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News Item2/19/2020 8:09 AM
Mr. Brown | Nebraska  Find all comments by Mr. Brown
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Jim, I rebuke you. You should not speak against somebody who proclaims the gospel.

Luk 9:50 KJV And Jesus said unto him, Forbid him not: for he that is not against us is for us.

You might not agree with all of his teachings but he certainly proclaims the gospel and the Bible expressly forbids your constant behavior of denigrating evangelists. It is appalling that a Christian would constantly display this behavior. No evangelist will ever be perfect but God does not use perfect people nor does he call perfect people. The great physician came to heal the sick.

News Item2/11/2020 7:30 AM
Mr. Brown | Nebraska  Find all comments by Mr. Brown
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Trump should cut even more if we want to lower our debt but hey, at least it's under 5 trillion...

News Item10/31/19 8:37 AM
Mr. Brown | Nebraska  Find all comments by Mr. Brown
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Republicans typically don't support abortion. Democrats promote it, march for it, praise it. So yeah, no one is forced but those who support murdering infants are responsible for their words and actions. Those who support it will be held accountable by God for their actions. It's not about which party you belong to but whether or not you belong to God.

News Item4/12/19 9:41 AM
Mr. Brown | Nebraska  Find all comments by Mr. Brown
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The terms spying and surveillance are pretty much the same. To spy is to survey. It is a loaded term but a proper one considering who was doing the surveillance, the government. Surveillance comes more with the connotation that it is in the open and people are aware of the activity. Spying makes the same activity sound secretive. The surveillance done by the government was not open, it was hidden which makes the term a more proper description of the government's actions than surveillance.

News Item3/17/19 7:55 AM
Mr. Brown | Nebraska  Find all comments by Mr. Brown
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It is flat wrong and bigoted for you to call her or anyone else racist for not supporting universal health care. For your information Jim, a very large reason a country has fewer abortions is because many of those women are taking plan B which is a chemical abortion but they don't count it as one. It is the same reason people think abortions in America have dropped in recent years. It's the pills and people don't bat an eye at those abortions. Many women are told likes about those pills as well. Abortion is evil and people like who think a second evil like universal health care can solve the problem are a huge obstacle to getting abortion to end in America. You are not supporting the right cause. You are not pro life.

News Item11/21/18 6:13 AM
Mr. Brown | Nebraska  Find all comments by Mr. Brown
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The fires have nothing to do with climate change and everything to do with mismanagement of land. If the land is cleared of dead dry brush the fires wouldn't have fuel to spread and become massive. Logging used to take care of this for many areas but because of environmentalists thinking it was morally wrong the land has been building up fuel for fires. Man made impact on the environment is the cause of the fires but it's not the world heating up. It is people who think that who are causing the damage ironically.

News Item10/6/18 8:10 AM
Mr. Brown | Nebraska  Find all comments by Mr. Brown
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Each state has it's own state Constitution. They are all modeled after the US Constitution. Just like the one for the federal government, it lays the ground work for how the state will operate, it's powers, the people's rights and so on.

News Item7/13/18 8:07 AM
Mr. Brown | Nebraska  Find all comments by Mr. Brown
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Highly inappropriate Jim. You say quite often Christian's should stay out of politics but you comment quite often on politics, more so than other topics. You should really take a deeper look at yourself rather than others. Making such inflammatory comments is anything but brotherly love. It's also against biblical teaching.

Titus 3
1 Put them in mind to be subject to principalities and powers, to obey magistrates, to be ready to every good work,

2 To speak evil of no man, to be no brawlers, but gentle, shewing all meekness unto all men.

Please refrain from speaking evil others, respect the political leaders and focus more on higher topics, such as the lost souls of our country men.

News Item12/6/17 2:54 PM
Mr. Brown | Nebraska  Find all comments by Mr. Brown
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The most absurd part of this is that any teacher would sue the state for bad education. It is their job to teach. They are responsible for a students poor ability or inability to read. If the parents are so upset they should be teaching their own kids to read, not suing the government for doing something poorly that the government should never have been doing. I'm glad I'm not in California but because the entire country is almost entirely dependent on government schools the country as whole is going down hill and unless parents start taking their child's education into their own hands nothing will change. Ultimately it is the responsibility of the parents to ensure their kids are educated. Homeschooling would be the most ideal but public schools could work if parents could fire teachers. If a parent could actually hold the principal or teacher liable and parents actually had school choice most problems could be solved.

