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News Item4/26/19 3:43 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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“One question I would ask the promoters of this event was what happens if a white male identifies himself as being black? If a man can say he is a woman, then why not a different race?”

Great point. 👍👍🏻👍🏼👍🏽👍🏾👍🏿

News Item4/25/19 11:00 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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Benjamin is right! 🎉🎉🎉 which means we might have another nerdy Methodist kid. 🤓🎉🎉

Or do we??? Sonic is not his real name 😱 (That’s strike one) when I said where he’s from I meant where he was born (That’s strike 2)

So Benjamin, you need to step up your game, but if you can tell me the name of his fox friend I’ll cut you some slack.

Hey, only nerdy Methodist kids know these things, since I can’t have social media I have to talk about this somewhere. 🤓

News Item4/25/19 8:26 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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*The first one to get that reference, tell me his name, and where he is from*

News Item4/25/19 8:25 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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“Dr. Tim, leave Conor7 alone. He's probably some nerdy Methodist kid who's not allowed to have social media so he posts stuff on here.”

“He might be busy getting ready, spraying his 24" comb-over with maximum strength Aquanet, and also giving his hog a pedicure for tonight's village dance-off, so I'll go ahead and answer for him.”

This is going to be stuck in my head all day now, oy vey...Now I’m going to have dreams of a nerdy Methodist hog with a comb over, getting a manicure and a pedicure to a village dance off...a sort of weird twisted hillbilly anthropomorphic version of High School Musical.

If I’m going to dream about hogs, I’d rather it be a blue hedgehog. The first one to gets that reference tell me his name, and where he is from... and no cheating, don’t look it up on the internet.

(Hey, I was called nerdy so I had to add something semi nerdy) 🤓

News Item4/25/19 2:16 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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Doc, what do you shoot marbles with? A rifle, shotgun, or a desert eagle? And I thought you folks used whips to wrangle your pigs in the house for supper.

News Item4/25/19 10:56 AM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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What! No news on Avengers End Game? Everyone wants to know how Thanos is defeated, how the 1/2 of everything comes back to life, what will happen to the infinity stones, what's the deal with the Red Skull, will there be a Stan Lee appearance!?

Just kidding...of course Stan Lee will make an appearance. 😃 🎞📽📺

News Item4/25/19 10:41 AM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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John Lee said, "Thank you Connor. The reason you don't see legalism is simply because you are young in the faith and do not understand the term."

Well you've managed to insult my spiritual growth and my intelligence. Just in one sentence.

"Or maybe it is because I use the term legalism and you think it means salvation by works."

Nowhere did I suggest it referred to it as salvation by grace + works.

As a Calvinist, would you say that the grace of God is at the very root of your motivation? Is it God which "worketh in you to will and to do according to his purpose"? Or is it down to the pep talks in your IFB church?"

Here again you've not only managed to insult my elders, but you've managed to insult my friends who members of my church.

We don't give "pep talks" my pastors do expository preaching, and doctrinal teaching. In evangelism we focus on the Spirit's work in covicting the hearts of men and my pastors reject the sinners prayer and the using of gimmicks to try to make "a decision for Christ."

News Item4/24/19 8:36 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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@John Lee, I’m an IFB, Dr. Tim is an IFB, and I’m sure there’s more on here, but the IFB “community” (so to speak) don’t agree on every point.

Dr. Tim is KJVonly, I’m not, Dr. Tim is not a Calvinist, I am. So we can easily list our agreements and disagreements but in the end we’re both IFB Christians.

I see no hint of legalism in the good doctor. So painting with a broad brush is not the wisest thing in the world and I hope that you do recognize that you are slandering elders (and my elders) which is unseemly and a sin, you seem to be very casual in serious accusations.

@The Quiet Christian, You’re a Presbyterian? I’ll have to post a link for you.

News Item4/23/19 8:50 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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Yeah, Acts 12:4 says, Acts 12:4 (TR1881): ὃν καὶ πιάσας ἔθετο εἰς φυλακήν, παραδοὺς τέσσαρσι τετραδίοις στρατιωτῶν φυλάσσειν αὐτόν, βουλόμενος μετὰ τὸ πάσχα ἀναγαγεῖν αὐτὸν τῷ λαῷ.

