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News Item10/11/2020 11:44 AM
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John UK wrote:
Brother, with sin all around, and even a remnant of it within ourselves, go ahead and be angry with sin. It will make you continually angry, but hey, who cares? Being angry changes nothing, unless you tell a Muslim the truth about Mohammad, and then your life in this world will change. Have you ever done that, bro? If not, why not? Oh, I know, you have more sense than to do something which is unprofitable. Common sense?
Why are you relying on women to preach the gospel? Are you a Joyce Meyer fan? What advice would you give to Joyce? Cease your prattling, woman, and obey the Lord? Get your doctrine straight and stop playing the Jezebel? Get off that platform and leave your TV shows? Could you get angry at those sorts of sins?
Brother, the NT says to put off the old man, mortify the flesh, cease from anger and wrath, be a man filled with the Spirit and you will bear fruit of love, joy, peace and so on.
Well said, John.

News Item10/11/2020 11:18 AM
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Unprofitable Servant wrote:
If you have not seen her FB page you have no idea if she had shared the gospel. Last I knew it’s good to be angry at sin
Okay, to be perfectly clear for you this morning. I did see her Facebook page and I did read the content of her posts in their entirety. How's that? Is that clear enough?

News Item10/11/2020 11:17 AM
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The main issue with the world is whether the baby is alive or not. They will say NO! until the so-called mom wants the child then magically it becomes alive. I have asked these people before if it's not a human being and it's not alive then what is it? Animal? Mineral or Vegetable? They obviously cannot answer. I press them to give me something and they get mad at me saying I'm convoluting the issue.

It boils down to the fact that unless there's an inward working of the Holy Spirit, these women will continue to get abortions because they want to, not because they should or shouldn't. It's a matter yet again, of worshipping self and wanting a life of convenience rather than responsibility.

News Item10/11/2020 11:02 AM
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Unprofitable Servant wrote:
Watcher has no clue whether or not this teacher shared the gospel. Christians are stands as lights in the midst of a crooked and perverse world. Not hide our light under a bushel You don’t know the Scripture if you think God did not address social injustices
I actually do know what she said as I have four articles right here telling me what she said. Fine and dandy to stand against evil, but we live in a hostile world and we need to be wise and speak only when spoken to and if she was brought before a tribunal to give testimony of her Christian beliefs, then fine, speak away, but it was an angry rant on FB to her friends and one of her friends called her in. This is NOT the Gospel. This is being a political activist and again not following the scriptural model for being a woman.

News Item10/11/2020 10:46 AM
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To compare this woman to John the Baptist is ridiculous. He was the greatest prophet of all proclaiming the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. She, like so many others, think it's their place to fill social media with angry rants. Yes, the plight of our public school is bad, and so many are being destroyed, having their souls seared, but as I said, she should have kept her mouth shut, been an example of a Christian woman, and did her best to do her job with excellence and remained beyond reproach to the best of her ability. Now she's out of a job, and can (most likely) never get a job teaching children again.

News Item10/11/2020 10:28 AM
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John UK wrote:
Brother US, can you think of any circumstances in the New Testament where a woman denounced sin by standing by a river and loudly preaching and baptising anyone who repented, and suffering the loss of her head for her trouble?
I just can't think of anything. Can you?
And again, we see Christians confusing social justice with the spreading of the Gospel. Just because someone defends abortion, traditional marriage, or what-have-you, and gets prosecuted, fired, killed, etc., doesn't automatically make them a martyr, any more than persecuting Catholics for their religion does. If this teacher stood up and proudly proclaimed the Gospel, then I could understand her plight and would congratulate her. There is something to be said about fighting your battles behind the mask of online courage and anonymity. We all have a tremendous amount of courage online to be "the man", as it were, but most of us wouldn't say half the things we do if it were in person.

News Item10/10/2020 9:16 PM
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John UK wrote:
Now she is unemployed and will be forgotten tomorrow. I think if you ask her, she will regret her course of action. There is a better way of doing it than going on Facebook. Man, why people imagine Facebook to be some sort of saviour is beyond me.
I agree, John. Christians are not political heroes, and they truly have no business shouting their disdain from the rooftops. It's not going to make a difference and as you said, now she's out of a job and could quite possibly bring the Ministry down onto her family for her lack of self-control. If a Christian works in the world, like most of us, do, we have to pick our battles and use discretion when needed. Her post on FB did nothing to change the atmosphere of the school she worked at. Honestly, it will probably make it worse to keep "nutcases" like her out. They'll put in policies to "protect" the children from her "hate". She should have waged her wars through being a quiet example and through prayer. Not FB.

