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News Item12/23/2020 6:39 AM
Kenny | Marietta, Georgia  Contact via emailFind all comments by Kenny
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Links Lincoln said: "Soon there will be a new Secretary of Education who is pro-public school, and there just not enough people think they can keep up a passable lifestyle without both parents working."

Well the fact that so many parents are, in fact, teaching their kids at home now blows that theory right out of the water, doesn't it? It's not that they think they can't. It's that their covetousness means they won't.

Government schools are no place under ANY circumstances for a child from a Christian home. Ever.

News Item10/10/2020 8:20 AM
Kenny | Marietta, Georgia  Contact via emailFind all comments by Kenny
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People (as Carl did and women usually do) often humorously use the example of the 'Proverbs 31 woman' as an example of a 'working mother' - an oxymoron if there ever was one - or a 'career woman'. The woman described in Proverbs 31 lived in an agrarian culture where most of her day was consumed with going to a market for food, preparing it several times a day for her family, making clothes, washing clothes, tending to her house, getting water, educating her own children and tending to the thousands of other domestic responsibilities that were necessary for a mother at that time. There was no electricity, no stove as we know it, no refrigeration, no washer or dryer, etc. She was indeed a very busy woman but there is not one thing listed in Proverbs 31 that she wouldn't have been doing while tending to and raising her children. To teach otherwise is to deny the very clear teaching of Scripture (pay particular attention in the New Testament) regarding women's roles in a Christian home.
She certainly wasn't absent all day while putting herself under the authority of men who were not her husband to 'fulfill herself' or provide money for a layabout husband.

News Item10/9/2020 6:30 AM
Kenny | Marietta, Georgia  Contact via emailFind all comments by Kenny
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Mrs. Barrett claims to be a Christian. If that's the case, agree with her politically or not, she needs to be at home raising that gaggle of kids - some adopted, one with Down's Syndrome - that God has given her. Not playing judge while being praised for her "conservatism".
This again shows just how far off base American Christians have come since cutting their Biblical moorings.

News Item10/4/2020 8:10 AM
Kenny | Marietta, Georgia  Contact via emailFind all comments by Kenny
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"Jimmy Link". LOL. I don't understand why Steven Lee didn't include a profile on Links Lincoln when he was emailing out those bios on SermonAudio employees a couple of months ago.

News Item9/9/2020 7:07 AM
Kenny | Marietta, Georgia  Contact via emailFind all comments by Kenny
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It's saddening that no mention is made here amongst believers (or anywhere else that I've seen) that a Christian woman is to be a 'discreet, chaste, keeper at home". Does Jen Hatmaker appear to be any of those things while she's out flying around the world spreading her un-Biblical claptrap amongst the gullible? Read God's requirements for women professing Christ in Paul's letters to Timothy. Do any of these silly women "Bible teachers" even come close to any of these qualifications? Do you notice that most all of these women are publicly shamed at some point along the way by marital difficulties? I have no idea who's at fault here but could you blame Mr. Hatmaker for getting lonely while Mrs. Hatmaker is out speaking to anyone who is stupid enough to listen to her devilish nonsense about how women should live their lives and be "fierce" (see 2 Timothy 3.3)?
If she and her husband are really Christians (which seems doubtful), Jen Hatmaker ought to be ashamed of herself for her behavior and her husband ought to be kicked for letting her do it.
The problem here isn't what Jen Hatmaker teaches or believes. The problem is that she's "teaching" at all. Mrs. Hatmaker needs to go home and get her priorities straight and try and salvage what's left of her family.

News Item7/18/2020 8:04 AM
Kenny | Marietta, Georgia  Contact via emailFind all comments by Kenny
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This article makes it sound as thought this is a bad thing. Northpoint is no "church". It's a night club with a pseudo-religious ambiance. Maybe the folks who go there (and there are a LOT of people who go there) will now be forced to find a group of true believers to fellowship with.
Andy Stanley is a multi-millionaire anyway so I can't imagine he'll hurt for income.
And if you aren't already familiar with Andy and some of his aberrant teachings/theology, you should do some research. Some of it is unbelievable.

News Item7/10/2020 6:30 AM
Kenny | Marietta, Georgia  Contact via emailFind all comments by Kenny
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Don Lemon is a sodomite. His mind and soul are bent and mangled - probably beyond repair. Why would anyone be surprised at him saying this?

News Item5/19/2020 7:53 AM
Kenny | Marietta, Georgia  Contact via emailFind all comments by Kenny
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Here in Atlanta, this won't pose much of a problem. Singing in most "churches" now consists of an overbearing rock band screaming the same mindless phrases over and over and over while the audience (I won't call it a congregation) bounces and wiggles. I am completely serious.

News Item5/9/2020 7:34 AM
Kenny | Marietta, Georgia  Contact via emailFind all comments by Kenny
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Simple, easy answer: Don't send your children into these God forsaken portals to hell.
Someone will say, "But some people don't have any choice". Yes, they do. They just make the wrong choice.

