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News Item12/15/18 11:55 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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ā€œ12/25 is not the birth of Christā€

I donā€™t think anyone here is arguing that.

ā€œThe date is not in Scriptureā€

Everyone here acknowledges that

ā€œand we,like the faux pa, have no license to deviate from that which is in the Word.ā€

Whereā€™s the deviation?

ā€œIt's called "adding to" the RCs do with their traditionsā€

Three things:

1. No one is adding anything to the scripture.

2. Category error. Big time category error.

Catechism of the Catholic Church, paragraph 97. says, "Sacred Tradition and Sacred Scripture make up a single sacred deposit of the Word of God . . ."

3. No one on here is arguing in anyway like the RC traditions. Funny thing is, that the RC traditions are binding while no person on here is trying to say, ā€œYou must celebrate Christmas.ā€

This is my last post on this thread.

News Item12/15/18 11:37 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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Jim, you can either say, ā€œMan I blew it, I was wrong, thanks for pointing out my errors.ā€ Or you can simply turn a blind eye to your errors...thereā€™s probably other options, but Iā€™ll have you figure it out.

News Item12/15/18 12:15 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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Jim, I beg of you to listen with your ears, all denominations deal with this, it is not just IFB churches, whether or not you will accept that is on you, if you think itā€™s only the IFB churches, then I cannot help you.

News Item12/15/18 10:58 AM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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B.McCausland, surely you know that if youā€™re going to accuse someone of faulty logic...then you should point out the faulty logic.

Again, Christians arenā€™t worshipping glurg the god of essential oils, if you have a problem with decorating Godā€™s tree with festive decorations, then donā€™t buy one.

And if you take your position to itā€™s logical extreme, then you have to do away with wedding rings...because thereā€™s no biblical warrant for them. So will you take your position to itā€™s logical extreme?

News Item12/14/18 9:33 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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I find it interesting that this thread shifted from an atheist billboard, to a rant on Christmas trees. Oy vey, please people, take a chill pill, if you donā€™t like Christmas trees than donā€™t have one, and if you are going to get in arguments with someone, please listen to the other side and put things in prospective.

Christians who have Christmas trees arenā€™t celebrating the birth of Tammaz the god of tree sap. Give thanks that they want to celebrate Christā€™s birth, and that they love Christ. Take a gander at Dr. Timā€™s gives good prospective.

News Item12/14/18 9:23 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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I agree with Dr. Tim when he says, ā€œMeaningless generalizationsā€ the church I attend has expository preaching every Sunday.

I think that topical sermons are necessary, for instance, you probably need to have a topical sermon series if you want to teach the Trinity.

But expository preaching is vital, to preach through the book of Romans, or Genesis, 1Timothy, etc. to understand the text in context lest, to understand the train of thought of the author.

News Item12/14/18 6:37 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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Jim, since I rebutted your assertions, will you retract your statement(s)

News Item12/14/18 2:17 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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I think it would do us well to examine the worldview of atheism. Atheism is the belief that there is no God, humans are merely a meat bag that came by accident. We have no purpose, life is absurd and there is no afterlife.

Therefore, when the atheist says, ā€œSupernatural Belief -- The Enemy of Humanity.ā€ Is this true? By what standard is this true? How do we know itā€™s true? Who is the vicar of Nature to determine who and what is an enemy?

Even if we were to accept their claim, humanity is simply pollution that is harming nature, and the more humans we can get rid of, the better.

News Item12/14/18 12:28 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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Letā€™s iron this out:

Connor7, ā€œdo you have an overseeing authority above elders and pastors- which denominations do?ā€

Yes and no. I have the authority by Jesus to confront the pastor if he teaches modalism, I have the authority to demand a church meeting where the members talk to the pastor about his modalism, I have the authority to call the churches that support our church and tell them the heresy that the pastor is teaching, and the members have the authority to ā€œkick him outā€ (by the way, we would do this if thereā€™s no repentance) and since we have another elder, we would still have a pastor.

ā€œDenominations can have church conferences or whatever to rid a member church of an errant pastor.ā€ Yep. We can do that. And I hope to see conferences in the future.

ā€œThis is not the case with Independent fundamentalist Baptist Churches.ā€

See above rebuttals. Even my former IFBC would remove an elder if necessary (by the way, that IFB church had a plurality of elders) So Iā€™m not sure what youā€™re babbling about. More to come...

