What does it mean that God desires mercy more than sacrifice? We look to re-learn what Hosea speaks of in the old testament. The concept is very important as Christ brings this up twice among formalism. What is the essence and heart of religion? How are we to practice what we believe? Not sacrifice but the heart is His delight!
Contrast: Each time you find these words you find the situation is an adverse one. Hosea prophesied when Israel and Judah was apostate and practicing formalism which was not acceptable to God and stronger yet was an abomination to the Lord. Their worship "was as the morning dew" and had evaporated and become mere formalism rather than sincere obedience from the heart! Matthew after turning to Christ holds a banquet with his friends (sinners) and the Pharisees condemn Him for sitting with these publicans and sinners and the Lord tells them He came to save sinners and not those that do not need a physician. Now they come to say the disciples are doing that which is not lawful on the Sabbath. Our Lord sharply contrasts these two concepts.
Mercy- the heartfelt bowels of compassion that God has shown to us in our Lord Jesus Christ. Goodness...or the knowledge of God more than sacrifice. The compassion that his people show as they have it (received it from the Living God.) The master and servant parable comes to mind as he who tasted of mercy, but did not understand and could not SHOW mercy to his fellow servant. The knowledge of God we know Him in all of His compassion and mercy as we receive forgiveness of all of our many sins. The "game of religion" will have or "holds no water" with the Lord! All outward show with nothing in the heart. He demands mercy not sacrifice!
Sacrificing- The one can stand by itself, but the other cannot. The outward formalism and horizontal ceremonies can stand by themselves. Israel and the Pharisees are proof. All the blood of goats could not save without the KNOWLEDGE and FAITH in Christ! Do we think God delights in just our church attendance just because we are there or the outward sheen? But faith...from the heart can never stand alone. James said "faith without works is DEAD." Faith shows itself in works and never stands alone! By our fruits e can be sure just like a good tree brings forth good fruit. The knowledge of God shows mercy and the inward worship of God ALWAYS shows itself in the 2nd table of the law! The Lord sat down with a tax collector! He came to "call sinners to repentance." These are the words Christ uses. Those who are not whole and tells them to go to learn what that means! What an indictment. Note that He sat with sinners, but He always called them rather than enable them. What sense would the second table of the law be without the first table of the law??? Paul counted his works and formalism all "DUNG and DROSS before the Lord...."
Blessedness: Thos e who are sick KNOW Christ and they will know that though they are grievous sinners God will press them to His bosom and God delights in His way of grace in the cross to bring a people unto Himself and that those people may live a thankful life and show God's mercy! What a blessing! No formalism here. You may have "played" religion perfectly your whole life or even now, but it means NOTHING! You are unwilling to associate with those less than we are when Christ meets and sits with sinners. Be whole. Go and learn what it means and show mercy!
"Admonished to Worship Seriously" Ecclesiastes 5:1&2, I. Samuel 15 There are many passages in scripture that speak to the seriousness of worship and how we ought to worship. Now days we hear of two ways....a conservative and...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"Exuberant Worship" Psalm 115:1-11, Psalm 96. Text: Psalm 100 This Psalm epitomizes worship and symbolizes worship. (The "Old 100th") Psalm 100 sets forth the character and the requirements of public worship. The delight of the sanctuary should...[ abbreviated | read entire ]