Interesting journey! I did not expect this to start where it did but the twists and turns have only added to the appeal. Can’t wait to hear more!
Enjoyable Series I love hearing and participating in new perspectives. I appreciate the historical context provided to your studies. Another great study. Thanks!
Already interesting From the very start of this series there is much to contemplate and meditate on! Thank you for taking on such an important and complex doctrine and making it both educational and practical. Looking forward to hearing what’s to come!
Interesting Discussion This is definitely interesting. I know I have been confused before by the usage of these words...sometimes they get convoluted. Thank you!
Awesomeness!! I am very careful about these types of things largely because if I look too closely I could fall into the false teaching trap and I like to stay as close to the Bible as I can
Very Good Interpretation! Thank you for this. I always wonder when I hear certain sermons/teachings why the person is giving limited attention or no attention to the historical setting and who was being addressed. What did it mean to the person or people who were the first to hear what was being said or the first to see what had been written?
This'll be interesting. I'm excited to dig into this. It's an interesting topic and what's more. interesting is how it impacts daily life...or could.
Good Thought Points You bring up good points about tithe balance...where can we draw the line for we so desire to draw that line? Thought provoking.
Convicting and comforting sermon Thank you for this convicting reminder that I constantly fall short, that I need to look at myself before I look toward anyone else, and that when I see myself as I am, I can run to Christ and rest in Him.
When going too close to the middle of the road Mr Begg has treaded with impunity the middle of the road for a long time.
Necessarily a trip as this was due to occur to the consternation of many of his none discerning admirers. This is what happens when taking an ambiguous slant about separation.
Like the perspective Thanks for offering your perspective and bringing some sanity to the topic. My heart goes put to those that got railroaded in this situation.
100% agree I already struggle to voice my views because the second people realize I'm Christian and worse yet conservative I am shut down with comments of being radical all but terrorist and the tagline saying of "there's no love like Christian hate" from the one side and then am condemned by fellow Christians for not standing up for Christian principles...all because I agree with non Christians that we should not create laws to force Christian values. in fact forcing Christian values only impedes true conversion and those who need Christ the most are pushed further away and made resentful.of the values enforced on them
Always Interesting Topic Looking at what's happening in the church is always an interesting topic. Alot of old ideas mixed in to this current concern.