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News Item10/12/2020 9:17 PM
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MS wrote:
Dear Heavenly Father, please restore kindness, and peace to this forum once again.
Let brotherly love continue, dear brother and sister.ðŸ™
Amen. I whole-heartedly agree. I am to blame as well. LB is like someone slapping your back when you have a sunburn. It's hard not to react. May God give me the patience to be kinder and less abrasive.

News Item10/12/2020 9:05 PM
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ladybug wrote:
Don't you ever get tired of trolling me Watcher? I guess if I were a man, you would have backed off by now. But, since it's easy to bully and pick on the weaker vessel, you take delight.
You don't seem to know much about humility either bud, you are using psychological projection as well, here's that definition, " is a defense mechanism in which the ego defends itself against unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves by attributing them to others. For example, a bully may project their own feelings of vulnerability onto the target. It incorporates blame shifting and can manifest as shame dumping."
Now, put your mask on and stay FAR away from me. I don't want to catch what you have...
Yawn...same old same old eh? Sorry LB, you won't catch what I have. It's obviously not contagious.

News Item10/12/2020 9:02 PM
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ladybug wrote:
And I haven't worn a mask since this started, but I have boosted my immune system. No symptoms, no sickness, so that must be helping right? I've had to disinfect areas from those who tested 'positive' for this virus, and yet, I have no sickness, no symptoms...nothing. I did not wear a mask, special suit, etc. I wore some gloves and that was it. That was about 3 months ago.
They keep flip flopping on how it spreads,etc. There's more error than truth available, so it boils down to what you CHOOSE to believe. The CCP virus has killed some, but not nearly as many as they'd like you to believe. Don't worry, I am sure they have something much more lethal cooked up in their labs that they can and will release. Eugenicists/Philanthropists have to get those numbers down.
You're right WP - "•Masks. The only people who need masks are those who are already infected to keep from exposing others. The masks sold at drugstores aren't even good enough to truly protect anyone, Fauci said.

News Item10/12/2020 8:27 PM
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ladybug wrote:
Amen sister MS. I know of several sovereign grace preachers who use facebook to speak His truth, posting their sermons there as well as interacting with others who have no fellowship outside of that. So many legalists on SA point their self righteous fingers at others, looking down their noses at anything they deem 'not Christian enough', yet they come HERE daily, on this internet forum, and spew out their views, opinions, etc. Funny how you aren't Christian if you're on FB, but you can be on SA every day and that's 'living the way we're supposed to live'. Hypocrisy is rampant in 'Christendom'. SA is NOT a Christian forum either, just look at some of the comments.
Sigh...don't you ever get tired of your self-righteousness LB? A little humility would go a long way for you. As much as you might think, most of us here don't appreciate your railing down on every saint to ever live. There's always something wrong with someone in your eyes. Come down off your high horse and act like the One who gave you the example to live by. Y'know...meek, lowly, humble, peaceful...?

News Item10/12/2020 8:24 PM
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MusicGal wrote:
Covid was thought to be isolated to droplet transmission. If someone sneezes coughs etc it is suspended in the air a short time and so social distancing of 2 meters was advised. The masks were thought to help protect those droplets from transmitting. Airborne transmission is when the virus becomes aerosolized. This now means that the virus can stay suspended in the air much longer and further distancing is needed versus the previous thought 2 meters. Not creative but informative.
Totally agree MG. I asked a person once in a grocery store when they smiled at my wearing a mask, "What would you do if I had a spray bottle filled with a virus in solution, then sprayed you with it?"

They answered and said they would run out of the building for fresh air, hoping they didn't get any of the spray in their mouth or nose. I stared at them, waiting for it to sink in, but alas, it didn't. That's why we wear masks and that's why we've been wearing them since January. We have known that the virus is airborne or aerosolized (new word alert!), so we have taken great pains to protect ourselves with the best masks we could buy. Some may say it won't help, but we haven't been sick since January, so they must be helping.

News Item10/12/2020 6:02 PM
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John UK wrote:
Brother, this quote of Thomas Watson blessed me more than you can imagine. Going back to the old saints sure is needed in these last days; so thank you bro, I appreciate you so much.

