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News Item11/13/2020 2:42 PM
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You're very right with the stereotypes, and yes there are most likely many Americans who are humble and meek, but boy, if this forum is any evidence of what American Christianity is like...

Canadians are looked upon as friendly yet dumb (Newfie jokes come to mind eh?), the Chinese are always looked upon as wise, etc...

We need to emulate Christ, not the country we live in. I personally do not like my country and what it stands for. There's little past the scenery that I enjoy about my country. But this is where God planted me and this is where I remain until He says so. I am my own worst enemy, and I fail more times than I would like to admit. That being said, it drives me to my knees in prayer when I do fail and I beg God to show me where I error. This, I believe, is one of the hallmarks of a Christian. My challenge to all here is do the same. Do it for Christ's sake. Do it for the world's sake so they see a proper example of Christ-likeness. Do it for yourself lastly, as it will improve you and keep you humble and close to Christ's side.

News Item11/13/2020 2:05 PM
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And this is what I've found for years on this forum, and I mean years. Sarcasm, belittling, attacks, insults, making light of serious matters. I swear sometimes I think that if the majority of posters here are over fifty, God help our young'uns! You would think that if those here are Christians, they would have matured better than this.

With me, I post out of concern and love, then I get attacked. Then I get frustrated and lash back with sarcasm, then I repent. I just wish that those here would examine themselves more often instead of thinking they have arrived, and have no need for growth and humility. It's a sign of the times I suppose, and this forum reflects the world in the worst of ways.

News Item11/13/2020 11:44 AM
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Dr. Tim wrote:
By the way, if I lived in a place where the people are so arrogant they actually use the word “Great” in the name of their homeland, I reckon I’d shut my mouth about folks in other countries being “proud.”
On a side note, dear Tim, it was the Americans who named Canada "The Great White North". Sorry.

News Item11/13/2020 10:51 AM
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B. McCausland wrote:
Watcher, sorry to observe your beleaguered treatment.
This has happened here before when some one has passed a general remark on the same line. Other posters then, refrain from interference in the conversation knowing they will get the same treatment and insult if doing so. However out of conscience this comes to you.
It appears that Americans and pastors consider themselves above correction or criticism. However, perhaps the responses you have gotten amply prove your original point.
He that dares to correct the fool will attract upon himself scorn says Scriptures.
So, now, we can anticipate a new wave of abuse for daring to post this comment to you.
Folks, abstain please, in honour to freedom of speech
Thank you friend. I appreciate your kindness.

News Item11/12/2020 11:38 PM
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Dr. Tim wrote:
Watcher, since you state that you are humbly asking, and I have no reason to doubt that you mean it, I invite your attention to James 1:5-7.
Thank you for answering. So if I understand correctly, you are inviting me to go to God and ask Him? Believe it or not, I spend many hours in prayer asking God to open my eyes to my own pride and error. I suppose one good thing that has come from this forum is it has compelled me to go to God in prayer and ask for wisdom. If this isn't what you meant, then please explain.

News Item11/12/2020 10:12 PM
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James Thomas wrote:
Luke 6:31 And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.
If it requires offence to make a point, perhaps your opinion should be kept to yourself.
If you saw your brother on fire or in danger of being run over by a truck, how would you proceed to save him without offense? Please answer, I am humbly asking.

News Item11/12/2020 9:55 PM
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Dr. Tim wrote:
Watcher, if you have said anything on this thread “in love,” then let me say in love that you have expressed yourself so poorly that no one could perceive your pure and holy motives. That being the case, perhaps you should consider another line of work.
Then tell me, dear sir, how does one speak the truth without offense?

News Item11/12/2020 9:24 PM
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Dr. Tim wrote:
Yes Watcher, and as so often occurs, they roll first from thine own keyboard.
That's the thing that raises my ire. I said what I said as an observation of the failings of the American people, and I said it in love hoping someone would take it to heart and examine their motives and see if there be any evidence of said arrogance in his/her heart. The best medicine always tastes bad, but instead of taking what I said in the spirit it was given, you turn around and rip into me with insults. How did Jesus treat the churches in Revelation? What would you say if He said those things to you?

When my mom went to France in the '60s, she was advised to wear a Canadian flag on her lapel so that the locals knew she was Canadian. They told her that if the French thought she was American, they would treat her badly and disrespectfully. I didn't understand that until I started conversing with Americans. Now I do.

News Item11/12/2020 8:23 PM
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And yet again, the insults fly.

News Item11/12/2020 7:11 PM
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First off, I don't hate Americans or anyone else for that matter. Secondly, it doesn't matter where one lives. God's elect are scattered throughout the earth, and in every country on earth. Thirdly, my only beef on this thread is this ridiculous mentality I see in Americans (mostly) where we as Canadians see a haughty and arrogant people who think they're better than anyone else. Maybe you'll be offended by that, and maybe you just can't see it as an outsider can, but the point is, it's there and it turns people away. America is a country, and we are Christians bound for heaven. There shouldn't be this misplaced patriotism and loyalty for a country that we see so much. Your loyalty should belong in God only.

News Item11/12/2020 4:24 PM
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Dave wrote:
Beyond reproach.
And the odd pom
It take humility to admit that you might be wrong. Afterall, none of us have a monopoly on truth and we all should strive to continue to learn and grow. I find this quality is becoming rare these days.

