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News Item1/8/2021 11:48 AM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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I gave up on conspiracy theory some time back, when I began to realize it wasn't theory anymore. Either things are unfolding as they are by accident, or they are being manipulated to do what is being done. When things seem to continually go in the same negative direction, the accident approach comes out short. It matters not whether man's dumb and sinful nature is behind it, or whether Satan, whose time is short, is more directly involved. It's not a Christian's place to help it either way.

News Item1/8/2021 9:13 AM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
If Trump means what he says, then he should resign and turn the presidency over to Mike Pence❗👍
Mike Pence could also pardon him and it would be a meaningful one rather then Trump trying to pardon himself.
He will probably most likely be impeached again if he doesn't do this.
No pardon is needed, Jim. All the false accusations you and your fellow Orcs make are just so much noise, as they have been for 5 years. You think rightly that Trump is a proud man. Now try to listen to yourself to hear deeper pride.

Ps, the only carnage committed in the recent events was committed by the “protectors of democracy” on a female 14 year veteran. What did she do to deserve death, Jim? Wake up and smell the stuff you sling.

News Item1/7/2021 7:13 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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Dave wrote:
You yanks are too arrogant to realise, the whole world sees the reflection of the nation and people you are through all this.
Your president is a reflection of you all
Hi Dave, so when your PM got his car tomatoed recently by protestors, was it a reflection of you and your nation? Or a reflection of the protestors?

News Item1/7/2021 4:56 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Former attorney general Barr a liberal, Mike
"Betrayal of his office:’ Ex-Attorney General Bill Barr denounces Trump for inciting riot"
There are legal actions that could be taken against Mr. Trump, but they probably won't happen in the next 14 days.
One point-the swamp attracts all sorts of creatures, and the most important thing to them is keep it filled. Any threat to that is unacceptable. Trump has been a threat. 1+1=2

First Amendment say you (and Trump) have right of free speech. Unlike your side, I won't strive to take that right away, so please do continue posting nonsense while your side still allows it.

No, there are no legal actions that could be taken against Trump for what somebody else does. Besides, ask yourself who benefits most by any of this? It certainly isn't Trump. Now your mind can be free to explore the answer.

Ok then, perhaps you would be willing to do more than post words with little meaning, and give specific examples of Trump inciting a riot. Even give Barr's specific examples. What did Trump SAY that could incite a riot. (btw, there was no riot, we had riots last summer that were labeled peaceful protests, remember?)

News Item1/7/2021 2:23 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
excerpt from,"Assault on democracy: Sen. Josh Hawley has blood on his hands in Capitol coup attempt"
Civil war? Very doubtful it wouldn't be profitable.
I love how the left projects it’s deeds onto others.

1. There was no assault on Democracy. If we assume Antifa didn’t infiltrate, and all is as it is being said to be, the assault might have been to get the attention of the deaf and gassy anti-democratic, anti-American, pro-socialists in the Congress. (But wouldn’t we have to be naive to think Antifa, or some more normally well dressed types would miss the opportunity?)

2. There was no coup attempt yesterday. The most recent coup attempt was on the evening of Election Day, with the corrupted vote count.

3. The blood that was shed by DC police was of a woman, a military vet. Despite the clutter of the reporting, I hope this is investigated

I too doubt the likelihood of civil war. Logistical nightmare, and all military officers oath is to the Constitution, not higher officers, nor the president. Military minimally would be divided. The treasonous Left would ultimately lose. Expecting that the whole military would join with them seems unrealistic.

News Item1/7/2021 10:44 AM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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G. Bird wrote:
A simple question (and I ask this as an Englishman with right wing leanings - I have no fondness for Biden and his Antifa/BLM thugs): Is there actually any solid proof that this election was rigged, or does this all just come down to personal biases and opinions?
A little more info:

I'm not typically big on polls, but a very recent Gallup poll had Trump as most admired, finally getting Obama off #1. Biden on the other hand, got 7%. Makes you wonder how he won an election with more popular vote than anyone in history.

Neil, that was the first thought that came when I saw it. It would have been easy enough to do.

News Item1/6/2021 5:47 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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Adriel wrote:
NO news articles today?
The end of the world is nigher?
Is this the fault of Biden/Harris?
There’s news.

News Item1/6/2021 10:27 AM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
"US intelligence agencies say massive hack of American government 'likely originated in Russia'"
You are not going to hear much out of the government on this one for quite a while because they don't know how many organizations have been affected either public and private--and has been taken.
Or, there might not be much of anything to hear. We have to take into account the diminishing credibility of the intelligence agencies over the last few years, due to harping about Russian influence, that turned out to be false. Meanwhile China gets a pass no matter what it does.

News Item1/6/2021 10:14 AM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
One Georgia Senate race down and another to go ❗
excerpt from,"Democrat Raphael Warnock wins one of the twin US Senate races in Georgia, control of Congress still hangs in balance"
If this turns out to be true, this will be the first time a Democrat has won a runoff election in Georgia.
Aren’t you concerned that this Democrat pastor will try to force the kingdom on others, what with getting involved in politics and such?

