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News Item10/8/2020 12:02 AM
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Ladybug wrote:
ChrisGP- I agree. This is about a global reset, a new world order. The upcoming vaccine will do more harm than any virus.
The guilty lash out when called out😂😂🤣🤣fyi- saying mr and mrs doesn't necessarily mean marriage, birds of a feather flock together, so close at times it is like a marriage. Being of one mind, even to the point of having similar tactics in commenting styles and wordings.hmmmmm.....
Prov. 26.4 Do not answer a fool according to his folly, lest you yourself also be like him.

Or her might I add. You truly are a sad woman. Goodnight.

News Item10/7/2020 11:28 PM
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[Removed by Moderator Alpha]

News Item10/7/2020 11:08 PM
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Honestly LB? So when a man decides to defend you, you and him must be together plotting your attack?

This is sad. Instead of being a mature adult and prayerfully listening and being humble through this forum and COVID, you attack, bicker and argue. This is not what Christians are supposed to be doing while we're on earth. I thank God that there's at least one Christian woman on here that has enough courage to stand up and defend the truth. A lesson for you to learn ol' girl.

News Item10/7/2020 8:37 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
"More people have died from Covid-19 than in the past 5 flu seasons combined. And coronavirus is much more contagious"â—ðŸ‘😷
The above article is fine, sometimes the advertisements below an article by CNN, isn't. I would stop reading when you get to the end.
The following by webMed is very good article on flu vaccinations certainly give it a read â—ðŸ‘💉
"How effective is the flu vaccine?"
I have known others who got the vaccine because their doctors convinced them to do so, and it nearly killed them. You have a bigger chance of getting COVID if you take the flu shot, than if you didn't.

News Item10/7/2020 8:32 PM
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The ignorance of the masses is a sight to behold. The sarcasm and the willful shutting of the eyes won't save you. We will all be held accountable one day for our actions. I indict myself as well. We can all behave better, but we all want to be right. The only difference (that I can see), is I wish to err on the side of caution. And it's a shame no one else is willing to do so. Go America!

News Item10/7/2020 7:33 PM
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MusicGal wrote:
The eyes are indeed another point of entry for infection according to medical literature.
I personally cannot read something on social media and not cross check and research in order to verify its truth. I find it amazing how people will take portions of an article out of context in order to prove how something is a "discrepancy". This has happened continually over transmission methods, mask wearing, and more.
Exactly MusicGal. It's a shame LB doesn't seem to have the sense to be quiet for a minute and think that perhaps she doesn't have a monopoly in truth. Not very becoming for a so called Christian woman.

Masks help, but don't protect 100%. I never said they did. But what a gamble to me, to think that because there's a chance of the masks failing, let's just get rid of them altogether and not wear them. My seat belt might fail once or my airbags, do I disconnect them because of this 1% failure chance?

LB, you have allowed yourself to become very angry and bitter toward men and it has tainted your perspective on life and stolen away any grace or Christ-likeness you used to reflect. I say this out of love, turn back to your first Love, and be the person I used to admire.

News Item10/7/2020 5:40 PM
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Wearing a seat belt because it's mandated by just don't seem to understand.

As far as LB is concerned, everyone should get back to life, live as normal, don't wear a mask, stop the hand sanitizer and don't give into the so called fear.

Eat, drink and be merry everyone, for tomorrow we die! Good advice sister!

I'm done with this farce.

News Item10/7/2020 5:19 PM
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MusicGal wrote:
Rather than you all quoting mask information you're seen circulating on Facebook take some time to research actual medical articles on the subject of masks. There has been mountains of research done since Covid19 came on the scene. Cloth masks, surgical masks, bandanas, an old t-shirt whatever don't provide much if any protection at all. N95 and N99 masks do. Nothing is totally perfect but its a much better option. Yes. Rely on God to protect you as He sees fit. Sometimes though He provides you with the items you need to protect yourself though. Have you ever seen a doctor? Have you ever purchased vitamins? There are many things we do day to day to improve our health and they are all ultimately provided by God. Wearing a mask does not equate you do not trust in God. How ridiculous. You wear a seat belt - why? Why not just trust God you won't get in an accident?
YES! Thank you, MusicGal for being level headed and intelligent in your argument. Too many times have I sat back grinding my teeth over the parroting I keep hearing. Lives are precious and every life matters, and if I can protect someone from getting sick or dying, then I will. That's not living in fear but in love.

