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News Item2/24/19 9:43 AM
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Christopher, you make a good point. It's ironic how so many people will embrace graphic violence in their media choices not to mention their halloween garb yet be offended by the graphic depiction of what happens to so many innocent babies.
Maybe a reality check would help jar them from their fantasy bubbles in which they live.
We shouldn't be asking God to bless America. We should be pleading that He has mercy on us.

Sermon2/21/19 3:20 PM
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I thank the lord for this beautiful sermon. It was a tremendous blessing to me —and to be able to hear it at the perfect time.. Although it is preached to youth - I believe many adults will also be truly blessed to hear it. I pray the lord will guide many more people to listen and be as deeply moved and blessed by it - as I have been. Thank you lord for this preacher. To God alone be all glory.

News Item2/18/19 9:56 AM
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Luke 12:2

“For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known.”

News Item2/18/19 9:50 AM
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Dads don't birth babies. This is scientific...readily observed in nature.

News Item2/18/19 9:47 AM
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Thank you,Christopher and June for all of the input.
June, "common good"...a phrase parroted by our commander in chief...with the enthusiastic support of the speaker,another RC.
Christopher,the faux pa,in his new year's message said that it is a requirement to pray to Mary in the Christian life.
How people cannot see that that is an insult to Christ is beyond comprehension.
The RC deceivers are and have been infiltrating nursing homes... I guess they figure that those who are vulnerable and doped up are easy prey.
Sadly, I have just spoken with a lady who is being told that she needs to question her salvation by an RC church...they are,of course,stressing the need for works.

News Item2/14/19 12:28 PM
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Un- I don't listen to conservative talk radio but can't miss the last bits before the weather...I have a disability and am having to monitor the temperature constantly. I don't watch tv.
There is a lot of junk talk even 15 seconds prior to hearing the weather and because it's so endless and repetitve, one cannot help but hear the same old from Trump's Rc cronies. Sometimes I wonder why they can't just play the same program every day...same theme,,just names change.
I listen to many sermons on this site. If you recall, I recently suggested one from Cooley.
Look in the mirror, "Doc", there's a beam in your eye,passing judgment like that.
so..God is pleased with us? We're not under judgment? Really? If that's the case, He should apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah.
We have sodomites wanting a voice in this country because they've seen how well it works for fornicators,adulterers,baby killers,sports and hollywood idols...etc.

News Item2/13/19 10:57 AM
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All I ever hear on the radio stations is a constant rant against the "liberals" and how Trump is always under attack...not one station...all of the major radio stations with the RC hosts like Hannity and Limbaugh,etc.
One gains more support if they are seen as having unreasonable, evil opposition.
"Seen"...being the operative word.
If one does a little research,one finds RC and ecumenical ties and comaraderie between the liberals and the conservatives.
I am not a conspiracy theorists but even the NFL,more likely than not, was used to evoke feelings of patriotic and nationalistic unity by "staging" or playing on players refusing to bow to the anthem.
How misplaced are our priorities?..but expected for a nation that idolizes men in skinny pants running down a field with an appropriately called "pig" skin. Unclean on all counts.
Placing our faith in the leaders here and being more identified as an american than a "Christian" is the better that way for control of the masses.
And many who actually believe that we are blessed with Christian leaders who are going to reverse our path are disillusioned if they think that we are not in judgment.

News Item2/13/19 10:31 AM
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Thank you for the input, Christopher,ladybug and CV.

There are many who believe that they are Christian but are self deceived.
It is concerning that Trump downplays forgiveness and depends on his own efforts.
However green one may be, the understanding of forgiveness and ones lack of self sufficiency in relation to faith are necessary foundational truths.
One who thinks that they are well, do not see the need for a Physician.

News Item2/13/19 10:16 AM
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We have had seared consciences for a long time. This is just the latest domino to fall.

News Item2/13/19 10:13 AM
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Billionaires don't control the media?
Media and propaganda go hand in hand.
Only the filthy rich can run for office.
No surprise that those with the most "control" and dubious connections are ecumenically minded and RC advocates.

Quoting Scripture only makes sense if it is applicable to the subject at hand.

News Item2/12/19 9:48 AM
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? whom are you speaking? I am unaware of anyone that has posted who is seeking the praises of men over God.
Your comment is not applicable.

News Item2/12/19 8:34 AM
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John 12:43 - For they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God.

News Item2/12/19 8:24 AM
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comments do you arrive at the conclusion that he has a fear of God?

America should be grateful for the grace which God has extended to it. We certainly are not worthy and it would be very easy to see how foreign countries would look at us and not see us to be anywhere near a "Christian" nation.
Killing babies,sacrificing its children to immorality,mocking God,encouraging adultery,fornication,blasphemy,etc...
I see judgment on us and we have and have had just the leaders that we do deserve.

News Item2/12/19 8:07 AM
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How do you arrive at the conclusion that I am supporting this person?
I was pointing out the double standard.

News Item2/11/19 1:42 PM
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...but being an actor or casino tycoon is different?

News Item2/11/19 1:02 PM
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You wouldn't commend the faux pa for any correct stance but you would commend others who are his ardent admirers?
The vp says that he is a Christian but at a recent roman catholic prayer breakfast spoke how he loves the RC church...stating
“While my own faith journey has taken me and my family in a different faith direction, I want you all to know how much I cherish my Catholic upbringing and cherish the church,” Pence added. “In fact, I just attended mass with my mom this weekend when we were in Chicago with family.”
Political figures do what serves them best. Much of the media pushes these "Christian darlings" on us who are nothing but ecumenists.
I haven't seen an article on here addressing Jorge Bergoglio's latest pow wow with the Muslim leader signing a document promoting a one world the name of interfaith respect where by we all shake hands and embrace each others religion. Embrace,was the word.

News Item2/11/19 11:44 AM
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It's odd that she is being attacked for having been a bartender yet the Pres,during his visit to Ohio, said,in defense of Kavanaugh,that "they said Lincoln was an alcoholic, give me 6 more like him"...negating the idea that those who imbibe,as Kav did and still does,are any less qualified to fill positions on the Supreme Court or the office of Presidency.
Double standard...if one is liberal and drinks they are fair game for criticism. Yet, if one is "conservative" and does the same, they are to be commended for any "good" that they do.
There is no party or group that has the Christians' backs. We should only look to the One who does and pray for all who don't know Him, especially, the ones who think that they do.

News Item2/11/19 11:33 AM
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Should the faux pa be commended for being pro life?

News Item2/11/19 8:39 AM
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Unprofitable, you might profit from listening to Cooley's sermon in reference to black faces and abortion.
We are to judge unrighteousness which would include planned parenthood supporters and faux pa sympathizers.
If one cannot judge unless perfect than your comment is mute as it is a judgment.
We wouldn't be able to discipline our children. We wouldn't be able to have judicial systems.
You wouldn't be able to laud the praises of political figures who aren't "as bad" as others.

News Item2/10/19 2:34 PM
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I thought that Pence was ecumenical.
AS Cooley pointed out in a recent sermon, priorities are eschewed...thanks to the media...controlled by the billionaires.
As long as the political leaders can keep us distracted and throw us a bone here or there, Christians are oh so faithful to their parties.
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