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News Item11/16/18 12:49 PM
Plain Old Tim | Possum Hollow, USA  Find all comments by Plain Old Tim
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No, JUK. Atheist women are okey dokey, but the mules should have a clear salvation testimony.

News Item11/16/18 12:48 PM
Plain Old Tim | Possum Hollow, USA  Find all comments by Plain Old Tim
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If the preaching is right, people like Cinderfella will soon get right, too—or get gone on their own.

News Item11/16/18 10:56 AM
Plain Old Tim | Possum Hollow, USA  Find all comments by Plain Old Tim
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Baptism by immersion identifies the believer with the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. I’ve been to quite a few funerals, but I’ve yet to see a decedent buried by sprinkling or pouring dirt on his head. However, I’ve never been to a Presbyterian funeral, so maybe that’s how they do it.
Christopher, I’m appalled by your suggestion that I and my kinfolk take “monthly” baths. We would never consent to wasting that much water.

News Item11/16/18 10:46 AM
Plain Old Tim | Possum Hollow, USA  Find all comments by Plain Old Tim
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My people descended from Vikings. In fact, they descended quite a way...

News Item11/16/18 9:57 AM
Plain Old Tim | Possum Hollow, USA  Find all comments by Plain Old Tim
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If they let a woman pastor the church, then why not an atheist? Or a mule?

News Item11/16/18 9:11 AM
Plain Old Tim | Possum Hollow, USA  Find all comments by Plain Old Tim
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Here’s a hot tip for you, CS. I just heard through the grapevine that the pope is planning a joint news conference with Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny to address the problem of lying. The conference, which will be moderated by the Tooth Fairy, is open to all reporters accredited by the Vatican and/or the North Pole.

News Item11/16/18 9:06 AM
Plain Old Tim | Possum Hollow, USA  Find all comments by Plain Old Tim
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The question is not whether Protestants, or Catholics, or Republicans, or Democrats, or conservatives, or liberals have a problem with Roe vs. Wade. The question is whether God has a problem with it, and even the most cursory reading of His book will readily reveal that He does.

News Item11/16/18 9:02 AM
Plain Old Tim | Possum Hollow, USA  Find all comments by Plain Old Tim
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I like Post-It notes, too, Chris, but don’t you think it’s overkill putting 37 of them on your shopping cart just to remind yourself to rotate the tires?

News Item11/16/18 7:27 AM
Plain Old Tim | Possum Hollow, USA  Find all comments by Plain Old Tim
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Baptist. Immersionist. Dipper. Anything but Sprinkler. Sprinkling is for dry lawns and for clothes prior to ironing. Baptism by immersion is for believers in Christ. And I’ve yet to hear an infant make a profession of faith, so unless you aim to iron â€em, why sprinkle â€em?

News Item11/16/18 6:26 AM
Plain Old Tim | Possum Hollow, USA  Find all comments by Plain Old Tim
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Tread lightly there, Carl. You can’t have seven and a half billion people demanding reparations. And who knows, serpents may try to get in on the bonanza also.

News Item11/15/18 10:08 PM
Plain Old Tim | Possum Hollow, USA  Find all comments by Plain Old Tim
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I’ve read some incredible stuff on SA, but that was a real jaw-dropper. Everyone is a Christian—except, of course, the framers of the Constitution. They were deists. But everyone else is a Christian. II Babylonians 28:6, cf Hezekiah 4:18. Oh, and don’t forget Opinions 18:22.

News Item11/15/18 8:47 PM
Plain Old Tim | Possum Hollow, USA  Find all comments by Plain Old Tim
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At least when Jesus asked His disciples who people thought He was, none of them said “John the Presbyterian.”

News Item11/15/18 7:57 PM
Plain Old Tim | Possum Hollow, USA  Find all comments by Plain Old Tim
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They’re getting scarce, JAG. I used to know quite a few of them. Now I don’t know any that I can think of.