News Item12/13/18 9:31 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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I thank Dr. Tim for echoing what I said yet saying it better than I did, and Dr. Tim is pointing out that you cannot use double standards. And if I may be so bold, lumping all IFB churches in one mold is very childish.

Back to Jim:

ā€œThe problem is Connor7 that IFBs are not a denominationā€ See point #2

ā€œeven denominations have a hard time getting rid of an errant pastor if he's extremely popular with the cult members ie church members of his congregation.ā€

Not sure how this is relevant or what your point is. But see point #3

ā€œapparently with IFBs I guess they will have to have a standing committee, naturally an informal one who can prepare people who need to break off.ā€

Youā€™re lumping all IFB churches in on pot...very childish.

News Item12/13/18 9:14 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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It seems rather strange that some Christians wouldnā€™t want to celebrate His birth, Luke gives a very detailed account of His birth, read the beginning of Luke, heā€™s writing to theophilus, and he wants to write down the account of Jesus, something that Theophilus had been orally taught but Luke wanted him to have a physical account.

And Luke is incredibly focused on the Incarnation, read it for yourself, the angels celebrated Christā€™s birth, if Christ was not born, the prophecies could not come to pass, there would not be a second Adam, and there would not be a New Testament or the the birth sounds pretty important.

I think we should celebrate His birth, (though it is not sin if you donā€™t, it is my personal opinion) but still, I think Christians should seiz the season, and show who the true Christ is, that Jesus is God, etc.

News Item12/13/18 8:36 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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A few things Jim:

1. You did not answer my question, instead you tried to dodge the question.

2. The IFBC (for the most part) is a denomination, just like how the ā€œnon-denominationā€ church is a denomination. IFBC usually only supports IFB churches.

3. Iā€™m a member of a IFB church and we have 2 pastors, and both of them are fully accountable to the church, and are open to correction if correction is necessary. If our pastor were to start teaching modalism, or Unitarianism, we would confront him, and if no change, we would have him removed.

4. The article by Dr. Wallace is not relevant since we have a plurality of elders. I think we have maybe at most 50 people at our main service, so thereā€™s no need for 7 elders.

5. Your keen ability to connect politics to ecclesiastical matters is quite amazing.

More to come...

News Item12/13/18 2:23 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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Happy Vulpes day.

News Item12/13/18 12:05 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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ā€œPoliticians and religious fundamentalists are neither scientists nor scholars,ā€

Appeal to authority. I may not be a mathematician, but I do know that 1+1=2 and that 9 to the 2nd power is 81. And likewise I may not be a scientist, I still know that there is only 2 genders, all Iā€™ve ever seen is two genders, and these two genders can, in most cases, produce offspring.

Just as mathematics is grounded in the fact that there are numbers, and that there is truth, likewise is the fact that there is only 2 genders. Iā€™ve never heard of a case where a woman produced a child that was neither male or female, science deals with observation, and all we have observed is male and female.

News Item12/13/18 11:54 AM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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Not all IFBC are created equal. Sure there are cultic IFB churches, ever heard of Steven Anderson and the IFB churches that fall into legalism (you must wear suit and tie, you must go down to the altar call, you must only use the KJV, and Calvinists are going straight to Hell, itā€™s our way or the highway, etc)

Like all other denominations, you have the Solid IFB, and then the...not so solid IFB.
As to the allegations, it is to be innocent until proven guilty. I think overall all the comments have been good, although I am curious Jim, how many IFB churches have you attended?.

News Item12/12/18 11:26 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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How about we pray for the Christians in California?

News Item12/12/18 8:24 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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Iā€™m celebrating Vulpes day tomorrow.

And whether Christmas is a pagan holiday, a Catholic holiday, or a Tammuz Holiday, we should seiz this moment to spread the gospel, this is the time where people are somewhat interested in the birth of Jesus.

News Item12/12/18 8:14 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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I donā€™t know, Iā€™m not making the claim that he is, you are. Not to be rude, but do you know how to give documentation to back up your assertions?

News Item12/12/18 1:56 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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I meant a truth claim.

News Item12/12/18 1:54 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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'Truth isn't truth'

Is that a true statement? Oddly enough, the assertion 'Truth isn't truth' is a truth statement. šŸ§

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