The months of March and April are generally the beginning of new life and great beauty. But, that has not been the case in Korea this year. These months brought about great pain and suffering for many in this land. A horrible attack took place on a Korean Navel vessel. The ship was blown in half and sunk to the bottom of the sea. A total of 47 sailors went out into eternity. These men had no idea that this patrol would be there last. But, it was! The government had a mass funeral for these men. It was horrible watching the grieving families and realizing that most of those men died unsaved. At the funeral the Buddhist monks burned their incense and chanted their godless prayers. The Catholic priest presented his words of false hope. The so-called Christian preacher told the crowd how these brave men were now with God. No one had the courage to preach the truth. No one shared the gospel message. The entire nation of South Korea was watching; a huge opportunity was missed. Folks, we are living in the last days, Jesus is coming soon and most of the world is still lost. We must get busy and share the truth. I am afraid that even in our Bible preaching churches most people are no different than that compromising preacher at the Navy funeral. They are afraid of what man might say. We must not be afraid to tell the truth. The people of the world are in the same situation as those sailors; this could be their last day. If they die without Jesus it will be our fault. Please open your eyes and your hearts and cry out to God, "Here am I, send me!"
Here at Yongsan Baptist Church, I had the opportunity to lead a Filipina to the Lord. Maria had been a Catholic her entire life but now praise Lord she is a child of God. She was baptized and became a member of our church. Now she is learning how to share the gospel with the rest of her family. Pray for Maria; she will return to the Philippines at the end of May and begin the work of winning folks to Jesus in her home land.
We were also blessed with a visit from one of our supporting pastors and his wife. Pastor Marty Wynn, pastor of Lighthouse Baptist Church in Columbus, GA; preached and sang and was truly a blessing to all of our folks. Thank you Brother and Sister Wynn your visit it was a real encouragement. The invitation is open to all, please come to Korea! We would love to have you visit us here. We will house you, feed you, and work you. Y'all come! God Bless and thank you for your prayers and faithful support.
Fellow Laborers in Christ, David L. Lewis II Cor 5:17, Gal 1:10
I have had several folks ask about my shoulder. All is going well. Everything healed up nicely and now I am doing some stretching and strengthening therapy on my own. I've even been able to get back on my bicycle!The beginning of this year has...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Our very busy furlough travel schedule has finally slowed down. Over the past few months we have been able to visit 30 of our supporting churches and preach for a couple of others. We count it a great honor to be used by our God to be a help and...[ abbreviated | read entire ]