News Item10/7/2020 3:56 PM
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Ladybug, your lack of love and patience shows through. Here's some links for you to peruse when you're out sunbathing.

N95 masks can filter around 95% of particles which are  0.3 μm size, whereas N99 can filter 99% of these.

These masks reduce aerosol transmission by 70% and offer 99% protection from getting the disease.


N95 should be standard for all patient care:

Loose fitting masks obviously don't work. No kidding. Anymore than a loose fitting diaper. Is there some corner of that brain of yours that will allow you to accept a tight fitting N99 mask that fits well on a nicely shaven face? Hmmm? Probably not because you are far past convincing with your faith and Vitamin D.

News Item10/7/2020 3:44 PM
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"Surgical masks work in certain settings, typical of the PPE needed in general hospital purposes. In a scenario dealing with a highly contagious disease or needing smaller particle protection, then N95 or even better N99 masks are needed. Medical research regarding masks shows how much each type of mask protects. Covid19 requires higher PPE."

Do you get colds or the flu LB? Soon this will boil down to who has the greatest faith to believe and confess good health over their own bodies. Of course we trust in God for our health, etc., but He has also given us a brain where He expects us to use it and make common sense decisions. Do you just sit in your house all day and wait for God to give you your next orders? Did you pray and ask His permission to reply to my so-called ignorant comments? As I said before, if I am in an environment where I am being exposed to dangerous (or infectious) particles, then I must use wisdom and take the necessary precautions to protect myself. This includes COVID. I am amazed over your confidence in the research and your own intelligence in making the decision to live life as normal in-spite of the apparent dangers around you on a daily basis.

News Item10/7/2020 2:34 PM
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Ladybug wrote:
And you actually believe you are smarter than OSHA. You like to argue, belittle, etc. Not interested.
Here where I work, I am reading right on the box concerning surgical masks, it says "warning: this product is an ear loop mask. This product is not a respirator and will not provide any protection against covid 19 (coronavirus) or other viruses or contaminants. Wearing an ear loop mask does not reduce the risk of contracting any disease or infection. User is solely responsible for the selection of appropriate ppe for the setting and application".I suppose you know more than the mask manufacturer as well, right Watcher?
You are acting like a parrot, LB. You're not thinking for yourself, as is the case with most people these days. These masks are made out of certain materials that have been designed to filter out certain particles. They either work or they don't work. They either work for everyone or no one. You cannot in all honesty say that they will work sometimes in certain conditions and not in others. If that's the case, then we should all be herded into the local hospitals to stay healthy and safe. Let your frontal lobe do the thinking for you LB, instead of the so-called experts.

News Item10/7/2020 1:25 PM
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Ladybug wrote:
I suggest you go to the osha link, masks only work in the setting they were designed for, i.e., *surgical* masks work in a *surgical* setting....
Hope that helps 'ole boy'....
You actually believe that masks are smart enough to know when they are in certain environments? So if the nurse that wears the mask steps outside of that magical environment then her mask will suddenly stop working? Honestly LadyBug?

News Item10/7/2020 11:13 AM
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Ladybug wrote:
Get a hold of yourself Jim and stop spreading fear and propaganda. This virus has a 99% recovery rate, no need to mask up when masks don't stop the prevention of infectious diseases-
surgical masks:
***Should be placed on sick individuals*** to prevent the transmission of respiratory infections that spread by 👉large droplets👈.
***Will not protect the wearer against airborne transmissible infectious agents due to loose fit and lack of seal or inadequate filtration***. From
Simply pushing the narrative won't work on those who research facts.
The President is right in not wearing a mask, he is bucking the elitist system and they aren't liking it ...
Question for you ol' girl: If masks don't work, then why are doctors, nurses, and front line workers wearing them?

