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News Item11/22/18 10:38 PM
Plain Old Tim | Possum Hollow, USA  Find all comments by Plain Old Tim
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J4J wrote, “Although I don’t believe it happen exactly as you say, congrats! It’s not like it was to late to ask God to save you because you were already saved. That is some dogma you learned later.”
The Lord saved me the moment I trusted Him to, which was when I read the words “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.” I have no idea what “dogma” you’re talking about.
I believe there will be many people in hell who said a 1-2-3, repeat-after-me “sinner’s prayer.” Although Romans 10:13 does say that “whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved,” the verses that follow make it clear that the only calling that will be heard is that which is done in utter dependence upon Jesus. There is no prayer that can save anyone. Only Jesus saves. I’m not saying you didn’t trust Jesus to save you—but you didn’t say that you did, either. “For by grace are ye saved through FAITH,” not through saying a “sinner’s prayer.” Unfortunately many would-be soul winners try to get people to repeat a prayer so they can carve another notch in their gospel gun. I’d be very wary of that. The “converts” trust in the fact that they said a prayer asking Jesus to save them, instead of actually trusting Jesus.

News Item11/22/18 7:43 PM
Plain Old Tim | Possum Hollow, USA  Find all comments by Plain Old Tim
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That’s okay, John; don’t worry about it. “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear.”

News Item11/22/18 5:22 PM
Plain Old Tim | Possum Hollow, USA  Find all comments by Plain Old Tim
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Amen, WP. There was a time in my life when I had to eat turkey so often I decided I’d never eat it again if I didn’t have to. But I’m sure thankful for the delicious John Wayne casserole I had today!

News Item11/22/18 5:18 PM
Plain Old Tim | Possum Hollow, USA  Find all comments by Plain Old Tim
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Well said, Pilgrim. The problem with people like Jim is described in Titus 1:15–Unto the pure, all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled.
Since Jim can find no goodness in himself, he can recognize no good in others.

News Item11/22/18 4:05 PM
Plain Old Tim | Possum Hollow, USA  Find all comments by Plain Old Tim
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John 4J, I gave my salvation testimony; you didn’t. You don’t have one, do you? Lost, lost, lost, lost, lost. “And in hell he lift up His eyes, being in torments...”

News Item11/22/18 3:58 PM
Plain Old Tim | Possum Hollow, USA  Find all comments by Plain Old Tim
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Yes, Jiminy, all Americans—and of course all real Americans are Republicans; the rest are socialists and/or anarcists—have much to be thankful for. We can be thankful that Bernie isn’t the president, effecting his goofy ideas about giving away everything for free (how’d that pan out in the old Soviet Union, Jimmy lad?). We can be thankful that Hillary isn’t in the White House completing Obama’s program to destroy every vestige of liberty, prosperity and righteousness in America. We can be thankful that Donald Trump is working day and night to fix the economy and restore freedoms eroded during the Obama years. We can be thankful that the perjuring scum dragged up by Dianne Feinstein and her cronies failed to keep a conservative Constitutionalist off of the Supreme Court. And we can be thankful that nobody—and I do mean nobody—ever believes a word you say. Yes, we have much to be thankful for.

News Item11/22/18 2:33 PM
Plain Old Tim | Possum Hollow, USA  Find all comments by Plain Old Tim
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Short version: In 1979 I heard two men discussing the return of Christ and the Great Tribulation. I had never heard of either, so I decided to look in an old Bible I had and see if it said anything about them. I didn’t know where to look, so I started at Genesis 1 and Matthew 1. When I got to Matthew 12:32, I realized I needed God’s forgiveness and that if I didn’t get it I would go to hell. A couple of weeks later I found a gospel tract on the side of the road. The tract used scriptures (real ones from the King James Bible, not the made-up ones in the other versions) to explain how Jesus died to pay for my sins, was buried, and rose again. When I read for the first time in my life those wonderful words, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved,” it was like a light came on in my soul. I fell to my knees and asked the Lord to save me, but I guess I was too late. He already had.
No Chris, salvation isn’t complicated at all. Anyone convicted of sin by the Holy Ghost who trusts Christ to save him gets saved. People complicate it when they try to add all kinds of rigamarole of their own devising to God’s simple plan of salvation.

