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News Item8/27/19 6:48 PM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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B. McCausland wrote:
Whatever you say, it is terribly worrying to observe how much pragmatism governs actions, standards, and decisions in the church today.
Realistically is not the Word that governs but what it might work, the innovative, the feeling-good, rationalised opinion, or the convenient.
It is understandable for governments to take such line of action as they do not care for the word, yet the church continually goes on paying the price for this accepted and habitual trend.

News Item8/27/19 4:11 PM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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B. McCausland wrote:
We can make assumptions out of pragmatism, which is what invented scenarios are, but it is not safe to make them a matter of faith and conviction.
We anchor from the Word to draw conclusions, not pragmatism. This is a grave error.
E g. We can pragmatically distribute free contraceptives to curve unwanted teenage pregnancy, yet the solution is the implementation of thou shall not commit adultery.
Please stop going round and round trying to find a way out of this basic principle of hermeneutics placing flaw where it is not due.
Thanks for your response. Whether you agree or not it is a matter of personal opinion. I have rightly divided the Word of Truth as I see it.


News Item8/27/19 9:53 AM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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Just passing through here. But BMacCausland I get what they are saying.

You and John UK are discounting what people are saying by stating they are using a straw man and thus what they are saying is of no value, but your assessment is wrong. You are also saying that what you are saying is Scriptural and what others are saying is not.

You’re entitled to your opinion, but it is just that, your opinion. We appreciate the fact that you base your beliefs on the Bible and are trying to admonish the brethren. However I did use Scripture to back my thinking. The fact that you don’t see it that way doesn’t make you right and me wrong and vise versa. It means we see things differently and we should respectfully discuss things instead of insisting we have superior intellectual skills and deeper spiritual understanding of the Bible.

News Item8/26/19 12:04 AM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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This, Lord willing will be my last post in this thread, although I will take the time as a common courtesy to read any responses that people feel obligated to give.

Adriel, John UK, and BMac among others have spent time sharing with us the great need we have to trust God. Great verses, thoughts and testimonies have been shared for which we should all be thankful.

I firmly believe the problem is the premise is flawed. The one that says no self defense. On both sides of the Atlantic a woman defending herself and/or her children from an abusive spouse or significant other is not persecuted for any bodily harm they cause even it results in death It is seen by both countries as a lawful act. One would hope we wouldn’t condemn the woman for her actions. Also taking out a person who is about to commit mass murderer before he or she becomes one is a lawful act. Thus, both in my thinking fall under Romans 13.

Trusting God is not a measure of blind faith. We still lock doors, have insurance policies and avoid things that put ourselves in harms way. We trust God for our physical well being (Acts 17:28; Daniel 5:23) but still use medicine, physicians, and bodily care.

Thanks for giving me your time, God bless

News Item8/25/19 10:52 AM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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If John were being forthright he would truthfully say his discovery of “errors” of premillennialism and dispensationalism came at the hands of men he read or heard not from some “revelation” that suddenly hit as he was reading his Bible.

News Item8/25/19 5:41 AM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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B. McCausland wrote:
1. Not interested in your scenarios, US, which are only strawmen at best, but in the Word, which after having been presented has been laid to rest with you.
2. Erraticly over extrapolating some approximate facts, US, but regretfully distorting and misconstructing truth from them
3. Coming a little closer to a real faction of the entire picture
Fare well, US, take a rest and God bless you, and yours
Thanks for your kind wishes and I pray the same for you.

Please tell Adriel to take heart, the NHS should be able to see him in a couple of months at the earliest.

News Item8/24/19 9:20 PM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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Jim got his “facts” discombobulated once again.

In 1971, only about 32 percent of all Americans enjoyed air conditioning in their homes. By 2001, 76 percent of poor people had air conditioning. In 1971, only 43 percent of Americans owned a color television; in 2001, 97 percent of poor people owned at least one. In 1971, 1 percent of American homes had a microwave oven; in 2001, 73 percent of poor people had one. Forty-six percent of poor households own their homes. Only about 6 percent of poor households are overcrowded. The average poor American has more living space than the average non-poor individual living in Paris, London, Vienna, Athens and other European cities.
Nearly three-quarters of poor households own a car; 30 percent own two or more cars. Seventy-eight percent of the poor have a VCR or DVD player; 62 percent have cable or satellite TV reception; and one-third have an automatic dishwasher.

See also

Here are 3 videos to help you out Jim

News Item8/24/19 12:18 PM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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Note neither John, Adriel or BMac answered my scenarios. So it might be safe to assume that if John was painting and had a glass full of turpentine to clean his brushes and Adriel came in and picked up the glass because he was thirsty that John wouldn’t stop him because there’s no example of that being done in the New Testament and BMac wouldn’t warm him because it’s just a stupid American thing.

Adriel there are several examples where a mass shooting was stopped by an armed citizen. The leftest press in America doesn’t cover it. We obviously would have taken any necessary to stop any mass shooting

Not straw grasping John just applying Scripture correctly

News Item8/24/19 10:36 AM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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You come across two young teenage thugs beating up on an elderly lady to rob her.  Do you say, I am sorry ma’am I cannot find any example in the New Testament where a Christian helped defend someone who was been beaten and robbed, carry on boys.   

