ Who Are You? ”
Who Are You? A very critical question for anyone who thinks they are saved. Better to know where you stand before the end of the day. Todd starts by addressing 6 passages of scripture in order to answer who is a true Jew. They are 1) Hebrews 8:10, 2) John 1:47, 3) Romans 2:28, 4) Galatians 6:16, 5) Philippians 3:3-4, 6) John 19:19-20. He expounds on these passages throughout the sermon. He also enumerates the 6 Laws of the House of Israel. They are 1) Law of Sin, 2) Law of Righteousness, 3) Law of Faith, 4) Law of Liberty, 5) Law of Love, 6) Law of Christ. He also defines the difference between the Letter & Spirit of the Law. The Letter says to "keep it & be saved" & the Spirit says the "Law is Spiritual, but I am carnal". He explains the 7 differences between the Letter & Spirit (Letter/Spirit). They are 1) Work/Grace, 2) Do & live/Live & do, 3) Men are dead in sin & totally depraved/I am dead in sin & totally depraved, 4) Bible teaches something/Seeing necessity of scripture, 5) God elected a people/You need God to choose you, 6) Christ's death was successful/You need His successful death, 7) Salvation by Grace/Need Salvation & Grace. In the end he explains that the Letter killeth & the Spirit makes alive.

Sermon6/20/18 1:00 PM
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Sunday School 06/17/2018
Todd Nibert
“ Great Sermon! ”
Good teaching, restful thanks

Sermon6/20/18 7:03 AM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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Blood and Water
Todd Nibert
“ Lopsided ”
Yes, Christ is our redemption and sanctification, this is how we stand before God, and whosoever is born of God sins not, but 'if' we sin we have an advocated with the Father. Mr. Nibert slant ultimately tends towards antinomianism or sinless perfection, both being aberrations of the truth. If Christ's sanctification is 'completed' for the believer never having to obey or check a thing during his life, then he would never sin in the first place after being saved, and what is spoken about the conforming/transforming into his image in Romans 8 and 12 is contradictory and obsolete. On the other hand commands written to believers as Col.3:9, "Lie not one to another", or Eph.4:31, "Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice" would make no sense either. However, "we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory ... by the Spirit of the Lord" I Cor.3:18 He works in us by his Spirit, which does not mean is an automate mechanism, but brought to pass through the obedience to the truth, say the mortifying of the flesh according to Col.3:5 or Rom.8:13, "if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live"

Sermon6/18/18 3:30 PM
Aliyah from US  Contact via emailFind all comments by Aliyah
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Five Blessings of Grace
Todd Nibert
“ Interesting Sermon ”
This sermon's title caught my eye & sounded interesting. I wasn't sure what to expect so I kept an open mind. I had to listen to this sermon twice (back to back) in order to see the FIVE blessings listed. Just listening you don't catch it specifically because Pastor Nibert isn't literally numbering them. He is basically reading through the verses and mentioning them. So you have to be paying distinct attention to what he is saying in order to catch them. The format of the sermon could have been structured a little more efficiently in order to showcase those FIVE blessings. But, the sermon still yielded necessary information. The Five Blessings are 1-Sins Forgiven, 2-Knowing the Trinity, 3- Overcoming adversity, 4- Spiritual Strength, 5- The Word Abiding in you. Included in verses 12-14 is "Knowing God", which Pastor Nibert points out as being mentioned 3 different times. Scripture references - 1 John 2:12-14/1 John 4:4/1 John 5:4; John 10; Ephesians 4:32; 2 Corinthians 2:14; Psalm 106; Isaiah 43:22-25; Revelation 12:10

Sermon6/17/18 5:17 PM
MS  Find all comments by MS
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Blood and Water
Todd Nibert
“ Excellent ”
Christ is all our justification. Christ is all our sanctification. Amen! No joint cooperation. Salvation is of the Lord. All Glory to God.

Sermon6/17/18 9:23 AM
Duane Linn from Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by Duane Linn
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Must Election Be Preached?
Todd Nibert
“ A MUST sermon to be heard. ”
I have said in the past, that the true gospel is never preached on the TV or the radio. After hearing today's message, I stand corrected. May the Lord Jesus Christ bless and preserve you and your ministry. DAL

Sermon6/14/18 6:04 PM
Aliyah Berakah from US  Contact via emailFind all comments by Aliyah Berakah
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Speaking in Tongues
Todd Nibert
“ The Works of God ”
Pastor Nibert starts out talking about speaking in tongues. He describes what it is in this day and time, how to do it, what it was in scripture & the difference between the two. He then moves on about 20 mins into the sermon & starts talking about the types of works of God. There are 3 - Creation, Providence & Salvation. He then moves into the wonderful works of God, which fall under each of the above 3 categories. At the end of the sermon, he comes back to the topic of speaking in tongues & reiterates what he said in the beginning. Pastor Nibert provides some interesting insights into scripture. It doesn't go where you think it will & it doesn't end up where you think it will. Very much worth the journey. Scripture references - acts 2:1-11/8; Ephesians 1:11; Luke 9:31; Hebrews 4:3; Colossians 1:16; Romans 4:25/8:28; 2 Peter 1:4; Deuteronomy 32:4; Leviticus 23; Ecclesiastes 3:11-14; Isaiah 46:9-11; Psalms 8:3-6

Sermon6/14/18 9:22 AM
Aliyah Berakah from US  Contact via emailFind all comments by Aliyah Berakah
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The Issue Of Predestination
Todd Nibert
“ Duplicate Sermon ”
This sermon (video) is an exact duplicate of the one listed for 01-21-18 under Acts 4:27-28. I took the time to do a side by side comparison of the videos and they are exactly the same.

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