News Item11/22/18 2:09 PM
Plain Old Tim | Possum Hollow, USA  Find all comments by Plain Old Tim
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Christopher often has these hallucinations after drinking a bit too much Mad Dog 20/20, but they usually wear off after two or three days of detox. Those “stuffed animals” were actually fuzzy slippers stolen from people’s back porches, and they weren’t waving, they were shedding cooties from where Chris had handled them. And those so-called “drag slicks” were just two bald lawnmower tires someone left at the curb for trash pickup. But Chris is fairly harmless, except when he weaves in and out of traffic yelling “The British are coming!”

News Item11/22/18 1:59 PM
Plain Old Tim | Possum Hollow, USA  Find all comments by Plain Old Tim
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Hey JAG, how come all the turkeys are over at your brother’s place hollerin’ “Quack quack”?

News Item11/22/18 12:05 PM
Plain Old Tim | Possum Hollow, USA  Find all comments by Plain Old Tim
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JUK, it has been my experience that those who WILL not give a clear testimony of salvation CAN not do so, for the simple reason that they are not saved.

News Item11/22/18 10:20 AM
Plain Old Tim | Possum Hollow, USA  Find all comments by Plain Old Tim
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QC, you’re right. It was the Spaniards and Portuguese who introduced genocide and slavery to the Americas. It was not the Pilgrims.
SC, you are wrong. True Christians have holy days 365 days a year, and if we want to set aside one day to be especially thankful for all our blessings, or another day to celebrate the first coming of Christ into the world, we have scriptural liberty to do so, and you are wrong to condemn us for it—Romans 14:4-8.

News Item11/22/18 8:42 AM
Plain Old Tim | Possum Hollow, USA  Find all comments by Plain Old Tim
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Christians should spend less time on Facebook and more time with their face in the Book.

News Item11/22/18 8:39 AM
Plain Old Tim | Possum Hollow, USA  Find all comments by Plain Old Tim
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Odds are 4 to 1 this doesn’t turn out well.

News Item11/22/18 8:36 AM
Plain Old Tim | Possum Hollow, USA  Find all comments by Plain Old Tim
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Walmart could find its stolen shopping cart, but not on eBay. It’s at an undisclosed city park in Rhode Island, full of Christopher’s old rags, newspapers, unmatched shoes, and empty wine bottles—and maybe even an 1854 Bible. Like most aging New Englanders, Christopher is considering moving to Florida, but so far he hasn’t had any luck finding a place that would accept his shopping cart as an RV, despite his repainting the handlebar to read “Winnebago” rather than Walmart.

News Item11/22/18 8:20 AM
Plain Old Tim | Possum Hollow, USA  Find all comments by Plain Old Tim
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I don’t want to urge others to do something I haven’t done myself, so this morning I sent an email to the governor of Colorado which reads as follows: “My family and I have very much enjoyed vacationing in Colorado in the past. However, we will not be visiting your state, and we will discourage others from visiting it, as long as a state agency continues to persecute Christian baker Jack Phillips for his religious beliefs.”

News Item11/22/18 8:07 AM
Plain Old Tim | Possum Hollow, USA  Find all comments by Plain Old Tim
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Looks like we Baptists have now gone full circle, from Anabaptist to Anhydrous Baptist.

News Item11/22/18 7:55 AM
Plain Old Tim | Possum Hollow, USA  Find all comments by Plain Old Tim
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Way to go, Trump! Jim will be thrilled as always to hear of your latest success in making America great again.

News Item11/22/18 7:52 AM
Plain Old Tim | Possum Hollow, USA  Find all comments by Plain Old Tim
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What sort of church is that? Sadly, it’s probably a fairly typical church in the Laodicean atmosphere in which we now live, Brother John.

News Item11/22/18 12:20 AM
Plain Old Tim | Possum Hollow, USA  Find all comments by Plain Old Tim
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“The church pushed her to repent of homosexuality on multiple occasions, but she refused.” Why multiple occasions? Paul didn’t tell the church at Corinth to give their resident fornicator “multiple chances” to repent. He told them to turn him over to Satan right then and there. Fortunately the man did repent later and was received back into the church. Maybe this woman would have, too, if she had been dealt with scripturally from the outset.

News Item11/22/18 12:12 AM
Plain Old Tim | Possum Hollow, USA  Find all comments by Plain Old Tim
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It sure breaks my heart that the State of Colorado will be “burdened” in any way by Jack Phillips—especially after they have been so kind and gracious to him and his business. I urge all Christians to boycott Colorado as a vacation destination until they stop persecuting Mr. Phillips, and to let Colorado officials know that they are doing this.
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