News Item1/5/2021 6:17 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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Chrisgp from England wrote:
Now we have a masked (under Nancy Pelosi’s orders, all Representatives must wear masks at all times in the chamber even while speaking
If I were a Representative, I would ask to be shown the written authority by which she can issue such an order. But I don’t expect they will. Democrats are evil, and Republicans are spineless.

News Item1/5/2021 4:14 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
"Is freedom of religion a biblical concept?"
And still you voted for Biden. 😡👎

News Item1/5/2021 9:30 AM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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I always wonder how those believing a certain thing would answer the question “What if I’m not one of the elect?” Would they tell them they are losers deserving of the wrath of God, or be more sympathetic and say, I’m sorry, but God just wants you to to go to Hell for his glory?

I know we all can find verses we like best, but I still wonder about practical application of what we believe.

News Item1/4/2021 7:56 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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Many politicians are all for the electric. Same looney crowd that wants to save the planet from pickup trucks, and wants you to stay home to stay “safe” doesn’t want you to go very far when you do get to go out.

News Item1/4/2021 7:31 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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cv wrote:
Mike, can NYkers put a stop to this or is it too late?
The bill is purposefully vague so the definitions for removal can be broadened.
The bill is still in process. It has to go to the Senate,(Democrat) then to the governor. (Democrat) Slimy characters, anti-American is the kindest thing you can say. Someone posted the bill on Facebook, along with a petition. I think this thing needs lots of publicity, bad press, if there is to be hope of stopping it. My wife said Fox News has picked it up, but I haven’t seen it yet.

My opinion is, it’s just another step in the dismantling of the Constitution. Another step of guilty until proven innocent, which is all that ill until proven well amounts to. It’s just disguised as a public health issue. Bypass need for evidence, no probable cause, etc.

News Item1/4/2021 2:26 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
excerpt from, "Anthony Fauci rejects Donald Trump's claims US coronavirus figures 'far exaggerated'"
This would be important news except that the numbers are indeed exaggerated, and Fauci can’t seem to decide which of the things he says are the things he believes anyway. Most of the “cases” no longer exist, even if they were all Covid-19, which they weren’t, yet CDC keeps adding them into the mix. Do you really think cases from last Winter and Spring are part of the case count today? Is it ethical to add this season’s cases to last season’s? Do we do this with other viruses? Please. There’s a reason the swamp doctors do this, and never tell us how many recoveries there have been. Your efforts to cause doubt are failing, and will continue to do so. But keep trying.

News Item1/4/2021 10:53 AM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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Ladybug wrote:
US, I wasn't using rabbit trails. You said this, "denying the non Biblical premise that men are not called to respond to the gospel when **clearly they are**...."And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent". God commands, does that mean He expects sinners to respond? No, because He has already determined who He saved and who He didn't save.
Pardon the interruption, but there might be an issue with that, Ladybug. If we say God does not expect response to his commands, we would also have to say his commands are not commands at all, but rather they are rhetorical devices.

News Item1/4/2021 10:42 AM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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Florian Geyer wrote:
Unless they can make the batteries able to be quickly swapped out, I dont see them becoming widely adopted. Perhaps if they're easily swapped, you could exchange them at battery stations the way people exchange propane tanks. Stop there with a low battery, the crew will swap it out with a charged one, and you can be on your way.
And when you go swap it, remember to bring a credit card with a high limit.

News Item1/4/2021 10:37 AM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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HerbalMama wrote:
Hey Mike, look what's up for vote in NY.
Might be time to get out of dodge.
I have already seen it. There is no limit to what the evil, disgusting, degenerate, and unconstitutional left will seek to do when they own all three branches of government. This is real, not conspiracy theory. Warning to the US.

News Item1/3/2021 10:34 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
1. Ah, mike, how did I become anti-immigrant?
2. And they did mention immigration. I have never been for open borders, but of course even illegal immigrants have to be treated humanely, something that has been in dispute with the present administration ❗👎
3. Almost all this should be past tense as pointed out in:
"‘The Time For Questioning’ Has Passed: All Living Ex-Defense Secretaries Say Election Is Over"❗👍
1. You continually bring up Ted Cruz’ birthplace, as though it mattered. Since it doesn’t matter to anyone except you, the conclusion that is left is you don’t like immigrants.

2. Your man Obama built those “cages.” You didn’t complain then.

3. What a Defense Secretary, living or dead says about an election being over, is irrelevant. Surely you are somewhat familiar with how the American system works, even if you disagree with it?

News Item1/3/2021 3:31 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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szczecin nieruchomosci wrote:
You know your projects stand out of the herd. There is something special about them. It seems to me all of them are really brilliant!
You and your posting buddies are as phony as a 30 Rupee banknote.
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