News Item2/15/2020 8:13 AM
Kenny | Marietta, Georgia  Contact via emailFind all comments by Kenny
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"...try heating a church on the paychecks of the woke generation. Like the Boys Scouts of America- that check will bounce all the way to bankruptcy court."


News Item2/2/2020 8:23 AM
Kenny | Marietta, Georgia  Contact via emailFind all comments by Kenny
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I keep a photo on my computer of Mike Pence in 2017 swearing in a sodomite US ambassador with it's hand on a copy of God's word and it's sodomite "wife" standing next to it, all three smiling. I post it on Facebook or any other website that allows photos whenever the subject of Pence's faith comes up. For Pence to stand there with an unrepentant sodomite desecrating and mocking God's word is disgusting and maybe blasphemous. The video of Pence meeting with and worshiping the anti-Christ of Rome from a few days ago is just icing on the cake. Mike Pence is the textbook example of a "Christian politician", isn't he?
Hey John! Hey Frank! Love you guys.

News Item12/24/19 8:30 AM
Kenny | Marietta, Georgia  Contact via emailFind all comments by Kenny
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If your biggest problem with Christianity Today is the way they've treated Donald Trump, you are not paying attention. CT jumped the tracks many years ago.

News Item12/15/19 7:29 AM
Kenny | Marietta, Georgia  Contact via emailFind all comments by Kenny
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I agree with John. Or better yet, just turn off the stupid television. Life awaits.

News Item11/9/19 7:10 AM
kenny  Contact via emailFind all comments by kenny
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I'm with Frank on this. The RC mess is a cult and the grossest distortion of Biblical truth on earth. I understand why the pope's comments are newsworthy since they affect so many but it's as though satan himself is speaking thru Francis. And if this article is true, he is.

News Item11/3/19 7:58 AM
kenny | marietta, georgia  Contact via emailFind all comments by kenny
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Just tax the churches. Problem solved. Why not? That's what Cuomo wants anyway. He can't afford to pay his bills spending money like water on asinine social programs and with everybody with any money-making sense moving to Florida or Texas. Tax them. Most of them (the ones with a 501c3 exemption) are basically businesses anyway that exist for the purpose of providing a handsome living for seminary grads. And do you think for one millisecond that Cuomo or the IRS is going to come after any black church or pastor that's preaching what they perceive as "politics"? Of course not. That would be ray-ciss.

And Jim 'Links' Lincoln needs to go. Why don't they change the name of this site to

News Item10/20/19 8:06 AM
Kenny | Marietta, Georgia  Contact via emailFind all comments by Kenny
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"Then there is the debate over the role of women in the workplace vs caring for their own children".

In the world of Christians, that should be the ONLY debate unless a woman is a widow or has an invalid husband. Actually, if Biblical Christians are involved it shouldn't even be a debate. What goes on inside the workplace is secondary and irrelevant - just like the government schools. A child from a Christian home has no place in Babylon's school system. A Christian mother with an able bodied husband has no business neglecting her kids in the workplace.

News Item8/29/19 11:05 AM
kenny | marietta, georgia  Contact via emailFind all comments by kenny
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And they departed from the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for His name.
Acts 5.41

News Item8/28/19 11:09 AM
kenny | marietta, georgia  Contact via emailFind all comments by kenny
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Frank, May I share your post below on my Facebook? (giving you credit, of course. If you'll tell me your last name I'll include that, too.) It's REALLY good. Thanks.

News Item7/7/19 7:52 AM
Kenny | Marietta, Georgia  Contact via emailFind all comments by Kenny
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This is painfully obvious when you look at the state of the Christian church today. Most believers are clueless as to what Scripture says other than "don't judge".
There are two fundamental reasons for this. 1) Most people have no idea what the Bible is (or says). They see it as a sacred book only for priests and preachers that's beyond their understanding and filled with historical data and a list of things they shouldn't be doing. That's what a lot of preachers and pastors want them to think. They have no idea that the book they can hold in their own hands contains the very mind of the God who created them and saved them. It's the most precious possession of the human race. 2) It's easier to go listen to Dr. So-and-So every Sunday tell them his personal interpretation of the Bible and what they should believe about it. He knows best because he's the "pastor". Or they let those heretical nuts on TV explain it to them.

News Item1/21/19 8:55 AM
kenny | marietta, georgia  Contact via emailFind all comments by kenny
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Mr. Pence would do well to heed his own instruction and share the gospel of salvation with those sodomites and their "partners" that he stands alongside while holding God's word (which strongly condemns their unrepentant behavior) for them to put their filthy hands on as he swears them into office. Mr. Pence seems to have high standards for everyone but himself.
And before you say, "but that's his job", go read the book of Daniel.
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