News Item10/12/2020 6:01 PM
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Unprofitable Servant wrote:
So are you saying churches concerned about paying their bills are just being greedy? Or that JMac’s only desire for church meetings is just monetary? Not accusing just asking for clarification please
All I am saying (or at least trying to say) is money matters especially when you run such a large corporation as JMac's. It is a business with a lot of overhead. We would be foolish just to think that JMac's only concern was to minister to the community.

I've sat through tithing sermons and known because I was an elder/deacon that there were bills that needed to be paid and the pastor in charge of the finances needed to dust off his sermon so that people would be pressured/encouraged into giving. It's less of trusting in God to take care of those finances than trusting in the offering. It's just the truth, at least with what I've seen and heard down through the years.

Not saying JMac's heart is greedy, just that money matters speak very loudly, and unless they are addressed forthwith, then certain people will get their ire up and perhaps leave for greener pastures.

News Item10/12/2020 4:32 PM
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ladybug wrote:
It's the style of some here to bully certain females, but, when challenged by males, they tuck their tail between their legs and run the other way

News Item10/12/2020 4:11 PM
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Unprofitable Servant wrote:
One, churches need money to operate and two, Christians need to give
That being said there are ways to donate online so to say a church is only wanting to meet for the money is wild speculation.
It's common knowledge that a good portion of those who attend church are over 50 years old. It's also common knowledge that most older folk are less than comfortable with technology such as Zoom and Facebook. That being said, this demographic is far more comfortable with sitting in a building and having church rather than sitting on a chair and watching it through a smallish screen.

Who gives the most in tithes at church? Take a guess. If they are not giving their tithe into small velvet bags, then the church's bills are going unpaid. It's a whole lot easier for Grandma to put a fiver in the offering plate than it is for her to give her credit card information online.

Just common sense. Churches today are for the most part a business and this can easily be said with a church like JMac's.

News Item10/12/2020 4:05 PM
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ladybug wrote:
Watcher, you like to stir a hornets nest don't you? You aren't happy unless you are at odds with someone, you've alienated quite a few here with your divisive ways. I am not interested in any go rounds with you. This news story has not one thing to do with repentance, you would argue with a sign post. Apparently you have a lot of time on your hands.
I am not angry at all, Adriel likes to quote dead people. His comments prove that. But, don't let facts get in the way....
Now, go put on your mask and social distance yourself from me
Here's another link referencing to the global reset -
You're the angry one that alienates others with your self-imposed righteousness. Are there any teachers/preachers you do find acceptable? Soon you'll be finding fault with Christ's teachings. Come down off your high horse and start showing some humility. You don't have a monopoly on truth you know.

News Item10/12/2020 3:48 PM
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Adriel wrote:
Repentance or Godly Sorrow.
“It is sorrow for the offense rather than for the punishment. God’s law has been infringed, and his love abused. This melts the soul in tears. A man may be sorry, yet not repent, just as a thief is sorry when he is captured – not because he has stolen, but because he has to pay the penalty. Hypocrites grieve only for the bitter consequence of sin. I have read of a fountain that only flows on the evening before a famine. Likewise their eyes never pour out tears except when God’s judgments are approaching. Pharaoh was more troubled for the frogs and river of blood than for his sin. Godly sorrow, however, is chiefly for the trespass against God, so that even if there were no conscience to strike, no devil to accuse, no hell to punish, yet the soul would still be grieved because of the prejudice done to God. “My sin is ever before me†(Psa 51.3); David does not say, “The sword threatened is ever before me,†but “my sin.†O that I should offend so good a God, that I should grieve my Comforter! This breaks my heart!â€
(Th. Watson)
Well said Adriel. Don't listen to what's her name...she's just angry.

News Item10/11/2020 10:47 PM
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The Quiet Christian wrote:
Couldn't agree more, Brother Watcher. I think we're doing the best we can in our own fallenness to sort this all out. The reality is that it will be Christ's finished work that is our salvation. And our opinions, right or wrong, will not weigh in on the matter if we are in Christ.

