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News Item11/21/18 10:16 PM
Plain Old Tim | Possum Hollow, USA  Find all comments by Plain Old Tim
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But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
J4J, you obviously don’t understand the Bible, and yet you imagine that you have some special insight into scriptures that others do not have. There is good reason to believe you are lost. Can you give a clear testimony of your own salvation?

News Item11/21/18 7:28 PM
Plain Old Tim | Possum Hollow, USA  Find all comments by Plain Old Tim
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Acts 8:46 NMV (Newly Made-Up Version)—And as they went on their way, they came unto a certain apostle: and the eunuch said, See, here is the fella who can lay hands on me; what doth hinder me to be baptized?

News Item11/21/18 1:25 PM
Plain Old Tim | Possum Hollow, USA  Find all comments by Plain Old Tim
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Carry when I fill the feeders? Why that would be acknowledging that I am intimidated by the squirrels. No, I fill the feeders any time I please, and I don’t tote a gun, either. I just fill them at night when the squirrels are in my living room watching Matlock.

News Item11/21/18 1:20 PM
Plain Old Tim | Possum Hollow, USA  Find all comments by Plain Old Tim
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For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.

News Item11/21/18 11:39 AM
Plain Old Tim | Possum Hollow, USA  Find all comments by Plain Old Tim
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Dolores, why don’t you hire Christopher to come down and keep the squirrels off of your feeders? He needs a place to park his shopping cart for the winter, and that mug of his would repel Kodiak bears, let alone bushytails.

News Item11/21/18 11:36 AM
Plain Old Tim | Possum Hollow, USA  Find all comments by Plain Old Tim
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Okay, I follow you now, J4J. Of course I agree that the only baptism that saves is the spiritual baptism that takes place in us, but please remember that John the Baptist was already dead when Jesus commanded the apostles to baptize converts. At any rate, whether we ever agree or not on this, I would much rather have people saved and not baptized than baptized and not saved.
Amen, John UK. Jesus also reiterated the Great Commission in Acts Chapter 1. Gotta get outside and get some yard work done now.

News Item11/21/18 9:23 AM
Plain Old Tim | Possum Hollow, USA  Find all comments by Plain Old Tim
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Good point, Ken. Either way, as I said, it didn’t pan out too well. The federal government already had more power in 1860 than it was ever meant to have, and its overreach in 2018 is nothing short of monstrous. Unfortunately we’ll never fix it now—but Jesus will institute a perfect government some day.

News Item11/21/18 9:18 AM
Plain Old Tim | Possum Hollow, USA  Find all comments by Plain Old Tim
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No, John, no place is perfect—and if it was, it no longer would be once you or I came on the scene. Our imperfections would negate its perfection.
I’m not trying to be argumentative, but I’m having a hard time understanding your position on baptism. Are you saying that people can’t be saved without being baptized in water, or that they can’t be saved without being baptized by the Holy Ghost? I think you meant the latter, but it’s not entirely clear. Reading some of your posts, it seems that you don’t think water baptism is still a valid practice, but in others you seem to be saying that water baptism is required for salvation. Like I said, John, these are sincere questions and not an attempt to trip you up or enter into a debate.
I’m truly sorry to hear about your disabled son. Of course a big church like FBC Woodstock is more likely to have accommodations for him than the average little IFB church. I hope the streaming services will minister to him and your wife.

News Item11/21/18 7:54 AM
Plain Old Tim | Possum Hollow, USA  Find all comments by Plain Old Tim
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I don’t know where you live, Lurker, but the “squirrel-proof” feeder doesn’t work at my house. The squirrels just move a stepladder next to the feeders and go right on stealing birdseed.

News Item11/21/18 7:35 AM
Plain Old Tim | Possum Hollow, USA  Find all comments by Plain Old Tim
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I seem to recall that there were two choices on the presidential ballot in 2016: the very ungodly Donald Trump, and the exceptionally wicked Hillary Clinton. Trump promised to uphold many of the policies Christians support, while Clinton promised to tear them all down. Voting for Trump was not so much voting for Christianity as it was voting against satanism. But you like satanism, Jim, so naturally you voted against the better of the two candidates.

News Item11/21/18 7:11 AM
Plain Old Tim | Possum Hollow, USA  Find all comments by Plain Old Tim
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That’s why you have preachers ascending the platform with their shirttails hanging out (no respect for the Bible has led to no respect for the office of pastor) and rock-and-roll hootenannies with long-haired hippy singers in your services, and why there are endless debates about whether to ordain women and queers. I would urge you to come out of the SBC and find a good IFB church that preaches the truth of the Bible, but I’m sure you won’t. Like most SBC folks nowadays, you’re probably content with your worldly church and its worldly practices. After all, you can sit comfortably in it without being convicted of your own worldliness.

