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News Item10/13/17 11:59 AM
Shane | Socal  Find all comments by Shane
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News Item10/9/17 8:14 PM
Shane | Socal  Find all comments by Shane
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Trust in the Lord. He is our help.

News Item10/8/17 9:42 PM
Shane | Socal  Find all comments by Shane
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Wade through the junk.

Please remember that news reporters, anchors, editors, etc. Work for other people. CNN getting exposed about the russian/trump "nothing burger" should tell you how bosses set agendas. If you disobey your boss, likely you will be fired. These people value their careers. Its easy and convenient to just hide behind what law enforcement is saying, rather than real, free, independent investigative reporting. Thats up to us now. It really is. Who here really trusts the MSM? Yet, it seems people want to trust them.

The truth (in regards to this type of stuff) is in between the cracks. In between the MSM and the crazy youtubers.

The Lord gave us a logical mind.

News Item10/7/17 11:13 PM
Shane | Socal  Find all comments by Shane
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That sad fact is important for understanding the emotional trick. Thanks Chris.

Roughly the same amount of people were slaughtered in the televised event, as were in Chicago last month. Chicago gangs are mostly responsible for those deaths. Which largely means illegal guns. So we should ban the guns from law abiding citizens?


Follow the pattern..

Sadly, im sure it will happen again. Maybe with more theatrics? Who's going to fall for this again?

Pray.. pray for the new birth to sweep the land.

News Item10/6/17 8:39 AM
Shane | Socal  Find all comments by Shane
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Yes sister. It seems to keep getting weirder everyday. So far, no motive. The brother of the "alleged" shooter did a second interview yesterday which was very different from the first one. His words and behavior were bizarre. So now the big talk is legislation to ban "bump stops". Automatic weapons have been banned for quite a while. Does anyone know who declared "bump stops" legal? Former attorney general Eric holder under the Obama administration.

Wake up people. Its not the guns. Its the gun show. A sick theatrical production by evil.

The Lord be our strength.

News Item10/5/17 11:54 PM
Shane | Socal  Find all comments by Shane
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May the Lord cause repentance and revival in the land. I pray that his people stand up courageous in reality for his name sake. Grant us grace to help in time of need. May HE be our arm, sword, shield, and helmet.

For his glory alone.

News Item10/5/17 11:03 AM
Shane | Socal  Find all comments by Shane
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Sister ladybug...

Thanks. Once we learn that these types prey on emotion, it simplifies our stance. It will no doubt morph into label making. Like racist, facist, homophobic, etc. They're bedrock is emotion. Not logic.

Lets pray that grace and truth would shine through from us to calm and convict those we come in contact with. The time is short.

There is a video of a street preacher preaching to the crowd of the festival as they were in line to get in. The hope is that he was able to reach at least some people there. Its on youtube.

To whom it may concern...
There are several videos taken by multiple cell phones from different vantage points on youtube. It helps to see them all to know just how fishy it is. One in particular is from a cab driver at the base of Mandalay bay. You can clearly hear not only the gun shots from the hotel. But from farther away as well.

News Item10/4/17 5:59 PM
Shane | Socal  Find all comments by Shane
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Bro Dave,
Sorry. Typo. I meant ingest. Disbelief is a good word to use on this topic. Unfortunately massacres like this happen in other countries with not as much media coverage. It's just that the ones here have more weight to them because of the theater of it all. This Modern American debacle is a theatrical spectacle that is meant to move the emotions of people. But we can't be moved by emotion. Touched by it yes. But emotion shouldn't be the gavel in our hand pronouncing judgment.
Love you brother.

MS... love you too sister

See jim, thats how saints should converse with one another.

News Item10/4/17 5:37 PM
Shane | Socal  Find all comments by Shane
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Bro Dave,

I understand that being from Australia you don't understand from the American perspective.
Ownership of firearms is a fundamental right based on the founding document of the country. The only reason that a dictatorship or a totalitarian state hasn't overtaken this country is because of that right. So it's in the best interest of evil intentions to sensationalize and create this reality TV type drama. As sick and sad as it is. Movies and TV amd music have glorified gun violence for a long time. I say get rid of the glorification not the arms.

But based on what the word of God says, it's probably bound to happen.

