I will try to do a live broadcast about the following story as soon as I can.
As Russia's invasion of Ukraine has blown up into a conflict of horrific atrocities against civilians, nations around the world have lined up to condemn it — even historically neutral countries such as Switzerland.
But former televangelist Pat Robertson, who came out of his retirement to weigh in on the situation, sees something even grander in the whole affair — according to him, Vladimir Putin is being willed by God to conduct the invasion, as a way of triggering the End Times.
Download the ChurchOne App today so you can be notified when we are doing live broadcast, and when we add new content. Here is how it works, download the app in the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store Once the app is downloaded, simply search...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
We would like to invite you to join us in memorizing scripture using a free app. Here is what you need to do. 1. Go to the AppStore for your device. 2. Search for, The Bible Memory App 3. Download the app. 4 Once the app is download, go to the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
In his 1644 essay “Of Education,” English poet John Milton explained the purpose of learning from a Christian perspective: “The end, then, of learning is to repair the ruins of our first parents by regaining to know God aright,...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
YouTube has removed a recent sermon by Pastor John MacArthur in which he talks about biblical sexuality and asserts that God made humans as "male and female." I will be discussing the issue in the next episode of the Theology Central podcast. You...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
From the official Assemblies of God doctrinal statement: DIVINE HEALING Divine healing is an integral part of the gospel. Deliverance from sickness is provided for in the atonement, and is the privilege of all believers. compare that with what is...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Calvinism and Molinism are two very different ways of understanding God's sovereignty. But which one best addresses the problem of evil? James White argues that Calvinism - God foreordaining all human behaviour both good and evil - is the more...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Last night I did a podcast episode in which I gave some information about the rising tensions between Iran and Israel. This morning I came across the following news story. 'One wrong move': Tehran Times reveals Iran's targets in Israel A "rocket...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
For my evening devotional time I read the following quote: " God designed marriages more to develop character than to ensure a lifetime of happines." That quote got me thinking about how are perspective may be so flawed when it comes to many...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"Archaeologists in a Cambridgeshire village have uncovered rare skeletal remains of a man with a nail through his heel. Some believe the remains could be the first example of a Roman crucifixion in the United Kingdom." Read the rest of the report...[ abbreviated | read entire ]