News Item10/10/2020 8:45 PM
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Colin wrote:
I also find it hard to vote watcher. The loud support for sodomy by Trump. His socialist stimulus packages and the fact that planned parenthood has thrived under him makes it seem pointless. The whole country is careening off a cliff it just depends on how fast you want it to happen. Without Gods supernatural act of revival and repentance America is done for. Marxism will emerge and real persecution will come to Christians. My one hope is that my life glorifies the Lord Jesus Christ. Brothers from America we must not forget that God is holy. The child sacrifice, sexual deviancy, idolatry, gluttony, etc must be judged and the land will vomit us out. I say this with love. Stand fast in Gods Holy Word. Let’s pray for righteous leaders and for repentance on a national level.
I hear you loud and clear. It's my opinion (not absolute truth!) that more progress will be made if we change society through our example and through proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ than through running for office and voting for charlatans like Trump or in my case Trudeau because they are the lesser of two evils.

News Item10/10/2020 5:43 PM
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John UK wrote:
Watcher, allow me the privilege of giving mine own opinion on your post.
1. Correct
2. Correct
3. Correct
4. Correct
5. Correct
6. Correct
7. Correct
8. Correct
9. Correct
10. Correct about a breath of fresh air. Thank you brother.

I know more than anyone that my opinions are just that, except when it comes to the sovereignty of God and Jesus being the only way to salvation of course.

I find the whole voting thing very hard to justify. Voting for Hitler to get Saddam out of office. Not my cup of tea, I'm afraid.

News Item10/10/2020 3:18 PM
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1517 wrote:
Are you exposing the weaknesses of the church or expressing the hurt of your ego?
It’s clear you believe Trump is an oaf, non-Christian, con-man, and litany of other nefarious characters, but trying to bind Christians to your perspective is neither fruitful or biblical.
You are correct in your judgment of Clinton, just a bit self serving on your Trump related rebukes.
Hardly nursing my ego my friend. I do hurt when my words of love to my brothers fall on deaf ears or are turned against me and used as a club to beat me back. As I said before, there are two types of people in the church: those who have humility enough to embrace words of love to themselves and become better for it or those who get offended and close off because of THEIR ego. No, I don't like Trump knowing so much about him, but unless we are living in a dictatorship and I'm not allowed to express MY opinion, then I hope you can accept it and allow ME to have my two cents once in a while.

News Item10/10/2020 2:46 PM
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First off, Clinton isn't a Christian. Secondly, she has no idea whatsoever what makes a healthy church. Thirdly, if people are leaving the "church", then they are doing so for greener pastures. The whole premise of the mainstream church today is to entertain the goats and bring in money to fuel their programs and incomes. The church as we see it today has little to do with Jesus Christ and His Gospel. Many Sunday schools have ceased to mention the name of Jesus altogether.

I also find it ironic that most of the commenters on this forum judge those of us who speak the truth in love and get offended when someone such as myself calls a spade a spade. Y'all might not agree with me and get offended over my judgment of what I see transpire here on a daily basis, but it's what I experience almost every time I open my mouth here. We are called to be judges of each other. That's one of our responsibilities. It keeps the leaven out and keeps the church healthy.

News Item10/9/2020 8:27 PM
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Frank wrote:
I agree fully. We went in as usual and seated ourselves as usual and then we noticed it. And then we decided to stay, but you are very correct. Had I understood what was taking place (see below) I should have stood up and complained and walked out. My wife and I actually discussed whether or not the ordinance had changed and neither of us were sure.
As far as I see it, the staff's lack of care is no different than yours.
Pretty harsh conclusion above. Anyway, we were caught by surprise; they weren't.
And because you felt it necessary to make me into some type of hypocrite that doesn't love his wife as much as I should, let's agree to ignore each other from now on.
Before you say something so ugly to a brother, you should ask why.
Oh I do forgive you.
I didn't want you to take the criticism so harshly Frank, and this is exactly what I am talking about with people today. No one can take the truth in love anymore without getting their noses out of joint. We're all hypocrites one way or the other Frank. Just take my words in the spirit of love as they are meant. All I was hoping was you would take them to heart and be more careful seeing as you yourself said you were higher risk.