I would just hope people would look at this issue critically period and not just in jest what ever they see through the media. The whole thing is fishy.

Remember the reichstag fire.

News Item10/4/17 5:21 PM
Shane | Socal  Find all comments by Shane
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Race has nothing to do with it. You bringing this into the discussion only proves how far from logic and reality you and your comrades are. Again, you insert childish emotion as the basis of your argument. But I get it, you've got to earn your paycheck.

Its not a right /left issue. It's a good vs evil issue.

You can ban guns, swords, knives, Spears, spoons, butter knives, Forks, shards of glass,etc....

Evil will light a fire.

But I guess you and your comrades want to control fire too?

If my son hit someone with a stick, I don't burn the stick. I reprimand my son. It wasn't the sticks fault.

Call it for what it is Jim... Evil

News Item10/4/17 4:02 PM
Shane | Socal  Find all comments by Shane
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The scripture you quoted is for believers. Oh that the world would live it as well. But we know that they don't. Hey, i rarely see that in the professing church either.

White identity types? Why do you insert race into the discussion? Once again you use this leftist name calling tactic to frame a side as wrong. Its school yard, whos in, whos not, cool kid talk. It works on the ignorant and unstable.
Not here jim. To much logic.

Im not going to get into a long political debate. So i will leave you with this...

The second amendment says... "the right to bare arms shall not be infringed..." so just like we are supposed to do with scripture, we look at what it says. Not what we want it to say.
Closed case.
You can say its for hunting turkeys. Others would say its for protection.
Both are correct.

News Item10/4/17 2:47 PM
Shane | Socal  Find all comments by Shane
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Thanks for proving my emotional argument jim. There are many ways to kill a lot of people. But you choose to use thr picture of your knife to sway emotion. It doesn't work here jim. We have logic.

Btw. The rapid gun fire heard on the video can be achieved with rapid pulling of a semi automatic rifle.

News Item10/4/17 2:19 PM
Shane | Socal  Find all comments by Shane
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Yeah. I was happy to hear trump call it for what it is. Evil.

Leftists(aka stateists)are Masters of manipulating reactionary emotionalism. Everything is emotion devoid of God

News Item10/4/17 12:50 PM
Shane | Socal  Find all comments by Shane
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Encouraging post.

Thanks for that.

News Item10/4/17 12:47 PM
Shane | Socal  Find all comments by Shane
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Yes... the story is strange. As with the other mass shootings. Usually involves one shooter who is dead shortly after the smoke settles. Its hard to fathom one man reigning down so much carnage. This one man was a multimillionaire who owned at least 4 homes. Three of which he rented out for income. Strange. I personally know people who had family at that concert. The stories are horrible.
What keeps bugging me is that none of the stage hands thought to turn off that big spot light at the front of the stage. It would have saved lives.

Im not a big "gun guy". But the idea that outlawing guns would stop these massacres is false. People using cars or knives or explosives have already proven that.

I saw a picture once that really made me think. It had a photo of three American Indians with rifles in their hands. The caption read..."give up your arms. The government will take care of you."

News Item9/25/17 10:33 PM
Shane | Socal  Find all comments by Shane
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Prayers are with you.

See to it, that you rise to the challenge. For the name of the Lord will give you strength.. the Lord is salvation.
Never give up.

News Item9/21/17 6:22 PM
Shane | Socal  Find all comments by Shane
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News Item9/21/17 5:05 PM
Shane | Socal  Find all comments by Shane
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Let me know if you need help. I can take a flite down there. It will probably make a stop in the Philippines. But I'll get there. You have a nice ,big,flat desert we can erect it on. 😅

Love you brother.

Just having some fun

News Item9/21/17 4:21 PM
Shane | Socal  Find all comments by Shane
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Let me know when you erect that 300 mile high triangle experiment. Id like to see how that one goes. 🤔

News Item9/21/17 1:07 PM
Shane | Socal  Find all comments by Shane
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I want to apologize. I haven't read any links. Links aren't available on the app. I wasn't ignoring you on that.

Im sure you understand the point im making.

Look.. we can find good outcomes in all things. The Lords will is done. Victory is already his, which makes it ours.

Thanks again for the conversation.

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