Yesterday was an average day as far as attendance goes. The holiday is pretty much over and life is returning to normal. Most of our children from the 11th district came back yesterday. The kids from the area right around the church seem to be in hibernation. We have a special activity planned for April, and, as it will be warmed up pretty well by then, we plan to use the activity as a push to try to get these kids jump-started, though of course we will continue to visit and try to get them out to church.
For the last four weeks or so a 75-year-old man has been coming on Sunday mornings. We knocked on his door this winter. I finally got a chance to meet with him (he always said before when I suggested meeting that he would come on Sundays) Saturday and talk about salvation. He had a pretty good understanding of basic things and seemed repentant, but couldn't quite grasp salvation by grace through faith. I gave him some verses to read and when we met again on Sunday he seemed to understand and to have accepted that Christ alone could save him from his sin and the punishment thereof. It was a great blessing, as I have not had the opportunity to go through the Gospel with someone for quite a while. We pray that this man really understands and sincerely accepted God's free gift.
Hello,I had some trouble with my computer and wasn't able to send an update last week. I preached on salvation and had a few unsaved to preach to. A former member is coming with his wife and young child. I suspect she is not saved, though she has...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Hello,Sorry to have not written in the past couple of weeks. We are still at it here, dealing with winter. Winter is not turning out as the nay-sayers said it would. When the world did not end on Dec. 21, they came out with other predictions, like...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Hello,Sorry to not write you earlier. This week has been different, as I'm sure it has been for you all. I trust you had a good Christmas holiday.Last Sunday morning we didn't see any parents of the junior church kids come. That was disappointing,...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Hello, We are finally back in Mongolia. We ended up being gone about a month. We were received hospitably and well taken care of by The Haven Baptist Church in Gunsan. The people of the church were very gracious and a real blessing to us.Our...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Hello, I haven’t written in a while, so I will give fill you in on what has been happening here. Actually, “here” for us is Korea right now. We have been here for about two weeks now. We had to leave because our church...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Hello, Today was the last day before school starts tomorrow. We had 17 children, which wasn't bad. Many were with their parents at the market buying school supplies. We had three new kids from the area I have been talking about. That was a...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Hello, Our children's church attendance continues to do well. Teens is average, with some teens coming back that haven't come for a while. We do seem to have a faithful "core" now. Two of those have come for several years, coming up through the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Hello, We thank God for good attendance in our children's church over the last several weeks. Many of the new kids from camp are coming. Our daughter got on the phone yesterday looking off the registration from camp and was able to get some kids...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Hello, We praise the Lord for a successfull summer camp this year. We had many new kids from the area of our church, as well as kids from a new area, which I mentioned before. The second week we lost some kids halfway through the week....[ abbreviated | read entire ]