News Item10/9/2020 5:26 PM
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MusicGal wrote:
True Watcher. Someone I know wrote this: "TRUTH IS SUBJECTIVE. Individual. Not really, but I observe this as a trending belief in our culture. That belief is self-serving, don’t be mistaken. Truth by definition is the quality or state of being true. Truth is stubborn, fixed and uncompromising. Instead, in so many instances close to me and on national television, I see people treating truth as subordinate to personal preference. It can certainly be personally expedient to assume that whatever you think or whatever you say is true. But that’s dishonest. It’s dangerous to trust & it’s ruinous of relationships. Why? Because that interpretation of truth is untrue."
Yep. Very true MG. Hence why people such as ourselves who speak the truth get in trouble so much when others get offended. I don't speak the truth to hurt, but to help. It's always out of love, never out of spite, yet so many people take it as such and get their noses out of joint.

News Item10/9/2020 4:59 PM
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John UK wrote:
There are many people in this world who have no wisdom, Mike. They do not know God, and they have only the so-called wisdom of the world.
The Bible says that those who deny the existence of God are fools. In the UK the Christians are surrounded every day by fools.
Recently, thanks to the work of the guv, we had broken the back of the coronavirus, and after short space we should have defeated it and returned to normal. But as restrictions were eased off gently, the fools, having no peace in their hearts, went on a rampage of hedonism, and disobeyed all the restrictions, thinking those restrictions to be nonsensical, when in fact it was they who were acting nonsensically. What do you think happened? Nothing?
Not at all. We are now experiencing more cases each day than we had in the first wave. Local lockdowns are now being tried to avoid going back to full lockdown, but I'll tell you what I think, bro. I believe the UK will go back to an even fuller lockdown, which might last over a year.
Exactly, just because it's right in someone's eyes, doesn't make it right. We see this all the time in court where criminals are charged with a crime because they thought, at the time, it was the right thing to do.

News Item10/9/2020 4:50 PM
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Frank wrote:
But, for the record. A few days ago my wife and I visited one of our favorite restaurants. The entire staff disobeyed the mask mandate and removed the restrictions posted on their doors. Because of their lack of concern for us old timers, my wife and I will never and I mean never visit this restaurant again.
Yes, I am doing what I think is best for my wife and I.
Forgive me for being pointed, brother, but if you wanted to do what was best to keep you and your wife safe, why potentially expose yourself to COVID by going into the restaurant in the first place? As far as I see it, the staff's lack of care is no different than yours.

News Item10/9/2020 12:42 AM
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Lurker wrote:
Who said Trump was a Christian?
As you well know, there are many who call themselves Christian but it's mostly to distinguish themselves from Muslims, Jews, Hindus, atheists, etc. But we all know the extreme majority are tares amongst a tiny remnant of wheat.
So why is it that you chose to jump on John Chamberlain's case and argue that Trump is no Christian when he could just as well meant Trump was the minister of God according to Romans 13? Have you ever considered asking for clarification first before jumping to conclusions?
Not even going to start Lurker. Sorry.

News Item10/8/2020 10:34 PM
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John Chamberlain wrote:
The Clintons are satanic.
Trump is a gift from the lord.
Even with his casinos and lap girls? Shouldn't a Christian turn from his evil ways and come about? It seems to me that Trump is playing both sides of the fence to garner as many votes as he can. He's a manipulator and has manipulated man and church. Donald Trump is not a Christian, he's a con-man of the highest order.

News Item10/8/2020 10:31 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
excerpt from, "Despite Indoor Services, Grace Community Church Doesn’t Want to Get Sued if You Get COVID-19 at the Church"
Apparently John MacArthur believes in a more immediate power than God, the legal system.
It certainly seems that money makes the/his church go around. If JMac didn't believe in COVID and thought it was a farce/hoax. etc., then why the waiver forms and warning signs? Even if it were to cover his behind legally, still if there is no virus, then there's no need for warnings. Seems hypocritical to me.

News Item10/8/2020 6:33 PM
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John UK wrote:
Amen and Amen! It is a work of God, that he might be praised, and he conforms us to the image of his Son.
And it is not achieved overnight.
Indeed. We repent through the power of the Holy Spirit and continue to repent for the rest of our lives. Do we do this to gain some sort of favor from God? Heavens no. Nothing we do can earn God's favor. We continue to strive to live a holy life to bring Him glory and thank Him for saving us in the first place.

News Item10/8/2020 12:20 AM
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Ladybug wrote:
It's been entertaining to say the least🤣🤣
"But to the cowardly and unbelieving and having become abominable and murderers and the sexually immoral and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars, their portion is in the lake burning with fire and brimstone, which is the second death"
Well if that's the case, then I guess I'll see you there.
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