Seems to me that they all must be either sick or stupid, at least according to you.

News Item10/4/2020 8:14 PM
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MS wrote:
Well,let's hope he's masked when he leaves, or he'll be hung, drawn, and quartered.
I guess one day when they decide to write the second edition of Foxe's Book of Martyrs; it'll include masks and social distancing. Imagine the church thinking that wearing masks is persecution? Let alone having church online? Think of it! Oh the humanity!!!

News Item10/4/2020 6:54 PM
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Proverbs 9

8 Reprove not a scorner, lest he hate thee: rebuke a wise man, and he will love thee.

9 Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be yet wiser: teach a just man, and he will increase in learning.

10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.

I guess I understand now.

News Item10/4/2020 11:50 AM
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ladybug wrote:
"Tell-tale signs of the Pharisee infection: Fawning affection toward those who agree with him, and merciless cruelty to detractors"- John Pedersen
A wise man knows when to be quiet, and I assume that goes for women too.

News Item10/4/2020 10:31 AM
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John UK wrote:
Bro, some will just argue for the sake of argument, not knowing what it is they are arguing for or against. These people are called argumentative. When you ask them nicely, "Please point out my error," they cannot.
Be assured that there are others on forum who will certainly point out what they call your "errors", but in reality, you are only "in error" because you say things that they disagree with. In other words "they" are the standard, they and they alone hold the truth, and everyone else is a heretic. Years ago, this happened often between the Baptists and Presbyterians. Thankfully, that has calmed down quite a lot, as people realised that distinctives do not prove a person's profession, and we have to get to know people individually, and sort out the wheat from the tares. God's elect have a fragrance, because they are indwelt by Christ.
Thank you, brother.

News Item10/4/2020 1:25 AM
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cv wrote:
You've argued here & elsewhere for an absolute obedience to government as per Rom13, in your words, .."no loopholes backdoors ..I see a point-blank commandment to follow. JohnUK even applauded you on stumping 1517 on that point. (You didn't really!) You claim that disobedience in the bible is just recorded like any other act. Except you've bought into the narrative that, the NEXT GUY is that personally responsible one. Whether its masks or vaccines, the next healthy person is a biohazard and must be forced to comply. This is a dangerous path. Most people here are fearful of their lives and will not admit that, for them, it is expedient that others risk their lives so that they can keep theirs. These mandates are predicated on that.
Neither my belief, nor JUK's unbelief, that these are signs of end times are inspired. judge for yourselves
It's not proclaiming the Gospel we are talking about here but wearing a mask or practicing some social distancing. Why can't anyone understand that on this forum?

It's sad to see that the two subjects are apparently interchangeable.

News Item10/3/2020 10:15 PM
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HerbalMama wrote:
With all due respect, Watcher, I don't believe you're dull for a moment. I'll pass on the re-explanation. 8 months in and I'm over this whole drawn out dramatic play. You may keep at it if you wish.
If I had a quarter for every time I asked someone to explain where I was in error and they said almost exactly the same thing you just said, I could retire somewhere...not so expensive. Nonetheless, this is a forum and we still have a semblance of free speech here so I will bow out again not understanding where I am in error.

News Item10/3/2020 8:52 PM
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HerbalMama wrote:
That's fine, Watcher. That wasn't my goal. My point was acknowledged and then completely missed. Interesting. But, whatever. Do as you please. I'll do as I please and stand before the Lord with a clean conscience.
I am so sorry that I missed your point. I am rather dull so please be patient and kind and tell me what your point was.

I will do my best to understand and not get offended.

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