“πάσχα” is the word for Passover. This same word is used for Luke 22:13 (TR1881): ἀπελθόντες δὲ εὗρον καθὼς εἲρηκεν αὐτοῖς· καὶ ἡτοίμασαν τὸ πάσχα

In light of the context that has already been pointed out, it is proper to translate it “Passover”

News Item4/20/19 3:40 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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@ladybug, while I do like to see other perspectives than mine own, I’ve got a lot of stuff to do. I’ll save the link and if I have time, I’ll give it a listen.

News Item4/19/19 2:00 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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As a Christian I hold the reformers as great men of God, however the Antichrist seems to be a person, not an organization. So I’d say the Reformers were wrong on that point.

And no, I’m not listening to a 3 part series. Thank you though.

@John Lee, I try to submit everything to Christ, I try not to separate myself from theological principles, I cling strongly to them.

News Item4/19/19 12:54 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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Well, let’s pray that God uses His missionaries to preach the gospel to these poor folks and that they would be saved.

News Item4/18/19 10:59 AM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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@John, having a barn to worship in doesn’t make it more spiritual, you can still worship in spirit and truth in a church building, early Christians didn’t always, if ever, have barns to meet in, and if you take your statement,

“My preferences and opinions are always (I hope) based firmly on scripture, rather than mere human preferences.” To its logical extreme, you could not have simple appliances such as a fan, AC, a washer a dryer, etc.

All except 2 things you listed are perfectly fine and not unbiblical unless you have scripture.

News Item4/18/19 10:49 AM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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@Ladybug, I really don’t understand your comment, you cannot prove that the RC Church is of the Antichrist since he’s not running the RC Church (ie, the Pope) sencondly the RCC is very much alive just like Islam is alive, and then thirdly I think it’s important to know what is going on in the world, I don’t want to turn a blind eye towards persecution of any religion because they are made in the image of God and we aught pray for their salvation and safety.

News Item4/17/19 12:50 AM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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Do not let this act of terror hinder you from sharing the gospel to Muslims. Muslims, like every other person, are made in the image of God and aught to be treated as such.

There’s a lot of Christians hating Muslims, being afraid of Muslims, look down at Muslims, etc. and it’s disgusting, purely disgusting.

Let us pray that the people who did this terror vandalism would be convicted by the Holy Spirit and that they repent and become a child of God.

News Item4/13/19 5:46 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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Eat more chicken!!!

News Item4/9/19 10:03 AM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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If DT gets elected again, then perhaps MP can run for president after DT 2nd term. Conservatives would probably vote for him, because let’s face it, we’re just trying to put off the inevitable, we know a communist is going to get elected in the not to distant future.

But, let us look forward to the coming of Christ rather than political reform.

News Item4/9/19 9:54 AM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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Gotta go fast.

News Item4/8/19 9:09 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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@Moses, if you are saying that the increasing number of pagans are due to translations such as the NKJV,ESV, NASB, etc. then can you explain how people in Genesis 6 became so pagan that God killed them with a flood? Or perhaps Israelites, who has the oracles of God, became pagans? (Not all of course) Perhaps you can explain why the Pharisees were so inwardly wicked and crucified the Lord of glory?

The first category didn’t have a Bible, the second had the word of God both verbally and audibly (prophets) and written (scriptures) yet they turned to idols, worshipped Baal, and human sacrifices, etc.

The third category had the scriptures nailed in their minds, yet crucified their own Messiah.

Bible translations are not causing paganism, the natural of man is described as a child of the devil, enemies of God, dead in sin, wicked, not seeking after God, etc. God restrains evil, and He can stop restraining evil as judgment on a nation who is opposed to God.

News Item4/4/19 8:15 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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I have a confession to make, I’m addicted to phonics, ever since 1st grade I’ve been hooked on it, I’ve even encouraged others to get hooked on it.
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