News Item11/12/2020 3:58 PM
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James Thomas wrote:
Watcher, I'm sorry I mentioned the tin foil thing. I should have made my point more politely to you.
I can only presume the sources you are choosing to rely on are nothing more than "news" outlets who are hellbent on lecturing webs of deceptive narratives. If that's true, then your view will have dirt on the lens your using.
I accept your apology and I apologize likewise for my sarcasm. The sources I have read are not news outlets or gossip rags you would find at the grocer, but proper history books that have uncovered many uncomfortable facts about history, science, etc., that most people dare not touch. You can find such a series on Amazon called the P.I.G. series, or Politically Incorrect Guide to...very good reads and they do their research.

And no it's not the Possum series that Tim is reading. Those are cookbooks, and the pictures leave little to the imagination.

News Item11/12/2020 2:32 PM
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James Thomas wrote:
I'm amazed at the ability you have which enables you to draw that conclusion. Why, you would need to have been privy to all knowledge contained in my grey matter for you to make such a claim. Do you require a tin foil hat for that trick or does it come naturally?
Being on the outside, you rely on someone to report what's going on here who is here and the facts reported are only as good as your source and if that's CNN, MSNBC etc. then your the one drinking their kool-aid.
That is a nice piece of history you have there. The last time I saw a McGuffey’s Reader was in Walnut Grove. MN.
So be it. Burn some sparklers while you're at it.

News Item11/12/2020 1:08 PM
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Dr. Tim wrote:
Never mind, Watcher. It’s pointless to try to talk to someone who won’t listen.
Sorry to hear that Possum Man, but unless one is able to admit that there could be another viewpoint worth listening to, you will find your conversations very one-sided.

And the reason why I seem to be a sour-puss? This is the reason. I would have more progress pounding a hole in a granite wall with my head than making any headway on this forum.

“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”

Soren Kierkegaard

It seems even the world has a better grasp at this than the church.

News Item11/12/2020 11:56 AM
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Dr. Tim wrote:
Watcher, I am holding in my hands a book. It was for many years one of the keystone textbooks of American schoolchildren. On page 67 I read, “Trust in the Lord, and he will guide you in the way of good man. The path of the just is as the shining light that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.”
My McGuffey’s Reader is the 1879 edition. It wasn’t written for “Christian” schools, but for public schools. At that time virtually all public schools in the United States were “Christian”...
My point exactly. Thank you. The textbooks in schools also include evolution and the Big Bang theory. I never mentioned Christian schools. Thank you for reinforcing my point on the conditioning you have received in your American schools.

News Item11/12/2020 11:21 AM
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James Thomas wrote:
Ha! Thing is, even when they win they are still an angry bunch.
I've read books that conflict with the info gathered by the wiki sourced book. I suppose it's a matter of agendas. Some write for truths sake while others write for their narratives sake.
I suppose it depends on what truth you are embracing and what lies you have swallowed. You see being on the outside looking in, I can see things that are happening in America much clearer than you can. I also had a different schooling than you did. My history came from a different viewpoint and I have learned things about America and its founding that you would never admit to. The signing of the D of Independence was a farce as well. Those angelic founding fathers didn't even want to be there. They thought it was a waste of time. But I bet you didn't learn that in school. We all believe lies taught us by those in power, but it behooves us as mature adults to strive to learn the truth, no matter how uncomfortable it may be.

News Item11/12/2020 11:04 AM
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[Removed by Moderator Alpha]

News Item11/11/2020 11:27 PM
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Dr. Tim wrote:
Watcher, to say...
😂😆 Now there's a fairy tale if I ever heard one before. Did you put your hand over your heart when you wrote that? Amazing! You Americans are something else.

"The Faiths of the Founding Fathers is a book by historian of American religion David L. Holmes of the College of William & Mary. Holmes approaches the topic of the religion of the founders of the United States by analyzing their public statements and correspondence, the comments left by their contemporaries, and the views, where available, of clergy who knew them. The main thesis of the book, found on page 134, is that the U.S. Founding Fathers fell into three religious categories: the smallest group, founders who had left their Judeo-Christian heritage, and become advocates of the Enlightenment religion of nature and reason called "Deism". These figures included Thomas Paine and Ethan Allen
the founders who remained practicing Christians...the largest group consisted of founders who retained Christian loyalties and practice but were influenced by Deism. They believed in little or none of the miracles and supernaturalism inherent in the Judeo-Christian tradition..."


News Item11/11/2020 9:39 PM
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James Thomas wrote:
Thanks for your opinion Watcher. If that were true, the socialists of today would not repeatedly make attempts to dispose of the constitution they drafted.
Here's a quote from one whom they follow. Tell me if it rings true today.
"I consider it completely unimportant who in the party will vote for or how, but what is extraordinarily important is this-who will count the votes, and how?
Joseph Stalin, 1923.
Sounds like America today.

News Item11/11/2020 8:39 PM
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James Thomas wrote:

It truly is amazing how many of the founding fathers quotes capture the current landscape.
And yet, your founding fathers were all socialists and many of them were high-ranking Masons. Interestingly they talked about democracy when they knew nothing about it. Just my opinion.
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