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News Item9/18/17 7:37 PM
Shane | Socal  Find all comments by Shane
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I rarely if ever bring this topic up in everyday life. If the opportunity presents itself, I have to discern how a certain individual might receive it. I also have to have the discernment to know what information carries the most weight with different individuals. The same holds true when preaching the gospel the way that I do on the job. But this topic ,depending on how I feel the person receives it ,leads into the gospel. But most of these people I speak of have already heard the gospel from me. Hope that helps.

As far as claiming that brothers and sisters have been in space and seen it. I'm not aware of any brothers and sisters that I know who have done this. We all know that not all who claim to be Believers are believers.

As far as distance between let's say the tip of South America to the tip of South Africa. This is one of the most interesting parts of it. Try to find a nonstop flight from Buenos Aires Argentina to Cape Town South Africa. You will find they almost always divert to a stop in Bahrain or somewhere near there. That seems absurd? If you look on a globe, a straight shot across the Atlantic Ocean, or better yet across Antarctica makes the most sense. You cannot find a flight going over the continent of Antarctica. It doesn't exist. Why not? It makes

News Item9/18/17 11:55 AM
Shane | Socal  Find all comments by Shane
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There are some who have turned to Christ from atheism because of this topic. And if i can reach some for Christ using this topic, is that not worthy?

Back to work.

News Item9/18/17 11:19 AM
Shane | Socal  Find all comments by Shane
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Last one...


Even a doctor will gently tell you that you have cancer. He won't tell you that he's surprised at your ignorance that you have cancer

News Item9/18/17 11:16 AM
Shane | Socal  Find all comments by Shane
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You still haven't addressed the math itself.

Get a high powered telescope and look at Toronto again, and see how much of the city you can see.

Off to work now.

News Item9/18/17 11:06 AM
Shane | Socal  Find all comments by Shane
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I would remind you that just like me, we were once ignorant of Christ. And we were both at one time ignorant of this topic. So i would just encourage you to be gentle and merciful in all your discussions. Just as the Lord is gentle and merciful to us.

News Item9/18/17 10:19 AM
Shane | Socal  Find all comments by Shane
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Something to consider please... the bible teaches that the earth is fixed and immovable. Tje bible does not teach that the earth spins and moves around a centered sun. Lets start with the bible. If someone can prove biblically the " accepted " model, im all ears.

News Item9/18/17 10:04 AM
Shane | Socal  Find all comments by Shane
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My "tag" line is just a reminder to me amd everyone else, that even though we discuss this topic, serving the Lord is ultimately what matters.

Take care

News Item9/18/17 9:50 AM
Shane | Socal  Find all comments by Shane
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Well sister... what you say is true. In the end we are pilgrims and sojourners on the Earth. What Eternal significance does it have?

Ive already said that i believe some worldy teachings, that many Christians have been led astray by would crumble and fall-
Big bang
Extra terrestrial life
Ufo cults
Evolution, etc.

So i see some worth in the topic.

Im commenting on a topic that Sermon Audio posted. That's what this thread is.


News Item9/18/17 9:32 AM
Shane | Socal  Find all comments by Shane
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Again... i still have many questions that have to be answered.

May main concern on this topic(as it should be for all of you) is proving the math.

We can go to websites from Christian scientists and make claims based on what they say. But many of us have been Led astray in times past by doing the same thing in regards to Bible teaching. We can sit in a church house and listen to a teacher speaking from the pulpit and be led astray. But what do most of us on this board do. We go to the Lord and his word. Once he opens our eyes we can discern false teaching. So don't make the same mistake when it comes to scientists. You are all smart people. The Lord has given you that mind. I realize this is very hard to even consider. It's not for everybody. I once again the only thing that matters is doing the Lord's will and walking with him.

News Item9/18/17 9:25 AM
Shane | Socal  Find all comments by Shane
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Then there is the felix Baumgartner redbull aky dive. They had the fisheye lense that showed the "curve" of the earth. Well, he did the jump from new Mexico. Look at the footage again. Does new Mexico cover the whole earth? Because as far as you can see across the whole curve of the Earth is the plane of New Mexico.

News Item9/18/17 9:22 AM
Shane | Socal  Find all comments by Shane
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From everything ive seen there is a "flatness" to the earth and the horizon irregardless to height. You ask for a defined shape. I have no clue. Ive already stated that unless i see it from the Lord's point of view i won't make an exact claim. The issue isn't me declaring the shape. The issue is the shape that is declared to us by the experts.. A sphere 25,000 miles across at the equator. The sphere must be proven. Thats the point.

The 90 miles from Catalina that i speak of is an altitude of about 3500'. You might say "ahh ha!". But it still comes down to math. The highest point of Catalina is roughly 2100'. But remember your on a ball. Not only is the object 5400' over the curve, the object is curving away from you. So seeing flat water behind it is still mathematically impossible.

The math must be addressed.

