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News Item5/18/19 9:52 AM
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Good for you Frank. Wear your excommunication badge with honor.
Dolores, we love the RC people and would not shun them. In fact, we would,as MS faithfully has, tell them the truth because we do love them.
We hate the RC system as we do any other false cult. The RC system is more dangerous as it uses Christian words.
Here's one for you- I have come across more than a few RCs who, when asked if they are Christian, will respond by saying "No,I'm Catholic."
To their credit, they are, at least, rejecting the idea of themselves being Christian. If only Christians could discern as well between the two.
MS, glad to hear that you were faithful. I have and I would venture to say that many others have unsaved loved ones and understand the importance and gravity of speaking about Christ to them.
We love them so much but also understand that no one is a robot and that they must come to Christ by their own free will.
Keep pressing. His word never goes out void.

News Item5/17/19 11:32 AM
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It's better for some people to not have children. They don't take care of them or worse,abuse or neglect them and there are so many that have been discarded and are waiting for families.
It would be difficult to bring a child into this world now as well considering its state.

News Item5/17/19 11:24 AM
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Dolores, it's not our standards that count unless they match up with those in Scripture and we are commanded to uphold and defend those.
Romans 12:9

9 Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good.

Those who reject others who embrace Roman Catholicism love those people caught in that more than those who accept Roman Catholicism.
Don't you know what Roman Catholicism teaches?
Did Christ die in vain?
He alone is our Mediator and the only way to the Father.

News Item5/14/19 12:18 PM
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John 7:24
We are to judge with righteous judgment and we are to expose that which is false.
There are wolves in sheep's clothing.

Matthew 7:15

15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

Better to follow the Word and pray for discernment.

News Item5/13/19 5:09 AM
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Well stated, Frank.
All those tight with the faux pa, however, including leaders close to us, are all just the other side of the same coin...all doing what they do in the name of "common good".
Distractions and deception have always proven to be very effective.

News Item5/13/19 4:59 AM
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John, please respond.Perhaps you missed it (I was responding to Dolores' Scripture for an acceptable reason for divorce but understand it to not be license to remarry. Correct?
It would look, Dolores, as adultery would be the only acceptable reason for divorce but I don't see it as license to remarry.
Of course, then we have many people who have remarried out of naivete or ignorance. I'm guessing that they should remain married and do follow what Scripture says from that point on...not divorcing and remarrying unless their present partner dies? Input again please. I'm glad that someone is listening, John.
It seems so easy for us to go our own way as along as the church approves or condones without being diligent and obedient to Scripture.

News Item5/11/19 11:45 AM
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I wonder how many of these were RCs.

News Item5/11/19 11:44 AM
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It would look, Dolores, as adultery would be the only acceptable reason for divorce but I don't see it as license to remarry.
Of course, then we have many people who have remarried out of naivete or ignorance. I'm guessing that they should remain married and do follow what Scripture says from that point on...not divorcing and remarrying unless their present partner dies? Input again please. I'm glad that someone is listening, John.
It seems so easy for us to go our own way as along as the church approves or condones without being diligent and obedient to Scripture.

News Item5/11/19 9:41 AM
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This megachurch pastor has only himself to blame. If he leaves behind that in which he had placed his "faith", he would do well.
As an aside- I read in the Bible that one is to not remarry another if the spouse which they divorce or have been divorced from is still living. I never hear this preached. Input is welcome. It would seem that the church has been allowing for that which it shouldn't have.

News Item5/11/19 9:35 AM
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Douglas, he has many high profile leaders/cronies who throw around the "for the common good" expression. Some of them are strongly supported by a few on this site.

News Item5/3/19 2:59 PM
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You're welcome,Frank.I meant it too. I pray for you all.
If she wasn't turning tricks, she certainly was advertising.
...keep her in prayer too. If she knew the One who loves her, she wouldn't want any counterfeits.

News Item5/3/19 11:33 AM
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For those who don't know better and claim to know the Truth and love Jesus- maybe it's time to consider the sources of these day of obligations,including the national day of prayer. Milk is fine but we can move on to meat in our walk.
For those who are praying to a "god",your prayers are in vain unless they are for salvation.
For those who do know God, we,of course, are doing what we do the other 364 days of the year. We have a God who never sleeps and hears us always, not just one designated day.

News Item5/3/19 11:08 AM
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Frank-in regards to your walmart account-
if the naked woman didn't get paid for her nakedness,she probably just does what she does for free...sorry you had to see the mess.
Gay Allen, yes! This is probably why we have to hear about those male enhancement products on our local am radio stations in the middle of the day. Man has so corrupted sex that people are incapacitated from the overwhelming assault of nasty images ad nauseum.
"Immodesr" to some is actually "naked" in Scripture. We like to have it our way though.
If we saw some pervert ogling our wives, sisters and daughters while they are "just" wearing shorts,we might reconsider.

News Item5/3/19 10:50 AM
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Placing death before man is a disservice to Scripture.
...can't have it both ways.

News Item5/3/19 10:44 AM
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2 Timothy 3:sc2-5

2For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 5Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

News Item5/1/19 9:00 AM
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I would be very concerned about those who prefer the New over the Old. Both are of paramount importance. Each is incomplete without the other.

News Item5/1/19 8:56 AM
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Vogue has been pushing prostitution for a very long, long time just by their covers-
a reason why many stores have often put covers over them in their racks.
Women who get paid to present their bodies in a sexual way are basically prostitutes,

News Item4/26/19 9:52 AM
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Yes! Adriel.

I would just add

to the list as well...something to which many of our founders would have related.

News Item4/26/19 9:49 AM
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Manufactured racial tension will help to set marshal law in place.

Animals have more sense than man when it comes to these things.
A man is a man and a dog is a dog. Color is not significant.

News Item4/24/19 12:01 PM
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Christopher, always appreciate your gentle approach.
No one is saying that someone will go to Hell for doing so but, on the other hand, Scripture ought not to be compromised.
God clearly told us how are to remember Him. Churches celebrate easter because Rome does and pagans do.
Christ is our Passover. God told the Jews when to have Passover and the feast of Unleavened Bread. It was a specific time Leviticus 23:5.
The RC church at Geneva dictated when Easter would be observed (first Sunday after the first full moon after the vernal equinox).
Easter in Scripture is not easter observed in church today. It was either the Jewish Passover or a pagan celebration. If it was the Jewish Passover and we wanted to look back at the shadow, then we may as well drop easter and do the Jewish Passover as outlined in Scripture...but, of course, Paul had a rebuke for those who were doing similarly-
9 But now, after that ye have known God, or rather are known of God, how turn ye again to the weak and beggarly elements, whereunto ye desire again to be in bondage?

10 Ye observe days, and months, and times, and years.

11 I am afraid of you, lest I have bestowed upon you labour in vain.

The concern is when we decide or follow along with something that man chose to chan

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