News Item12/6/17 2:35 PM
Mr. Brown | Nebraska  Find all comments by Mr. Brown
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I was educated in California. I went to public schools kindergarten through college. There are many problems and they are not hard to identify. All public school teachers are part of a union. It is extremely powerful and they really make a lot of decisions on behalf of everyone. Also, because all teachers are in a union, they are almost impossible to fire. I had such horrendous teachers who cared so little. I had a teacher in my first period my freshman year of high school who was late more often than not. I had several teachers who never actually graded any homework. They had students grade for them. As long as you turned in something with your name on it you got full credit. It was extremely discouraging. I could go on all day about it but the problems are numerous and easily identifiable. Home schooling or private school is the only way in California to ensure your child receives a real education. The same is probably true every where though. Government cannot be trusted to educate, only indoctrinate. There are teachers who try. Not every teacher I had was completely inept but they were the exception, not the rule and even then many of those who are actually capable care more about making sure you believe evolution and liberal ideology than critical thinking or reading. I infu

News Item12/2/17 8:38 AM
Mr. Brown | Nebraska  Find all comments by Mr. Brown
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Wow! Are you saying Germany is a good example and we are way behind the times? Hitler was for a national healthcare system. Was he a good guy too? Abortion as an institution was at the beginning a racist endeavor and has not stopped being racist. It's push began with eugenicists. Please tell me when it stopped being racist?

News Item11/29/17 1:59 PM
Mr. Brown | Nebraska  Find all comments by Mr. Brown
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I want to throw out a question because so many of you have strong opinions and some of you do read the Bible. What about a man who is divorced but the wife left him. Our American laws allow for no fault divorce so no reason is really needed. The woman now denounces Christ and hates all things Christian. This is one of the main reasons she divorced him. Can he serve as a deacon or pastor or even a teacher? I want serious anwers please. In much of the discussion I have already had with others and from what I have seen on here not many have discussed the implications of when a woman leaves and has little reason. Would it matter if she cheated and left him? What about if she divorced then goes to another man, is he ever free to serve? Does it matter if he stays single after the divorce, can he serve as a pastor then? Can he ever remarry and be a pastor if the first wife is still alive? Again serious question, serious answers backed by Bible passages.

News Item11/24/17 5:40 PM
Mr. Brown | Nebraska  Find all comments by Mr. Brown
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Jim! Amazing how you can promote Universal Healthcare on an article I didn't even think had anything to do with healthcare. Your head is a bit twisted. It's sad that you equate being a good Christian with wanting universal Healthcare. Again as I have said, taxation is not charity. The Bible never promotes taxes, it promotes a willing heart, charity but above all, love for God. I will be praying for you Jim.

News Item11/21/17 7:13 AM
Mr. Brown | Nebraska  Find all comments by Mr. Brown
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Jim, supporting universal healthcare does not make someone pro-life, it makes them a socialist. You must be anti-abortion to be pro-life. Promoting adoption is fine but encouraging the parents themselves to take care of their own children is actually what should be taking place, even when the parents lack a support system, those children need their parents. Back to universal healthcare, it is wrong to take money by force, which is the only way taxation works and socialist programs are not charity. God never instituted a socialist government for Israel. He also warned Israel against a king other than God himself. Every socialist and communist government that has existed is more of a tyrannical kingdom than what we in America enjoy. Don't push ungodly tyrannical ideas. Why don't you promote charity?

News Item8/17/17 1:33 PM
Mr. Brown | Nebraska  Find all comments by Mr. Brown
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Jim, where do you get the idea that Christians or Republicans in general don't value the mother's life? And where is the connection between abortion and maternal mortality rates? I have asked you before and never received an answer, give a some scenario where a women's life is saved by an abortion. I have yet to see statistic to back that statement or even anecdotal evidence. I care about mothers and I am against abortion. If you are so worried, start trying to get more funding and better recognition for pregnancy centers that help women THROUGH pregnancy.

News Item6/24/17 6:03 PM
Mr. Brown | Nebraska  Find all comments by Mr. Brown
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Ladybug has a very good point Jim. What circumstances would make it ok to kill the baby to save the mother? I have yet to find one described but the excuse comes up often. Setting aside rare cases, whatever they might be... Is abortion (killing unborn humans) in general acceptable? If no, then how can any circumstance really be justified? Is the mother's life more valuable or is there some other rationale? Please explain.

News Item6/24/17 10:29 AM
Mr. Brown | Nebraska  Find all comments by Mr. Brown
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It has been said of some one below that there are no good examples of where violence was used to stop children from being killed. I agree we must use the bible to support our beliefs and our actions. I do know of a verse which has a prophet use the sword to kill.

I Samuel 15:33
And Samuel said, As thy sword hath made women childless, so shall thy mother be childless among women. And Samuel hewed Agag in pieces before the LORD in Gilgal.

So is using violence justified in certain scenarios? If so which ones? I am not promoting killing of any one but if abortion is murder, wouldn't we be justified in using some amount of physical force to stop a murder? We are called to defend the defenseless and who is more defenseless than the unborn? I was once asked by a very liberal professor why I didn't do more to stop abortion if I thought it was murder because many people would step in if they were walking down the street and saw someone being attacked.

Is it ever ok to use violence or physical force as a Christian?

News Item4/17/17 6:47 AM
Mr. Brown | Nebraska  Find all comments by Mr. Brown
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What do you mean the "mother is often overlooked"? Do you mean when she chooses to kill the living child inside her, that she is a victim and she's often overlooked... In what rare circumstances do we kill children. Please give a circumstance and be more specific than when the mother's life is in danger or at risk. When people say that what risk or danger is the child to the mother? How or of what is the mother a victim?

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