There is a famous video on line of a weather man in Michigan showing a photo of the Chicago skyline from 60 miles away. You can see it perfectly on a clear day with the right lense. Ypu know what he said? "You should not be able to see it. What you see in the picture is a mirage." Lol. Than he goes on to explain light refraction as the reason. I say hogwash.

Remember, its about the math.

News Item9/17/17 7:51 PM
Shane | Socal  Find all comments by Shane
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Thanks MS. Amen indeed

News Item9/17/17 6:41 PM
Shane | Socal  Find all comments by Shane
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I think the issue is that people fear ridicule. They fear the idea of entertaining anything that a "tin foil hat wearing" person would entertain.

Believe me. When i first encountered flat earth ideas, i said to myself "give me a break. This has got to be the most ridiculous thing ive heard of."
But i gave it a chance to prove itself. Does it have remaining questions? Satellites, asteroids, meteors, etc.


The case is still on going.

But at the end of the day, walking with the Lord and doing his will is all that matters.

News Item9/17/17 6:31 PM
Shane | Socal  Find all comments by Shane
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As far as a boat disappearing over the horizon...
High powered lenses have been used to capture boats farther than the naked eye can see. And you can still see the bottom of the boat relative to the waves. Which naturally move up and down. Now if the earth is 25,000 miles around, than a boat that is 6' high(for sake of discussion) would be completely over the curve of the earth at 5 miles. And at 90 miles an object should be 5400' over the curve of the earth. How then can i see Catalina island from 90 miles away (on a clear day) with flat water behind it? This is mathematically impossible. Further more, researchers have sent balloons 70,000' into the atmosphere with a non fish eye lense (important) and the horizon in all directions is at eye level of the camera and flat. Mathematically impossible. All you need to do is use they're own math against them.

News Item9/17/17 6:20 PM
Shane | Socal  Find all comments by Shane
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Mike... i merely pointed out that the U.N. logo is a flat earth map.

Spiritual wickedness in high places has an investment in deception...
Without the ball earth and its insignificant place as a spec in the universe there would be no-
Big bang
Extraterrestrial life
Ufo cults
And the big one...
(Which is the main religion of our time. Man evolving into higher being.)

It all falls apart if the earth is "flat". Which would make it the center of the "universe". The stars declare it. The north star doesn't move, and all the stars rotate around it. That is a fact. So if the earth spins 1000 mph, and the earth rotates around the sun at 67,000 mph, and the milky way is traveling at 186,000 mph through space.. how can these stars always, and without fail, never change they're place in the night sky? They will tell you its because theyre billions and billions of light years away.
Ive heard that one before..
"Billions of years ago..."

News Item9/17/17 2:02 PM
Shane | Socal  Find all comments by Shane
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Thanks Chris. If the word of God contradicted it, i wouldn't give it the time of day.

Thanks watcher.

Thanks Conner. I pray your attacks will pass shortly.

News Item9/17/17 1:29 PM
Shane | Socal  Find all comments by Shane
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Christopher... round doesn't have to be a ball. Picture a fixed circular "plane". The sun and the moon rotation clockwise around the center. The sun being the hour hand, and the moon being the minute hand. The seasons and temperature are related to the sun rotating closer to the center in the northern hemisphere in summer causing winter in the lower hemisphere. It also explains the colder climate of Antarctica compared to the arctic.

Academia has gone all in on the theory taught to us all as children. If space program got up there and found out they were wrong, would they tell us? The powers of the world are under evil intentions.


News Item9/17/17 12:37 PM
Shane | Socal  Find all comments by Shane
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Sorry to shock you my friend. The time and energy that you put into your responses to people is admirable. Its full of love and I respect it. The post in question really had little to do with flat earth. It was years of indirect/direct mocking posts that i have no respect for. Its easy to poke at people when you don't address them directly. That way nobody can claim you are attacking them. He admitted it one time a while back, and all was forgiven. But continued after that. So it wasn't the subject that i hold dear. It was the motive.

Look...the questions that arise about the feasibility of a flat Earth are incredibly numerous. They all are questions I have. The vastness of the conspiracy is almost too much to bear for some people. That's why I will never say I believe in it. to make that claim is to accept it completely.

We must always be reminded that the heart of man is fully set on doing evil. The heart is sick in natural man. Sp under that understanding the conspiracy is possible.


News Item9/17/17 8:24 AM
Shane | Socal  Find all comments by Shane
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Sorry for the confusion. Please forgive me.That post was directed at a particular individual.

News Item9/16/17 7:54 PM
Shane | Socal  Find all comments by Shane
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I guess its easier to just mock "flat earthers" ,who, btw don't mention that they are "flat earthers", then to just consider things that are said? Or at least have the decency to answer directed questions. These mockers ask questions, and then when someone answers them, they just ask another mocking question?

Well... you win the title of "President of the sarcasm club". Its your club.

Ive tried to engage many times, with grace.

Take care

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