News Item11/15/18 6:25 PM
Plain Old Tim | Possum Hollow, USA  Find all comments by Plain Old Tim
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JAG, back to your post of eight hours ago (sorry, I’ve been out all day), my stepdad served in Patton’s Third Army and was surrounded by the Germans in the Battle of the Bulge. A career soldier, he was also a combat infantryman in the Korean War (which was not a just a “conflict”). He received the Bronze Star for heroic actions in both wars, but like most men of “the Greatest Generation” he didn’t go around bragging about his wartime service, and I never saw his citations, so I’m not sure what he did to earn the medals. For the first ten or twelve years of my Navy career, I had the privilege of serving with quite a few old WWII veterans, and God graciously used me in leading three WWII vets to the Lord, including one who just passed away last year.
On a lighter note, I knew one man who served in France after D-Day. One time he got drunk on French wine, hopped on a motorcycle to show off in front of his buddies, wrecked the bike and got cut up in the accident. For this “actio0 he was awarded the Purple Heart. But hey, at least he was in France with the Army, and not hanging around a college campus criticizing America and burning the flag.

News Item11/15/18 9:21 AM
Plain Old Tim | Possum Hollow, USA  Find all comments by Plain Old Tim
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Erik, Hebrews 2:8 doesn’t say that we don’t see Christ’s dominion “fully manifest.” It very plainly states that we don’t see it YET. The reason we don’t see it YET is because He has not returned, as He promised to do, to set up His kingdom YET. Why don’t you stop twisting the scriptures to suit your cultic nations and ask God to reveal His truth to your heart?
Gonna be out of pocket for a few hours, so I may not see your response. I don’t have a computer with Internet and the phone only carries so many posts before it starts dropping them from the bottom. Good day.

News Item11/15/18 8:21 AM
Plain Old Tim | Possum Hollow, USA  Find all comments by Plain Old Tim
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Agreed, James. Mary Boykin Chestnut’s supposed diary makes interesting reading.

News Item11/15/18 8:15 AM
Plain Old Tim | Possum Hollow, USA  Find all comments by Plain Old Tim
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BTW, JAG, I can’t help noticing that you and your brother are more articulate than most young people today. I guess the homeschool environment accounts for that. Otherwise your moniker would probably be “Just, Like, a Dude in Like, Mississippi and Stuff.” Like.

News Item11/15/18 7:48 AM
Plain Old Tim | Possum Hollow, USA  Find all comments by Plain Old Tim
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Sorry, Lickskillet, not Luckskillet—although you were lucky if the skillet never hit you on the noggin.

News Item11/15/18 7:45 AM
Plain Old Tim | Possum Hollow, USA  Find all comments by Plain Old Tim
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JAG, you’re right, slavery and the Civil War were a long time ago—and yet not as long as you might think. My grandfather was born in 1900; his grandfather was a Confederate soldier. So there are plenty of us old codgers who knew people who knew others who fought in or lived through the Civil War.
Obviously the war itself and the issues leading to the war excite passions to this day. Since the Centennial of the war in the early to mid-1960s aroused my interest in it, I have read everything I could get my hands on regarding the war, and visited many sites such as Vicksburg, Shiloh, Gettysburg, etc. But all I really “know” about the war and conditions leading up to it is what I have read that other people said, and perhaps you have noticed that people can be opinionated, fallible and downright nasty (if you don’t believe it, go back and read my own posts; you’ll see), and what they say may be true and it may not.
You may be interested to know that there is a Lickskillet Road a couple of miles from where I live, and another one in the North Georgia town where I lived for a while as a boy. There used to be a Luckskillet Farm up there, too, but it has long since become a subdivision. I have yet to encounter a Lickfryingpan anything, but I’m sure there’s one somewhere.

News Item11/15/18 7:21 AM
Plain Old Tim | Possum Hollow, USA  Find all comments by Plain Old Tim
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Glad you mentioned David Steele, Christopher, as I had never heard the term “Steelite.” I thought it was like a stalactite—cold, stony and altogether stuck up.
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