I haven’t written in a while, so I will give fill you in on what has been happening here. Actually, “here” for us is Korea right now. We have been here for about two weeks now. We had to leave because our church registration in Mongolia had not been renewed by the time our residency permission ran out. Residency permission cannot out-last the registration time period for the organization a foreigner works for in Mongolia. At least, that is the way it is for religious organizations. We left the 29th of Oct. As of now, our church registration has been renewed, and application for my work permission (kind of like a green card in America) has been turned in. I guess they said that it will take 5-10 business days for that to come through. Our church secretary is doing all our paperwork. Next after my work permission our application for residency permission will be turned in to Immigration. Once that comes through I will go to the Mongolian embassy here in Seoul to get visas.
In Mongolia responsibilities have been divided up and ministry schedules changed to make up for our absence. An American missionary is filling in for me in our mid-week service and Sunday mornings. I am sending some things to use in the church services also. Sunday evenings our men are taking turns using Bible study skills we looked at in Sunday School a while ago to study passages of Scripture I gave them and then relate what they find to the church. It seems to be going ok.
The Haven Baptist Church here in Gunsan, Korea has been very generous to offer us the use of an apartment in the church while we are here. We would appreciate your prayers for efficient processing of our paperwork in Mongolia, and God’s help for our church people as they take on an extra load of responsibility during our absence.