"Admonished to Worship Seriously" Ecclesiastes 5:1&2, I. Samuel 15 There are many passages in scripture that speak to the seriousness of worship and how we ought to worship. Now days we hear of two ways....a conservative and contemporary....but it ought to be distinguished!!! We must however be concerned about OUR worship. Our attitude when we go to worship and also a heart that is ready to receive ("be not quick to speak but listen...") We must worship "in Spirit and in truth!"
God's House: "Keep thy foot when thou goest to the house of God." The house of the Lord was the place where God dwelt with His people under one roof. He would tabernacle and dwell with them. Israel understood the typical of this (maybe more than we do) and we too can talk about church as we proclaim the SAME Gospel...Christ and the remission of sins which is the heart and soul of the Gospel! It is NOT the building but the spiritual entity! The church comes together in fellowship to praise God, have the fellowship of God's people as they listen to what GOD speaks, and enjoy a foretaste of the eternal rest! We are strengthened in that rest that we may more and more begin to enter into that eternal glory!
Our Approach: There are two principals here. 1. That we may hear God as He speaks to us and we hear HIS WORD. 2. The church meets to converse with God and the church RESPONDS to the Word of God even with our prayers and our adoration! Everything more than these two basic principals tend to detract. We must be EDIFIED! Our approach MUST BE to keep our feet...setting our feet in the way that the LORD demands. The spiritual attitude as we go to the house of God! What is our attitude? Two things that this means. 1. Be ready to HEAR than bring sacrifice. 2. Be not hasty to speak but eager to listen. The old testament talked against the formalism of worship and every formalism should be set aside as it is deceitful! God says to Israel you are trying to deceive Me...."all that you have belongs to Me!" We too need to consider who we worship. It is Jehovah! The Creator, the One who dwells in His own glorious countenance! The God we serve is the God the angels continually sing "holy, holy, holy!" Read Psalm 99. Do we consider who we come to worship? Are we and do we come ready to HEAR?..or do we come sleepy? God speaks FIRST always!!! We want to hear the wonder of our mighty God and how we must walk and our response then cannot be rash. A dream is made out of the busyness of life...but we must not be so filled with ourselves and the cares and burdens as we want to speak BEFORE we listen but this ought not to be. We must listen first and when we understand what our life situation is in regards to what God says then and then only can we speak. "I do ALL these things!" And our response should be such...praise and thanksgiving!
Outcome: Then it will be to HIS praise! Any formality (God should be happy with what I do) is of a fool! Do you think you do God a favor? Is worship to the Almighty God built around you, your likes, wants, and desires?....
But God is pleased with a humble and contrite spirit that bows before the Great Jehovah as we know we are least deserving of it. Then our whole life becomes a theme of praise to HIM!
How do you come to church?