News Item10/11/2020 10:28 PM
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The Quiet Christian wrote:
Truth is absolute, Brother Watcher, but we and our opinions regarding Truth are not. Not a defense of relativism, but a declaration of the impact of total depravity.
If we all agreed on everything, Paul wouldn't have had to write 1 Corinthians 12 and 13.
True, very true. I find it frustrating though how it seems that everyone has their opinion (mine included), yet each one of our opinions seems to be the truth. We aren't necessarily arguing for truth's sake but for our opinion's sake and very few of us are willing to prayerfully seek God's voice on whether we are right of wrong.

News Item10/11/2020 9:59 PM
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I'm not going to hash all this over again with a fresh combatant. I've said all I want to say, and I'm going to leave it at that. Agree with me or not, so be it. I've had my say, and I believe the Gospel is just that, the Gospel. I'm not going to err in spreading the Gospel over social issues when it doesn't belong there.

Relativism and circumstantial ethics seem to have found their place here as well. That in my humble opinion is sad. Truth is supposed to be absolute but it seems it's far from it.

News Item10/11/2020 7:40 PM
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James Thomas wrote:
I'm not making that claim your suggesting.
What I do see is someone making an attempt to protect their child from garbage. That's it. Even non Christians are capable of that.
Fine. I have no problem with protecting your children from evil, hence why we homeschool, but it's my contention that she could have done it a better way. Instead of making her gripes known on a world-wide platform she should have gone to the school and removed her son and perhaps homeschooled him herself?

News Item10/11/2020 5:48 PM
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Unprofitable Servant wrote:
So who is supposed to speak against the indoctrination of children with the sodomite agenda? The teachers aren’t supposed to say anything? The parents are supposed to be silent? Christians are not to speak against wickedness? What exactly are you saying? What does it mean have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather reprove them?
Sorry John you must be privy to far more than what is stated in this article for your statement to even make sense
I guess you can look at it this way: you are given one commission on this earth, that commission being to spread the Gospel throughout the world. Simple. We are never told to be political activists and in fact, we're told in 1 Cor. 5: 12 For what have I to do to judge them also that are without? do not ye judge them that are within? 13 But them that are without God judgeth. Therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person.

We are told we have no right to judge those who are outside the church. The world is supposed to go to hell in a handbasket. Who are we to try and change things outside of preaching the Gospel?

News Item10/11/2020 3:08 PM
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Read the chapter many times and yes up to verse 17 I believe, it mentions Paul and the Gospel he was commissioned to preach to the world at large. The rest of the chapter mentions sinful man turning his back on God, worshipping the creature rather than the Creator, and being abandoned by God and cursed with homosexuality. 

Homosexuality is nothing more than a trend in society that allows humanity to express its wickedness. 

The Gospel as we know directs its focus on sinful man and his need of a Savior. That saving grace comes from Christ's death alone. Whether you are a homosexual, hateful Muslim, or a wicked feminist, you are all the same in God's eyes and in need of repentance.

This woman, getting back to the subject, did not proclaim the Gospel, but ranted about the indoctrination of the LGBTQ agenda in the school her boy was attending. It wasn't her place and she was disciplined accordingly.

News Item10/11/2020 2:10 PM
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John for JESUS wrote:
If people really believed she should have remained silent, you would think they would shut up themselves. The hypocrisy!
Depends on what people you are referring to.

News Item10/11/2020 12:58 PM
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MS wrote:
My question is why she had her child in a COE primary school to begin with. They have embraced every form of wickedness for quite awhile.She had to have known this.
Is that her religious affiliation? the COE. If so, she probably is not a Christian.
She’s a teacher, homeschool him, madam.
So true. She's a teacher, so she would have known about the dangers of LGBTQ teaching.

She got her ire up for some reason, and now it's gotten her fired. Homeschooling is the only way to go if you want to protect your children from the devilish onslaught. I don't feel sorry for those who climb to the rooftops of social media and rant away. It does no good and it just makes you out to be an angry nut.

News Item10/11/2020 12:23 PM
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It IS a social justice issue, James. Can you in all honesty say that speaking out against the agenda of the LGBTQ group is proclaiming the Gospel? If you think that this woman should be included in Foxe's Book of Martyrs, then you don't know what the Gospel truly is.

This woman also wanted to have her colleagues and friends sign a petition. If she was uncomfortable with the curriculum her son was being taught, she should have respectfully gone to the school and voiced her concerns. Or better yet, homeschooled the boy herself. Not use FB as a soapbox.

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