You at setting where you are eating and many people start getting sick  The chef says don’t eat this because it has botulism.  Someone unawares sits down to have the food but you don’t say anything because there are no New Testament examples of Christians stopping someone from consuming food that causes sickness.

A flood has washed out a bridge but you don’t attempt to warn a car driving onto it because there are no examples of Christians in the New Testament stopping someone about to drive into danger.

News Item8/24/19 10:10 AM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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John I gave you Biblical warrant.  Defending one against bodily harm is doing good for them. (Galatians 6:10).

Biblical principles are found in the Scripture which includes both the Old and New Testament.

II Samuel 21

Moreover the Philistines had yet war again with Israel; and David went down, and his servants with him, and fought against the Philistines: and David waxed faint.
And Ishbibenob, which was of the sons of the giant, the weight of whose spear weighed three hundred shekels of brass in weight, he being girded with a new sword, thought to have slain David.
But Abishai the son of Zeruiah succoured him, and smote the Philistine, and killed him.

Every known instance of what we do is NOT detailed in Scripture.  Where is your Biblical warrant for enjoying a cup of tea, driving a car, taking a shower, using electricity, listening to a sermon in mp3 format from somewhere you have never been?  Are you thus saying that if a child about to enter a busy street that you don’t make an attempt to save their life, because there is no “Biblical warrant” to do that?

News Item8/23/19 10:20 PM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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Looks like about 195 countries so around 85% don't allow birthright citizenship and the US should be part of that number because the 14th amendment was never intended to be interpreted that way.

News Item8/23/19 3:59 PM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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33 countries out of hundreds maybe thousands is not an impressive statistic except for Jim

News Item8/23/19 3:45 PM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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If that does not mean do not murder Adriel you best cut out Joshua and most of the rest of Old Testament Scripture out of your Bible

News Item8/23/19 11:47 AM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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Try Foxes Book of Martyrs

News Item8/23/19 11:07 AM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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John UK wrote:
Ahem, a couple of things here bro.
1. It was "the authorities" who protected Paul. He was in their custody. It was NOT Paul defending himself, nor did he ask his Christian friends to defend him. I can hardly believe you are using this text as a proof text. Yet you are angry with me, who has a just argument, and why is that? You will have to work that through with the Lord Jesus.
2. You are jumping, jumping, away from your proof text, knowing it to be no proof text (the tongue-in-cheek technique) and now are jumping into another argument, hoping that it might fare better (clutching at straws technique).
Brother, I am convinced you are fully aware of the futility of your argument, but you fear the Yee Ha preachers and other members who will laugh at you, and force you to leave their circle.
Brother John, we will give you your thinking on Paul.

Not clutching at straws, don't care what other preachers think, basing my thinking on Biblical principles of my God given responsibilities from the verses cited in my last post.

If you don't see that it is not my problem. God bless.

News Item8/23/19 10:31 AM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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John UK wrote:
Bro US, this is what I referred to earlier as the "clutching-at-straws" and "tongue-in-cheek" technique for a "proof text".
Sure, I never said it was wrong to dial 911.
Had a reply written and decided it was too snarky.

Here's the bottom line. The Scripture says I am to provide for my own and I believe that includes their safety and protection.

The Scripture says I am to do good to all men but especially those of the household of faith and that includes stopping them from receiving bodily harm when it is within my power to do so.

News Item8/23/19 9:52 AM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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John UK wrote:
Well Christopher, I can post up for your perusal plenty of NT examples of blood spilt or at the very least the churches attacked, members beaten, falsely charged and imprisoned, beheadings, stoning to death, and all the rest of it. And not one peep of any church member fighting for their survival with any weapon. Are you thinking that these battles were just not recorded in scripture? Or would you agree with me that there were no such battles?
Read Acts 23:16-35 John, anyone attempting to attack this church member/leader would have been put to death and the protection given was strictly self-defense purposes. And yes he was being tried for his faith.

News Item8/23/19 9:06 AM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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You can skip Jim's link and read what the author of the amendment wrote (from article)

The 14th Amendment was actually designed to make citizens of the former slaves freed by the 13th Amendment in 1865, and thus guarantee that they would enjoy all the rights of American citizenship. The phrase “and subject to the jurisdiction thereof” has, of course, been ignored by those promoting the concept of open borders. Clearly, the framers of the 14th Amendment intended that only children “born subject to the jurisdiction thereof” that is, the jurisdiction of the United States, are considered natural-born citizens. This would, by the clear wording of the amendment, not include the children of illegal aliens or “birth tourists,” because they are still under the jurisdiction of foreign governments.

Senator Jacob Merritt Howard of Michigan, an author of the 14th Amendment, said during the discussions over the effects of the amendment, “This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners.”

In other words, those who are born in the United States “under the jurisdiction thereof” would only include those whose parents are American citizens themselves, or those whose parents have placed themselves under U.S. jurisdiction — legal residents

News Item8/22/19 3:15 PM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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Please note it says avenge not not defend not.

News Item8/22/19 2:12 PM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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Pretty much, sister BMac, the way God pushed down the enemies spoken of in the Psalm was through them being killed by the Israelites

No one talking about being separated from the love of Christ for His elect. To say those verses promote Pacism would not be consistent with the context

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