News Item11/21/18 7:02 AM
Plain Old Tim | Possum Hollow, USA  Find all comments by Plain Old Tim
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JUK, the best translation is, as always, the King James Version: “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you...”
The Great Commission is (1) Teach all people how to be saved (and not “make disciples of all nations”), (2) Baptize them IN WATER (I’m pretty sure Jesus knows His disciples can’t baptize people with the Holy Ghost, which seems to be what J4J is teaching), AFTER they get saved, and (3) teach them to be disciples.
Salvation first. Baptism second. Service (discipleship) third. Of course a disciple is not only a student, but also a follower, so no one can be a genuine follower of Christ without following Him in obedient immersion in in the name of the Trinity.
J4J, most of the “countless translations” you mentioned come from the work of two men who deliberately used corrupt texts in order to change the meaning of the Word of God. The Southern Baptist Convention has been in decline for years and it grows weaker every year in power and influence. I have no doubt that this decline began with and has been perpetuated by the SBC’s acceptance of the “countless translations” that don’t have the power and accuracy of the KJB. That’

News Item11/21/18 12:34 AM
Plain Old Tim | Possum Hollow, USA  Find all comments by Plain Old Tim
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I had to quit feeding birds, too, Dolores. The squirrels kept hanging around the feeders with baseball bats, waiting to mug me when I carried the birdseed. I thought about loading the seeds into shotgun shells and firing them up in the air for the birds to catch, but the squirrels would probably rent a helicopter and steal the food anyway. The local birds are getting anorexic, and the squirrels are taking turns renting themselves out to the neighborhood kids for pony rides. So far my goats are okay, but they have been engaging in a turf war with the bushytails. A couple of squirrels tried putting on fake horns and eating with the goats, but the goats always tie napkins around their necks before they eat, so they weren’t fooled. Two squirrels stole my debit card and hotwired my car, but they were arrested at Walmart trying to purchase six fifty-pound sacks of deer corn. They would have probably gotten away with it if they hadn’t eaten another sack while in the store. The good news is that we won’t have to buy a turkey this year for Thanksgiving. We still have half a squirrel in the freezer from last year.

News Item11/20/18 6:45 PM
Plain Old Tim | Possum Hollow, USA  Find all comments by Plain Old Tim
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Maybe that’s why the headline says the witches are “on the rise,” Adriel.

News Item11/20/18 6:39 PM
Plain Old Tim | Possum Hollow, USA  Find all comments by Plain Old Tim
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Naw, WP, that’s just empty talk by the acting AG. Over 157 years ago, eleven states tried to nullify some federal laws. They didn’t have much luck.

News Item11/20/18 2:58 PM
Plain Old Tim | Possum Hollow, USA  Find all comments by Plain Old Tim
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He who runs with dogs may fall and break canines.

News Item11/20/18 2:50 PM
Plain Old Tim | Possum Hollow, USA  Find all comments by Plain Old Tim
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Yes—except when the wood hits you in the shin. That will take all the enjoyment out of it in a hurry! Haven’t had that happen in years, though. Don’t know if my aim is better or if I’m just a little more cautious.

News Item11/20/18 12:41 PM
Plain Old Tim | Possum Hollow, USA  Find all comments by Plain Old Tim
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Dolores, EVERYBODY looks different from Chris, unless they look like a turnip with Brillo pads on their jaws.

News Item11/20/18 11:13 AM
Plain Old Tim | Possum Hollow, USA  Find all comments by Plain Old Tim
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J4J, the first requirement of the Great Commission is not teaching. It is not baptizing. It isn’t even making disciples (which, incidentally, is a ridiculous mistranslation; you can’t make disciples out of unsaved sinners). No, John, the first element of the Great Commission is to GO. Are you going out regularly and preaching the gospel? BTW, according to your own church, the First Baptist Church of Woodstock, “In the Bible, people are baptized at the first available opportunity after they have repented of their sin and placed their faith in Christ.” If you disagree with that statement, why don’t you go start your own church? You will probably be the only member, but at least you’ll never have a church split.

News Item11/20/18 11:02 AM
Plain Old Tim | Possum Hollow, USA  Find all comments by Plain Old Tim
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Evangelicals, whether white or black, who vote Democratic probably do so because they are not saved. No one whose conscience is stirred by the Holy Spirit of God could ever vote for sodomy, infanticide, sorcery, Islamism, and the other abominations the Democrats uphold, defend and promote. And evangelicals aren’t the only ones who go to church regularly. Devils show up for every service.
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